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ACT III: Jeopardy

ACT III: Jeopardy. entreat. to beg. rebuke. to scold. Sojourn. to stay somewhere for a long time . recompense. payment. derision. scorn. Freebee!!!. Who does Titania fall in love with and describe Titania’s lover’s appearance and action.

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ACT III: Jeopardy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ACT III: Jeopardy

  2. entreat

  3. to beg

  4. rebuke

  5. to scold

  6. Sojourn

  7. to stay somewhere for a long time

  8. recompense

  9. payment

  10. derision

  11. scorn

  12. Freebee!!!

  13. Who does Titania fall in love with and describe Titania’s lover’s appearance and action.

  14. Titania falls in love with Nick Bottom the weaver.At that time, Bottom was wearing a donkey head. He did not know that he had a donkey head nor didhe know what is going on.

  15. What happens when Bottom, Quince, etc. practice the play?

  16. Puck saw them practicing a play and thought Bottom was very funny so he put a donkey head on Bottom. Quince and the others are terrified and run away from Bottom. Bottom does not know what was going on.

  17. What is the play, Pyramus and Thisbe, about?

  18. Pyramus and Thisbe is about two young lovers who cannotfortunately love each other because of their parents’ conflicts. One day, Pyramus and Thisbe decide to meet near the mulberry tree. Thisbe got there early andwas waiting for Pyramus when

  19. a lion approached her. Thisbe was frightened and ran away from there, leaving her scarf. The lion sniffing on Thisbe’s scarf, leaving blood stains all over it. When Pyramus finally arrived, the only thing he saw wasThisbe’sscarf and when he saw it was stained in blood, he believed Thisbewaskilled by a lion and kills himself. When Thisbe

  20. returned, she saw her lover lying on the grass dead, so she also kills herself. From this myth, Shakespeare wrote his most famous play, Romeo and Juliet.

  21. Briefly summarize Act III Scene i.

  22. Act III Scene i starts with Quince, Bottom, Flute, Sniveling, Snout and Starveling practicing their play. Then, Bottom comes out with a donkey head and everyone runs away from him. From the noise, Titania wakes up and falls in love with Bottom.

  23. What does Oberon order Puck to do?

  24. Oberon tells Puck to put the juice on Demetrius

  25. Hermia and Helena get in a fight. How does Helena mock Hermia and how does Hermia mock Helena?

  26. Helena mocks Hermia by calling her short. Hermia says she is good at fight and will beat Helena.

  27. What does Oberon realize after listening to the conversation between Hermia and Demetrius?

  28. Oberon realizes that Puck made a mistake on putting the juice on a wrong person.

  29. What happens when Demetrius and Lysander decide to fight physically?

  30. Oberon orders Puck to cast fog and so Demetrius and Lysander could not see each other and slept beside each other.

  31. Why does Helena become angry at Hermia, Lysander and Demetrius?

  32. Because Helena thinks they are mocking her for getting rejected. Also, when Hermia seems to be shock that Lysander said he loves Helena, Helena believed even Hermia was in the scheme and get in a fight.

  33. Describe the love triangle of Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius in Act III

  34. Hermia loves Lysander • Lysander loves Helena • Demetrius loves Helena • Helena loves Demetrius • Hermia Lysander • Helena Demetrius

  35. Who is the author of this book and talk about his/her DOB and works

  36. Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 His works can divided into three major topics: Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Comedies – As You Like It, Much Ado For Nothing, Taming of the Shrew, etc. Histories – Richard II, Henry VIII, etc. Tragedies – Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, etc.

  37. What is Bottom’s characteristic?

  38. Bottom is very creative and sometimes foolish. He thinks he can play any characters.

  39. Who says,“Lord, what fools these mortals be!” and what does he/she mean by this?

  40. Puck says this to King Oberon. He is saying this about Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander’s love fight.

  41. Who says, “Why do they run away? This is a knavery of them to make me afeard.” What makes him/her to say this?

  42. Bottom says this and before he said this, he was in a donkey’s head and everyone was running away from him.

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