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Mathemania. Chapter 6 and 7. Review for Test 2. Review for Test 2. Triangles II. Angles. Graphs. Triangles I. Misc. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. Final Round. Triangle I. 4. x. 3.

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  1. Mathemania Chapter 6 and 7 Review for Test 2 Review for Test 2 Triangles II Angles Graphs Triangles I Misc. 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 Final Round

  2. Triangle I

  3. 4 x 3 5 Point Question In the right triangle below, what is cos(x)? cos(x)=3/4 Check Work Go Home

  4. 4 x 3 10 Point Question Based on the triangle below, find cot(x). Cot(x)=3/√5 Check Work Go Home

  5. 25 Point Question One side of a right triangle is 7.5 in. The other side is 10 in. Find the length of the hypotenuse and the size of the two angles. 12.5 in, 36.90, and 53.10 Check Work Go Home

  6. 50 Point Question In the right triangle (right angle at C,) Cos(A) = 2/5. Find an expression for Sin(A) and Tan(B). Sin(A) = √21/5 and Tan(B)=2/√21 Check Work Go Home

  7. 100 Point Question How tall is a tree if the angle of elevation is 700 when you are standing 22 feet from its base. 60.44 ft. Check Work Go Home

  8. Triangle 2

  9. 5 Point Question A = 250, c = 12, B = 750. Find C. C = 800 Check Work Go Home

  10. 10 Point Question A = 250, c = 12, B = 750. Find a and b. a = 5.15, b = 11.77 Check Work Go Home

  11. 25 Point Question A = 680, b = 11 ft, c = 15 ft. Find B, C and a. a = 14.9 ft, B = 43.20, C = 68.80 Check Work Go Home

  12. 50 Point Question a = 6, b = 8, c = 12. Find A, B and C. A = 26.40, B = 36.30, C = 117.20 Check Work Go Home

  13. 100 Point Question A = 470, b = 12, a = 9. Find B, C, and c. Triangle 1: B = 77.20, C = 55.80, c = 10.2 Triangle 2: B = 102.80, C = 30.20, c = 6.2 Check Work Go Home

  14. Angles

  15. 5 Point Question Convert 120 degrees to radians 2 Pi/3 Check Work Go Home

  16. 10 Point Question Convert 7 radians to degrees 1260/Pi Check Work Go Home

  17. 25 Point Question How long is the crust on a piece of pizza if the slice is cut at a 300 angle and the radius is 6 in. 3.1415926… (PI!) Check Work Go Home

  18. 50 Point Question A cable is wrapped around a drum with a 6 foot diameter. If we want to unroll 45 feet of cable, through what angle do we need to rotate the drum? 15 radians or 859.40 Check Work Go Home

  19. 100 Point Question Find another angle between 0 and 360 degrees that has the same cosine as cos(15o) 345o Check Work Go Home

  20. Graphs

  21. 5 Point Question What is the period of y = sin (x)? 2 Pi Check Work Go Home

  22. 10 Point Question What is the amplitude of y = 7 cos(2x) 7 Check Work Go Home

  23. 25 Point Question Sketch the graph of y = 3sin(4x - Pi) Check Work Go Home

  24. 50 Point Question Sketch the graph of y = -2cos(4x) + 3 Check Work Go Home

  25. 100 Point Question Find the equation for a sine function: Check Work Go Home Y=3sin(Pi x-Pi/2)+4

  26. Miscelaneous

  27. 5 Point Question What family member will we be celebrating on Sunday May 14th? Our Mother Because it is Mother’s Day Check Work Go Home

  28. 10 Point Question What is the capitol of Washington State? Olympia Check Work Go Home

  29. 25 Point Question Who is the King of Pop? Michael Jackson Check Work Go Home

  30. 50 Point Question Who is the King of Rock and Roll? Elvis! Check Work Go Home

  31. 100 Point Question According to the Current, how much did I get paid last year? $50,245 Check Work Go Home

  32. Final Question State (in words) the Pythagorean Theorem • In any right triangle, the sum of the squares of the two sides is equal to the square of the hypotenuse Check Work Go Home

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