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General Guidelines Committees’ role is to examine, analyze and conclude in depth issues and actions assigned to them by the BOD and deliver all outcomes within the time frame of each assignment. The Committees are established with the aim of supporting the work of the BOD. They are a tool that should be used to facilitate a more effective, efficient and productive administration of EMRF. All committees’ chairmen must take BOD previous written approval before taking any new decisions and /or submitting proposals of the committee work besides those designated to them. All committees’ chairmen must take BOD previous written approval prior to sign of agreements and /or implementation of any actions that might have any financial obligations on the federation.
Committee organizational structure • If the committee chairperson is not a board member he/she will automatically be considered as a non – voting member of the board. • The Secretary and the three members should be experts in the field that the committee is responsible for. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary (from the chair country)* Members (Three members, at least from two different countries)*
Training and Human Resources Committees 1 • Quality Assurance, Environmental Hygiene & Occupational Safety 2 • Legislation and Regulation Mr. Aris Aristides, Cyprus Ass. Chairman-Mr. Milic Zlatibor Member -Mr. Azzaelarab Kettani,Morroc 3 Mr. Zaid Gossous, Jordan Ass. Chairman-Dr. Ahmed Jouda,Palestine Member -Mr. George Kourassis, Greece Mr. Phanos Levendis, Cyprus Ass. Chairman-Mr. Talal Khoudeir , Syria Members - Mr. Toma Momirovic, Serbia Mr. Mohammad Al- Manha , Jordan
Committees Mr. Khaled Nazha, Lebanon Vice Chairman Mr. Aly Mansour, Egypt Members- Mr. Khaled Abadi, Marroc Mr. Marko Petricevic, BAHA Mr. Amir Fahmi , Egypt • Public Relations, Media and International Relations 4 • Research & Development 5 • Financial Resources 6 Mr. Serviou Dimitrios, Greece Vice Chairman Mr. Adel Fahmy, Egypt
Training and Human Resources committee • Training is a major service that should be provided to EMRF Members • Training should be conducted, in response to members’ needs. But the significant number of restaurant industry employees in EMRF members need a well-developed training program that is based on the specific needs of members and the industry as a whole • Training programs have to be targeted towards developing the skills of restaurants employees. • The industry’s reaction to graduates of colleges and vocational training centers indicates a need to create awareness and appreciation of respective roles in formal training and professionalism in the tourism industry. • Through this committee, EMRF with help of Euro Mediterranean Academy of Tourism (EMAT) will develop professional training programs for the members to which will create a pool of highly skilled human resources that is able to meet the requirements of the tourism industry in the area.
OBJECTIVES 1.As one of EMAT founders, the Federation should work towards enhancing the human resources skills. 2.Establish a network of specialized trainers between the EMRF members 3.Provide specialized training programs based on the specific needs of EMRF members 4.Conduct Training of Trainers (TOT) program in cooperation with EMRF members 5.Develop structured training programs for interns and restaurant employees
Quality Assurance, Environmental Hygiene & Occupational Safety Committee • Diversity is the key issue of this sector; there is a diversity of facilities, equipments in these outlets, diversity of labor skills and wages, and diversity in the consumers and the expectations of the consumers. • To develop a product is to improve the product quality by complying with recognized the International Standards. • Moreover, occupational health and safety is a major concern to workers and employers worldwide. The high personal, social, and economic costs associated with workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities can often be prevented by an informed workforce. • Other main issue that most hospitality businesses recognize is the importance of being environmentally aware through saving energy and water.
OBJECTIVES 1. To make recommendations for improvements to services with identified inadequacies in existing operational systems, procedures and guidelines. 2. To conduct extensive researches aiming at identifying health and safety issues in the workplace. 3. To ensure that workers are prepared for unexpected injuries in the work place. 4. To recommend good performers for Quality Assurance Awards and Certificates to motivate outstanding and hardworking front-line staff. 5. To encourage, promote and support ecological consciousness in the restaurant industry to become "GREEN".
