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Welcome To Hermiston ONLINE!. Orientation for the 2012/2013 School Year. With Online Education YOU CAN:. Work on your coursework at any time of the day or night, any day of the week! Work at your own pace Experience state-of-the-art, interesting and interactive curriculum
Welcome To Hermiston ONLINE! Orientation for the 2012/2013 School Year
With Online Education YOU CAN: • Work on your coursework at any time of the day or night, any day of the week! • Work at your own pace • Experience state-of-the-art, interesting and interactive curriculum • Work from the comfort of your home
What you will need to do: • Make yourself a schedule so that you make adequate progress in your classes EVERY WEEK! • Most classes require a minimum of 1 hour per class EVERY weekday to ensure sufficient progress. • Communication is essential for student success. Regular and consistent emails between the student, their teachers, and the Hermiston ONLINE Coordinator is expected.
Some Important Business • Students are required to make progress in EVERY CLASS, EVERY WEEK. • Students are expectedto participate in state mandated OAKS tests*. • You will be notified when you need to reportfor testing, we will try to give you as much notice as possible when scheduling. *Required for graduation in Oregon.
Expectations with ONLINE School • Students must make progress in EVERY class, EVERY week to be in good standing. • Students must submit assignments in EVERY class, EVERY week to be in good standing. • Students will practice good digital citizenship. • Students will have regular communication with their teachers and ONLINE Coordinator. • Students that are not in good standing jeopardize future enrollment in the program.
Academic Integrity • Plagiarism: Copying someone’s work and submitting it as your own is plagiarism, and will not tolerated. • Cheating: All forms of cheating willnot be tolerated. Please see our Academic Honesty Policy for more information. • Use your dynamic schedule to stay on pace and communicate regularly with your teachers to avoid falling behind.
Courses • Please contact us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you need to change or drop a course. Changes can be made in the first 10 days, otherwise you face the possibility of receiving a failing grade in the course if you don’t finish it. • It is up to you to reach out to your teachers for extra help and support on assignments if needed. If you don’t ask, they probably don’t know you need help.
Materials • Grades K-5 receive all materials through our program. • Grades 6-12, most materials are provided online. • Sometimes you may need to purchase extra incidental supplies for science experiments and large projects. • Some Language Arts classes might require you to check out reading books from the library. • A Flash (jump) drive is very helpful to save work as well as a calculator for math.
K-5 Login Information For grades K-5, go to www.k12.com and click on OLS login.
K-5 Login First time users will click on “Set Up Your Account.” To set up your account, you need the registration number that was emailed to you welcoming you to K12. Please refer to your email for this number or contact your school to have it retrieved for you.
My K-5 student tried to log in, but it won’t let us in? • K-5 using the OLS – Be sure to register using the registration number that was sent to you. If you still can’t gain access or forgot your password, you can click on “forgot username or password” to have it reset.
I’m logged in as a Learning Coach in the OLS, now what? K-5 students MUST take the Introduction to Online Learning. This course is short, but will help save you time byunderstanding how to navigate the OLS and how to be a successful student and learning coach.
K-5 Communication • Kmail is our internal email system within the OLS. You should be checking your Kmail daily. Your child’s classroom teacher will communicate with you and/or the student via Kmail. • Please be sure to check there for announcements or answers to questions you may have asked. If you need to contact your teacher, send a Kmail. Remember that teachers have 24 hours to respond to Kmail messages, but they work hard to get to you at their earliest convenience.
Blackboard Blackboard Collaborate is another form of communication, but you would need to either attend an already scheduled Class Connect session, or request time to meet with your teacher for extra help. To contact your teacher regarding options, send him/her a Kmail.
K-5 Resources/Support 1. Don’t forget to participate in the Introduction to Online Learning course. This course is very important in helping you to ensure a successful online experience. 2. Your teacher is a great resource for your curriculum or course needs.
K-5 Resources/Support 3. www.k12.com/start is filled with great resources for parents 4. http://support.onlineschoolsolutions/comis a great resource for commonly asked questions. This is also the place that will tell you if we are experiencing any delays within our systems.
Welcome to K12/Aventafor grades 6-12 Where do I log in my 6-12 student? For grades 6-12, login to www.aventalearning.com and click on Log In. • Use the username and password that was sent to you welcoming you to Aventa Learning. If you can’t find that email, contact your school for that information. Also notice the student tool kit and student portal for added support.
My 6-12 student tried to log in, but it won’t let us in? 6-12 using Aventa Learning - If you can’t log in: 1. First, keep in mind that you are not able to log in until the start date of your courses. If your course start date is September 10th, and you try to log in on September 8th, you will not be able to get into the Blackboard system. 2. If that is not the reason, make sure your user name and password are correct (they are case sensitive) or contact your mentor to retrieve it for you.
My 6-12 Student Logged into Blackboard, now what? For your 6-12 students logging in to Blackboard, under My Classes, start with the Orientation. This course will help you to better understand how to navigate Blackboard and answer common questions.
6-12 Communication • 6-12 grade students have many ways to contact their teacher. When you first enter your course, you should see announcements, class connects, and a staff page where you can get information about your teacher. The announcements might tell you a little bit about your teacher and the types of communication he/she will have with you. • You also can click on the staff information to find out more information on contacting your teacher directly. If you have any questions relating to the curriculum or the course, please contact your teacher. Remember, teachers need up to 24 hours to respond, but they do their best to get back to you in a timely manner.
6-12 Resources/Support 1. Be sure to attend the Orientation sections of each course and in the main “My Classes” section. These orientations will help you to understand the many aspects of Blackboard and how to navigate expected features for that particular course. 2. Contact your teacher if you have curriculum or course questions. Remember, they will respond within 24 hours. 3. http://support.onlineschoolsolutions.com is a great resource for commonly asked questions. This is also the place that will tell you if we are experiencing any delays wtihin our systems.
Completing Assignments • It is best to keep in close and frequent contact with your teacher on “how” (document format) and “where” to turn assignments in. • Teachers will provide details on how to format assignments for proper submission.
Checking Grades • When you are viewing your classes, you can click on the “My Grades” tab and look at your quizzes, tests, assignments and discussion board post grades. • You can also view feedback from your teacher and if you need to re-submit for more points. • Your “Cumulative Grade %” is the “percent complete” or how much of that particular class you have finished.
Questions? • Contact your teacher for questions about your assignments or grades. • Contact your mentor (Hermiston ONLINE Coordinator) if you need help with your password, logging into the system or help contacting and communicating with your teacher. • Contact your mentor for all quiz resets and passwords 541-667-6411 or via email.