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Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth

Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth. By: Ms. Astle. Lost Colony of Roanoke. Lost Colony of Roanoke. Sir Walter Raleigh created the colony under the leadership of John White. 1587—sent 91 men, 17 women, 2 children. Landed on Roanoke Island near North Carolina.

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Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth

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  1. Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth By: Ms. Astle

  2. Lost Colony of Roanoke

  3. Lost Colony of Roanoke • Sir Walter Raleigh created the colony under the leadership of John White. • 1587—sent 91 men, 17 women, 2 children. • Landed on Roanoke Island near North Carolina. • When White returned, the island was completely deserted with no trace of the settlers. • The word Croa was carved on a post and CROATOAN was carved to a door frame.

  4. Jamestown

  5. Jamestown • Virginia Company of London received a charter from King James I. • December 1606 the London company sent 3 ships—Discovery, Susan Constant, and the Godspeed. • 144 men and no women. More than 40 died at sea. • April 1607 the ships reached Virginia. They went into the Chesapeake Bay and up the James river.

  6. Jamestown • Location they found: • Good for lookout and trade • Bad because of mosquitoes and lacked good drinking water. It also had poor farmland. • Many die of malaria and typhoid fever • By September 1607---1/2 of the colonists died. • By January only 38 still alive.

  7. John Smith • Captain John Smith takes charge. • Ordered everyone to build houses, fortifications, dig wells, clear fields, and plant crops. • “No work, no food.” • Traded with Powhatan Indians for food.

  8. John Rolfe and Pocahontas • 1609---500 new settlers arrive including women. Have a harsh winter with low food. Only 60 survive. • 1612—John Rolfe begins growing tobacco and ships to England. Huge profits are made and plantations are set up. • 1614---John Rolfe marries Pocahontas and she sails for England. • 1617—On the way home from England Pocahontas catches smallpox and dies.

  9. House of Burgesses • Dutch ship brings first Africans to Jamestown from the West Indies. • 1619—The House of Burgesses is created. • First form of representative government in the English Colonies. • Met for the first time in Jamestown Church in July 1619.

  10. Plymouth

  11. Plymouth • Separatists who left the Anglican Church. • Attacked for their beliefs and shut out of communities. • Call themselves Pilgrims---travelers with a religious goal. • Pilgrims gained a charter from the London Company to set up a colony in Virginia. • John Carver gave financial backing and found a ship---the Mayflower.

  12. Plymouth • September 1620 • Pilgrims left Plymouth, England for America. • 100 men, women , and children. • Crossing was stormy and they were blown off course. • November 9, 1620 the Mayflower came to the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. • They were outside the area of their charter and its laws.

  13. Mayflower Compact • Mayflower Compact • Created a document of self-government to establish law and discipline before leaving the ship. • 41 men aboard signed and agreed to obey laws passed by the majority. • John Carver is chosen as governor.

  14. “Starving Time” • December 1620 • They search for a month then go ashore and settle on cleared land that once was a Native American village. • Winter was hard and they had a “starving time.” • By spring ½ died.

  15. Samoset and Squanto • March 1621 • Native American named Samoset appeared and greeted them in English. • Introduced them to Massasoit—chief of the Wampanoag. • Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to survive. He taught them to hunt in the forest, plant corn, and where to catch fish. • Squanto acted as interpreter and helped keep peace.

  16. Thanksgiving • Thanksgiving • With the help of the Native Americans the Pilgrims had an abundant harvest in 1621. • Shared their harvest with the Natives in a festival. It became the 1st Thanksgiving. • 1621 • Council for New England officially granted Pilgrims a charter for Plymouth Colony. • Plymouth was a poor colony and grew slowly.

  17. Sources • Multimedia Collections: Colonial America (2001) Teacher Created Materials, Inc. CD-Rom. • Jamestown (Heather Astle Photographs) (2006) Jamestown, Virginia. • Jamestown Postcards (2006) Jamestown, Virginia. • Wikipedia: Pocahontas (2008) Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. at URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocahontas • Wikipedia: Mayflower Compact (2008) Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. at URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayflower_compact • Wikipedia: Thanksgiving (2008) Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. at URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving • Plymouth Postcards, Heather Astle

  18. Sources • NYPL Digital Gallery: Early Plymouth (2008) New York Public Library at URL: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchresult.cfm?keyword=early+plymouth • NYPL Digital Gallery: Rolfe’s Tobacco Shed (2008) Ney York Public Library at URL: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchresult.cfm?keyword=Rolfe%27s+tobacco+shed • NYPL Digital Gallery: Virginia Map (2008) New York Public Library at ULR: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchdetail.cfm?trg=1&strucID=253066&imageID=434447&word=virginia%20map&s=1&notword=&d=&c=&f=&lWord=&lField=&sScope=&sLevel=&sLabel=&total=230&num=12&imgs=12&pNum=&pos=23# • Heather Astle Plymouth Plantation Photgraphs (June 2009) Plymouth, MA • Heather Astle Mayflower Photographs (June 2009) Plymouth, MA. • Heather Astle Jamestown Photos (April 2009) Jamestown, VA.

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