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Chaos Theory/ Butterfly Effect. Run Lola Run!. Theme. (Cause & Effect/ Domino Effect). Presentation by Davina Price. What is Chaos Theory ?. To simplify as much as possible: chaos theory is a study of mathematics that include physics, philosophy, and a few other subjects.
Chaos Theory/ Butterfly Effect Run Lola Run! Theme (Cause & Effect/ Domino Effect) Presentation by Davina Price
What is Chaos Theory? • To simplify as much as possible: chaos theory is a study of mathematics that include physics, philosophy, and a few other subjects. • The overall idea of Chaos Theory is to study the behavior of the Dynamical System (time dependence at a geometrical space, i.e. swinging pendulum on a clock.) • This study shows how sensitive events are to the conditions, leading to what’s called the “Butterfly Effect.” • Mainly people find this type of theory to be easy to observe in weather. • “Explanation of such behavior may be sought through analysis of a chaotic mathematic model, or through analytical techniques such as recurrence plots and Poincaré maps.” (Source: Wikipedia)
Relevance… • The movie portrayed multiple spiral cases within each scenario. The most memorable one was the cartooned version of Lola running down the stair case, where the scenarios begin to change beginning with the boy and his dog. http://www.chromasia.com/iblog/archives/0601112342.php
What is the Butterfly Effect? • The Butterfly Effect is the huge dependence on certain events, where one small change in one place can determine a different end result. • An example of this effect would be the beginning of the “first run” and “second run” in the film: • In the first run the boy’s dog growls at her, causing her to run faster. Later she would run into a woman who in the future was going to steal a child. • In the second run Lola is tripped by the boy, who then falls down the stairs and injures her leg. Same as before, she collides with the woman, only in the future she would win the lottery, not steal a child. • Although this type of effect is deemed unlikely and is common in fictional writings involving time travel, this hypothesis is used to study and determine other, non-fictional events in life. *Note that the picture looks like the chaos theory diagram. →
Some scenes that portray spirals… • Throughout the movie they create an allusion of another movie called “Vertigo” which had reoccurring spirals in it as well. • As well as to tie into the effect of the Chaos Theory, the diagram can be closely described as a “spiral of events.”
…No spirals, however this was the 3rd event on how she got the money. (I forgot it’s relevance at current.)
Why is this so important? • The overall idea of the Chaos Theory and Butterfly Effect are major chunks of the movie “Run Lola Run!” • These theory’s are what create the ever changing plot in the movie, the differences from scenarios 1, 2, and 3 are all because of the idea of Butterfly Effect, where time travel is proposed, and Chaos Theory, the reoccurrence of events.
Agreement with the theme? • Sure. As strange as the movie is, it does present the two scientific theories in an organized fashion with an understanding of what both means. As well as strange, this movie made the themes thought provoking and strange, this is good becauseit gives people who have watched the movie, take time to recall the events and possibly think: “Hmm, now that’s interesting.”
The Sum Up: • Chaos Theory: • Event sensitivity • Reoccurrence of events • Butterfly Effect: • Dependence on events • Time lapsing • The “spiral of events”
Bibliography • http://www.scenicreflections.com/files/Butterfly_Effect_Wallpaper__yvt2.JPG • http://cdn-8.nflximg.com/images/3971/1043971.jpg • http://popcultureninja.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/run-lola-run1.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sensitive-dependency.svg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lorenz_attractor_yb.svg • http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/230/d/c/mst3k_run_lola_run_by_quantuminnovator-d4715jb.jpg • http://wagner.nyu.edu/reynolds/lorenz_attractor.png • http://livemall.blob.core.windows.net/moviesimages/MovieBackdrop/Original/1239694.jpg • http://publish.uwo.ca/~dmann/lola%2021scream.jpg • http://popcornographyblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/dominoes01big.jpg • http://marcosaville.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/butterfly-effect-qpps_791929745355488-lg.jpg • http://www.moviesin203.org/images/2011/LolaBolle.jpg • http://www.gadgets.co.nz/mjv/lola/images/lola_bridge.jpg • http://sankyshetty916.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/936full-run-lola-run-screenshot.jpg • https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-t-4alr2-s2k/TYQZ2FImJ9I/AAAAAAAAAYc/tmXjW2Phj3M/s200/Run+Lola+Clock+Motif.jpg • http://www.dvdactive.com/images/reviews/screenshot/2008/4/runlolarunbdcap1.jpg • http://www.jaredmobarak.com/wp-content/filmstills/runlolarun01.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run_Lola_Run • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory