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Construction and Design of Retaining Walls

Construction and Design of Retaining Walls. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ullrich Hanses FH Coburg /Germany. retaining walls. gravity dam. gravity dam from limstone without mortar. gravity dam. wall of Lauenstein Castle in the Franconia region . gravity dam. gravity dam. low retaining wall.

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Construction and Design of Retaining Walls

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Construction and Design of Retaining Walls Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ullrich Hanses FH Coburg /Germany

  2. retaining walls Hanses retaining walls

  3. gravity dam • gravity dam from limstone without mortar Hanses retaining walls

  4. gravity dam • wall of Lauenstein Castle in the Franconia region Hanses retaining walls

  5. gravity dam Hanses retaining walls

  6. gravity dam • low retaining wall Hanses retaining walls

  7. gravity dam • high retaining wall Hanses retaining walls

  8. gravity dam • wall with console Hanses retaining walls

  9. gravity dam • underpinning Hanses retaining walls

  10. gravity dam • underpinning of a wall of a factory Hanses retaining walls

  11. construction details • expansion joint Hanses retaining walls

  12. construction details • construction joint between foundation and the wall Hanses retaining walls

  13. drain • drain with gravel Hanses retaining walls

  14. drain • drain with synthetic materials Hanses retaining walls

  15. calculation of the earth pressure Hanses retaining walls

  16. calculation of the earth pressureformula of Müller Breslau Hanses retaining walls

  17. calculation of the earth pressureretaining wall with a sharp bend in the back wall Hanses retaining walls

  18. calculation of the earth pressureretaining wall with a console in the back wall earth pressure g×Kagh j Ja Hanses retaining walls

  19. calculation of stability of retaining wall Hanses retaining walls

  20. stability against overturningfor dead load RV R eb b sL sR soil pressure Hanses retaining walls

  21. stability against overturningfor dead load + traffic load RV R eb c b sR 3c soil pressure Hanses retaining walls

  22. stability against sliding R RV Epghr RH RS Hanses retaining walls

  23. stability against base failure dS R RV RH d g1 eb g2, j´, c b´ 2eb b Hanses retaining walls

  24. calculation of the force of the base failure Hanses retaining walls

  25. stress in the wall • If the distance eb between the resultant R and the centroidal axis within the wall is less than b/6 there is only compressive stress in the wall R eb b sR sL eb£b/6 Hanses retaining walls

  26. retaining walls Hanses retaining walls

  27. retaining wall • small retaining wall with piers Hanses retaining walls

  28. retaining wall • high retaining wall with facing bricks Hanses retaining walls

  29. principle of statics of the angular retaining wall R ballast G1 Eag buttresses GE theoretical back side of the wall G2 Hanses retaining walls

  30. different types of angular retaining walls • normal angular retaining wall Hanses retaining walls

  31. different types of angular retaining walls • angular retaining wall with cross shear walls Hanses retaining walls

  32. different types of angular retaining walls • retaining wall with pile foundation Hanses retaining walls

  33. reinforcement in a angular retaining wall Hanses retaining walls

  34. calculation of earth pressurewith real sliding lines Monolith2 a Eagr Eagl da h Monolith1 Ja Ja´ Hanses retaining walls

  35. calculation of earth pressurewith theoretical backside b theoretical backside G3 G1 Eag R h da G2 Hanses retaining walls

  36. calculation of stability Hanses retaining walls

  37. stability against overturningfor dead load RV R eb b sL sR soil pressure Hanses retaining walls

  38. stability against overturningfor dead load + traffic load RV R eb c b sR 3c soil pressure Hanses retaining walls

  39. stability against sliding RV R Epghr RH RS Hanses retaining walls

  40. stability against base failure solution see page 21 dS RV R d g1 RH eb b´ g2, j, c 2eb b Hanses retaining walls

  41. calculation of internal forcescut off of the earth monolith b b/2 b/2 eaghu according German DIN 4085 eaghd= 2 eaghu e E1 Eaghr E1 GB E2 E2 Eaght RBv eaghd RBv RBh RBh e Hanses retaining walls

  42. calculation of internal forcesCut 1-1 G1 E1 E2 1 1 y´ Q´ M´ N´ x´ Hanses retaining walls

  43. calculation of internal forcesCut 2-2 y´´ G2 Q´´ M´´ x´´ N´´ Rs1 sL P1 sR P2 Hanses retaining walls

  44. calculation of internal forcesCut 3-3 G3 M´´´ x´´ N´´´ Q´´´ Rs3 y´´´ sL P1 sR P2 Hanses retaining walls

  45. calculation of internal forcessurveillance N´ M´ Q´´´ Q´ M´´´ M´´ G N´´ N´´´ Rs2 Q´´ sL sR P1 P2 Hanses retaining walls

  46. water pressure (additional forces) G1 G2 WL WR S1 S2 Hanses retaining walls

  47. retaining walls Hanses retaining walls

  48. special cases • retaining wall with anchors Hanses retaining walls

  49. special cases wire baskets filled with stones or earth in geotextile Hanses retaining walls

  50. special cases • wall from eath, wire and geotextile Hanses retaining walls

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