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Serpientes y escaleras

Serpientes y escaleras. What is the missing word in this sentence: A _____ me gusta patinar . What is the missing word in this sentence: A ella _____ gusta pasear . What is the missing word in this sentence: A _____ nos gusta comer la comida china.

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Serpientes y escaleras

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Serpientes y escaleras

  2. What is the missing word in this sentence: A _____ me gustapatinar. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A ella _____ gustapasear. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A _____ nosgustacomer la comida china. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A ellas ______ gustair de compras.

  3. What is the missing word in this sentence: A vosotros _____ gustasalir con amigos. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A Justin _____ gustacantar. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A Susana y a Melanie _____ gustavertelevisión. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A mí ______ gustajugar los juegos de mesa.

  4. What is the missing word in this sentence: A ti ______ gusta leer lasrevistas. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A ellos _____ gustadibujar. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A _____ tegustaescucharmúsica. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A ________ noshacerejercicio.

  5. What is the missing word in this sentence: A Maria ______ gustaescribircartas. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A ________ nosgustamontar en bicicleta. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A Bob _____ gustajugar al tenis. • What is the missing word in this sentence: A Steve y a Lora _____ gusta leer libros.

  6. Translate the phrase in parentheses: A mí me gustair al cine (with friends). • Translate the phrase in parentheses: A titegustacorrer (with us). • Translate the phrase in parentheses: A Greg le gustajugar al básquetbol (with me). • Translate the phrase in parentheses: A Marta y a Joanna les gustaplaticar en línea (with you).

  7. Translate the phrase in parentheses: A ella le gustapasear (with him). • Translate the phrase in parentheses: A nosotrosnosgustanadar (with you all). • Translate the phrase in parentheses: A Tina y a Tim les gustaalquilar videos (with her). • Translate the phrase in parentheses: A mí me gustaescribircartas (with them-girls).

  8. Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Ella _________ pasar el rato sola. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Tú _________ correr con ellos. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Nosotros _________ escucharmúsica. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Yo _________ ir al centrocomercial.

  9. Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: ¿Nosotros _________ comer la comida china o la comida mexicana? • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Yo _________ cantar. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: ¿Y tú? ¿_________ hacerejercicioconmigo? • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Vosotros _________ jugar al béisbol.

  10. Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Ellos _________ montar en bicicleta. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Vosotros _________ hacer la tarea. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Ella _________ bajararchivos. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Tú _________ navegarpor internet.

  11. Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ les gustair de compras. (mis amigos) • Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ me gustadibujar. (yo) • Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ le gustahacer la tarea. (Josh) • Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ les gustapasear. (Ana y Lia)

  12. Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ nosgustajugar al fútbol. (tú y yo) • Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ le gustanavegarpor internet. (usted) • Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ nosgusta comer. (mi familia y yo) • Complete the sentence with “a” and a pronoun: ________ tegustaalquilar videos. (tú)

  13. Translate: Jill likes to sing with us. • Translate: You like to listen to music with me. • Translate: Johnny likes to read with Katy. • Translate: I like to ride bikes with you all.

  14. Translate: We like to run with you. • Translate: You all like to play tennis with him. • Translate: They like to write letters with me. • Translate: Phillip and I like to go to the mall with Sara.

  15. Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Ella _________ jugar al volibol. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Nosotras _________ leer lasnovelas. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Ustedes _________ platicar en línea. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Tú _________ jugar al fútbolamericano.

  16. Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Jenica y yo _________ cantar. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Él_________ vertelevisión. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Yo _________ nadar. • Fill in the blank with a conjugation of querer: Vosotros _________ montar en bicicleta.

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