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Diffractive Higgs (and c ) production

Diffractive Higgs (and c ) production. K aidalov, K hoze, M artin, R yskin, S tirling. Introduction SM Higgs pp  p + H + p Calculation of bb bar background 0 + and 0 - Higgs diffractive production SUSY Higgs diffractive production diffractive c meson production.

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Diffractive Higgs (and c ) production

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  1. Diffractive Higgs (and c) production Kaidalov,Khoze,Martin,Ryskin,Stirling • Introduction • SM Higgs pp  p + H + p • Calculation of bbbar background • 0+ and 0-Higgs diffractive production • SUSY Higgs diffractive production • diffractive c meson production DIS 2004, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia Alan Martin (IPPP,Durham)

  2. pp p + H + p

  3. no emission when (l ~ 1/kt) > (d ~ 1/Qt) i.e. only emission withkt > Qt

  4. calculated using detailed 2-channel eikonal global analysis of soft pp data S2 = 0.026 at LHC S2 = 0.05 at Tevatron Lonnblad Monte Carlo S2 = 0.026 S2 = 0.040 MH=120GeV

  5. + collinearity + “gapiness”

  6. Summary for SM diffractive signal

  7. ppp1 + higgs + p2 higgs

  8. rescatt. corr. omitted S2=1

  9. more peripheral p1T,p2T correlations reflect spin-parity of central system: can distinguish 0- from 0+ pp  p1 + H + p2

  10. decoupling regime: mA ~ mH large h = SM intense coup: mh ~ mA ~ mH gg,WW.. coup. suppressed

  11. SM: pp  p + (Hbb) + p S/B~11/4 with DM = 1 GeV, at LHC with 30 fb-1 e.g. mA = 130 GeV, tan b = 50 (difficult for conventional detection, but exclusive diffractive favourable) S B mh = 124.4 GeV 71 3 events mH = 135.5 GeV 124 2 mA = 130 GeV 1 2 enhancement

  12. 5s signal at LHC 30 fb-1 300 fb-1

  13. KMR+Stirling Diffractive c production only order-of-magnitude estimates possible for c production

  14. Conclusions Proton tagging is a valuable weapon in LHC Higgs physics pp  p + H + p: S/B~3, DMmiss~1GeV, Mmiss = Mbb SUSY Higgs: unique signals in certain domains of MSSM tan b large (i) mh~mH~mA (s enhanced), (ii) mA large Exclusive double diff. prod. strongly favours 0+ Azimuthal correlations are valuable spin-parity analyzer Distinguish 0- from 0+ Higgs Large rate for diffractive c production: probes low x, low Q2 gluons  pQCD ?  probes dynamics -- potential spin-parity (quantum no.) analyzer

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