Legislation and Regulation Committee • The Federations’ aims at expanding its service through adopting a more proactive approach that addresses specific challenges faced by members especially those related to legislation that regulate the work of restaurants. • The Committee should be an active partner on conducting a holistic review of country member's legislative and regulatory environment pertaining to tourism sector development. • It should also calls for reforms that ensure a highly efficient legal environment, clear mandates, an empowered role for the private sector, and favorable investment conditions capable of attracting and facilitating procedures for both domestic and foreign investors in each country. • Share best practice experience among all EMRF members.
OBJECTIVES 1. Conduct extensive research on all relevant policy issues influencing the restaurant industry in each EMRF country. Such policies include tourism, health and investment legislation and other legislation critical to the success of restaurants in each country. 2. Track changes in legislation affecting the tourism industry in each country. Any changes and/or amendments should be communicated to members regularly. 3. Forming active coalitions between country members to advocate policy issues affecting the restaurant industry. 4. Identify and empower strategic allies from the government as well as other stakeholders who share similar challenges and have a stake in legislative changes influencing the tourism industry as a whole. 5. Once policy priorities are identified, the federation would develop policy papers that clarify EMRF members’ position on critical issues.
Research & Development Committee • The Federation is aware that its efforts to engage in business development will be challenging but yet very timely and one that will reflect positively on members position, image and credibility among existing members and non- members. • Currently there is little information about each EMRF country member industry in terms of quality and contribution to the economy. This committee will work closely with research firms in each country to collect and document information necessary for helping investors and members in their effort to start or expand their restaurant businesses among the EMRF countries. • This committee will establish an EMRF Info Center, in which the federation will ultimately aim at becoming a one-stop-shop for members as well investors, offering services that range from providing information about the industry, to helping investors secure strategic partners and funding for their ventures. This new initiative will not only enhance the EMRF credibility in the tourism industry, it will also generate revenue for EMRF through specialized advisory services.
OBJECTIVES 1. Conduct regular research on new trends in the tourism industry in general and the restaurant industry in particular. Make research papers available to members and potential investors. 2. Help investors identify strategic partners for their businesses 3. Establish a relationship between stakeholders in the tourism industry to identify opportunities for investments in line with the tourism development effort. 4. Answer inquiries about investment in the restaurant industry. Provide information for potential investors related to registering and licensing their ventures. 5. Establish a library with periodicals and magazines and DVD’s related to the industry 6. Exploit funding opportunities to support research and development activities
Financial Resources Committee The fund of the EMRF consists of membership annual subscription fees and is made up of approximately 11 countries that are paying 700 Euro each. Therefore, it is required to develop a “Membership Satisfaction” plan that would ensure increased member satisfaction through benefits and value-added services. EMRF should also explore the possibility of expanding its membership structure through inviting other potential members to join the federation.
Financial Resources Committee Expansion of Membership Structure Publications EMRF website Consulting Services Membership Directory Events and Forums 1. Introduce new services, activities and benefits that provide members with additional value-added to their membership 2. Increase EMRF’s outreach through a comprehensive outreach strategy that aims to improve the Federation’s image and credibility among members and the general community in each country member and this will be with the help of the Public Relations, Media and International Relations Committee 3. Funding opportunities for EMRF activities and research.
Public Relations, Media and International Relations Committee Financial Resources Committee Research & Development Committee Training and Human Resource Committee ACTION PLANAdetailed Action Plan was developed for four Committees as follows: • Cash flow • Membership card • Increasing income • Promotional Strategy • Promotional Material (mission, vision, etc) • Action Plan for future activities • Accomplishments • Types of membership • Website structure • Communication tools • Members page • Etc • Paper work (like invoices application for membership, welcome letter to new members etc • Pilot Training of Employees from all EMRF members • Train the Trainers program • Research on the qualifications of employees in all member states • Research the codes that exist in each member for Tourist Establishments