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Mission Snickerdoodle: Bringing Plants to a New Planet

Join the mission to gather plant information for planet Snickerdoodle! Create a presentation and video to convince citizens of the importance of plants. Learn through videos, websites, quizzes, and activities. Accommodations for all learners provided.

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Mission Snickerdoodle: Bringing Plants to a New Planet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Help! I come from the planet Snickerdoodle. I have seen amazing things during my visit to Earth. I, especially, love all the plants and flowers! I believe plants would benefit Snickerdoodle as much as they benefit Earth. I need your help to gather as much information about plants to take back to my planet to convince my fellow Doodlebotsof their value. INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION NEXT To contact Ms. Miller email her at jmiller18@bellarmine.edu


  3. INTRODUCTION TASK 1 : Create a PowerPoint(5 slides) presentation for the citizens of Snickerdoodle, convincing them of why plants are so important for your planet. Describe the basic structure and function of a plant which includes it’s growth, reproduction and survival. Try to convince the Doodlebots that plants need to be brought to their planet! TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION NEXT GO BACK

  4. INTRODUCTION TASK 2: Create a video (4 minutes) for the citizens of Snickerdoodle, convincing them of why plants are so important for your planet. Describe the basic structure and function of a plant which includes it’s growth,reproduction and survival. Try to convince the Doodlebots that plants need to be brought to their planet! TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION NEXT GO BACK

  5. PROCESS INTRODUCTION Step 1 STEP 1: Watch and take notes on the videos about plants STEP 2: Visit websites about plant structure and life cycles STEP 3: Take a quiz about what you have learned so far STEP 4: Take a scavenger hunt in the classroom to learn more about plants! STEP 5: Construct plant flip books and complete drawing on plants STEP 6: Now you are ready to make your PowerPoint presentation or video! TASK Step 2 PROCESS Step 3 EVALUATION Step 4 CONCLUSION Step 5 Step 6 NEXT STEP GO BACK

  6. PROCESS INTRODUCTION In your science notebook, write 2-3 facts from each video. Click each video: TASK Step 1 2 4 PROCESS 1 3 EVALUATION 6 8 CONCLUSION 5 7 NEXT STEP GO BACK

  7. PROCESS INTRODUCTION TASK Step 2 PROCESS Learn more about plant structure and life cycles! Plant Structures Plant Parts Life Cycle Seeds EVALUATION CONCLUSION GO BACK NEXT STEP

  8. PROCESS INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS Step 3 EVALUATION Take this quiz to see what you have learned so far! CONCLUSION GO BACK NEXT STEP

  9. PROCESS INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS Step 4 With your partner, play the Plant Scavenger Hunt in the classroom! Print out and follow the directions here EVALUATION CONCLUSION NEXT STEP GO BACK

  10. PROCESS INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS Print off and construct these plant flip books!Here and here too! Print and label the parts of a plant Step 5 EVALUATION CONCLUSION GO BACK NEXT STEP

  11. PROCESS INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS With your partner/group-work on your PowerPoint or video using all the materials from the previous steps Step 6 EVALUATION CONCLUSION GO BACK NEXT


  13. EVALUATION Continue… GO BACK


  15. EVALUATION Continue… GO BACK


  17. Great work, Earthlings! You have learned how plants functionand about their life cycles. I know planet Snickerdoodle will benefit from all your hard work! Check out the other resources I have found to extend your learning! INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS Animal Life Cycles EVALUATION Plant Life Cycle Experiments CONCLUSION

  18. TEACHER PAGE This WebQuest was created for 3rd graders under Core Content KY standard: EP-3.4.3: Students will describe the basic structures and related functions of plants and animals that contribute to growth, reproduction and survival. Each plant or animal has observable structures that serve different functions in growth, survival and reproduction. For example, humans have distinct body structures for walking, holding, seeing and talking. These observable structures should be explored to sort, classify, compare and describe organisms. Students will: 1. Recognize the life cycle of plants and their roles in our environment. 2. Create and design a PowerPoint or video on plant life cycles. Accommodations/Modifications: -Students with reading difficulties will given additional time and be paired with higher readiness level. -ESL students will be given extended time and a reader if needed -Students will be given teacher or peer support when needed -Teacher will provide on-going feedback, -Headphones will be provided to remove outside noise

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