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Photoluminescence properties of hemicyanine dyes in nanosized zeolite pores. Doseok Kim, Myounghee Lee, Taekyu Shim Department of Physics, Sogang University Hyunsung Kim, Kyung Byung Yoon Department of Chemistry, Sogang University www.sogang.ac.kr/~nlopt. Trebuchet MS, no bold, 32pt
Photoluminescence properties of hemicyanine dyesin nanosized zeolite pores Doseok Kim, Myounghee Lee, Taekyu Shim Department of Physics, Sogang University Hyunsung Kim, Kyung Byung Yoon Department of Chemistry, Sogang University www.sogang.ac.kr/~nlopt Trebuchet MS, no bold, 32pt center-aligned Trebuchet MS, bold, no italic, 20pt, center-aligned Trebuchet MS, no bold, italic, 16pt, center-aligned
Outline Trebuchet MS, bold, 28pt • Photoluminescence decay lifetime measurement • Our system: Hemicyanine / zeolite (nanoporous system) - Change of PL decay lifetime vs. environment - Forster energy transfer - Determination of hyperpolarizability components of NLO molecule Trebuchet MS, bold, 24pt Trebuchet MS, no bold, 20pt
Photoluminescence from a dye molecule • Absorption of a photon (very fast) • Vibrational relaxation (~ps) • Fluorescence parameters we can study spectrum, quantum yield, lifetime, anisotropy Cy3
Steady state PL & PL decay characteristics low high concentration Use different colors for lines and symbols. Adjust the font size as you resize the graph low high concentration As the dye concentration increases, 1. red-shift of PL peak 2. PL quenching nonradiative relaxation
제목 : Trebuchet MS (font32) 발표자 : Trebuchet MS (font20) 날짜 : Trebuchet MS (font 18)
소제목 : Arial Black (font 20) Graph 제목 : Arial (font16) Graph 위치 : 왼쪽, 한 장당 2개의 graph를 기준으로 합 Graph 설명 : 오른쪽, Arial (font 16) Graph 제목 : Arial (font16) Origin file : Graph size (가로 7cm, 세로 9.03cm 가로세로자동비율) Graph 테두리 네면 축 이름 – arial 36
그림 위치 : 왼쪽 그림 설명 : 오른쪽, Arial (font 16) 그림 : 글씨 – Trebuchet MS (font 14) 선의 굵기 – 기준1.5pt, 강조2pt 도형 테두리 없음 소제목 : Arial Black (font 20) 그림제목 : Arial (font16) fluorescence Raman signal Pump crossed polarizer polarizer Raman signal
Arial, no bold, 36pt Unit shown after a space Inside a parenthesis Use (arb. Units) when appropriate Line thickness: 1.5 Major tickmarks pointing inward for all sides Legend should be at upper right corner Arial, no bold. 28pt Labels should be (a), (b)… Upper left corner Arial, no bold, 48pt Line thickness: 1.5 Use distinguishable B&W symbols for manuscript, Colors (follow the order suggested by Origin) for PPT Arial, no bold, 28pt Up to ~5 large ticks at most Tickmarks should point into the graph • Based on Origin graph presented in full scale (full ppt presentation, or A4 size) • Origin for your record should have very descriptive title and detailed explanation • including date, sample condition, experimental conditions…