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Contents. Principle of activation analysis (AA)Different types of AA Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)- different types of NAA (prompt - delayed, instrumental-radiochemical)- neutron sources used for NAA- measuring equipment used for NAA- quantification of NAA (absolute, relative and compa
1. Neutron Activation Analysis References:
Alfassi, Z.B., 1994, Determination of Trace Elements,(Rehovot: Balaban Publ.)
Alfassi, Z.B., 1994b, Chemical Analysis by Nuclear Methods, (Chichester: Wiley)
Alfassi, Z.B., 1990, Activation Analysis, (Boca Raton: CRC Press), p. 161.
Balla, M., Keömley G., Molnár Zs., 1998, Neutron Activation Analysis in Vértes, A., Nagy S., Süvegh K., Nuclear Methods in Mineralogy and Geology (New York: Plenum), chapter 2, pp.115-143.
Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry
2. Contents Principle of activation analysis (AA)
Different types of AA
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
- different types of NAA (prompt - delayed, instrumental-radiochemical)
- neutron sources used for NAA
- measuring equipment used for NAA
- quantification of NAA (absolute, relative and comparator techniques)
- properties of INAA (sensitivities, and non-destructive multielement character)
- radiochemical separations in NAA
INAA - application examples
RNAA application examples
3. Principle of activation analysis
4. Steps of analysis:
sample preparation (homogenization, weighing)
optional: pre-irradiation chemistry
cooling (different times)
optional: post-irradiation chemistry
measurement by gamma spectrometry
5. History Hevesy and Levi 1936: principle of NAA
Neutron sources became available in the fifties
Low resolution detectors (proportional counters, NaI scintillator)
High resolution semiconductor detectors
Alternative non-nuclear methods (AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS)
6. Various types of AA Charged particle activation analysis
Photon activation analysis
Neutron activation analysis (NAA)
Thermal neutron activation analysis
Epihermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA)
Fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA)
Neutron capture prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA)
7. Neutron sources used for NAA
8. Research reactors as neutron sources:
thermal power: 100 kW-10 MW
thermal neutron flux: 1012-1014 neutrons cm-2 s-1
thermal epithermal +resonance fast neutrons
<0.05 eV 0.1eV<E<1 eV 0.5 Mev<E
1eV<E<1 keV
mean:0.04 eV
2200 m/s
(n,?) (n,?) (n,p),(n,a),(n,2n)
cold neutron beam
Measuring systems used for NAA
Gamma spectrometers:
scintillation detector
Ge(Li) detector
HP Ge detector
9. Quantification N: number of interacting isotopes
?s??(E): cross-section [cm2] at neutron energy of E [eV]
f??(E): neutron flux per unit of energy interval [1/cm2/s/eV]
R: reaction rate
In reactors the integral is replaced:
11. Combining the last 2 equations,
the mass of the unknown element can be calculated:
12. Standardization Absolute method
Based on the expression of m
Parameters to be measured: Np, tm, ti, td
Parameters to be determined by calibration:
e, fth, fe
Parameters derived from tables (nuclear+additional):
sth, I0, f?, fi, ?, NAv, M
13. Comparator method: k method
All elements are measured related to a single element, the comparator.
Calibration phase:
k factors are determined for each element compared to the comparator element
(irradiation together)
* refers to comparator element
refers to analyte in calibration procedure
Measurement phase:
Sample is irradiated together with the single comparator, sample and comparator are measured
** refers to comparator element during measurement phase
14. k factors are constant under constant irradiation and measurement conditions
(including the same geometry):
15. K0 values were experimentally determined/checked according to the following equation:
16. Properties of INAA Advantages
Sensitive, trace elements are determined
Multi-element method
Matrix dependence is often small
Neutron source and gamma spectrometer are needed
Expensive and nuclear method
17. Application of INAA Geological samples:
NAA at INT-TU Budapest
- 1 minute irradiation,15 min cooling times: (28Al decays) Ti, V, (Cu), Mn, Cl, Dy and Ca are determined.
- 8 hour irradiation in a thermal channel of the reactor measurment twice: one week, one month
- usually 25-30 elements can be determined
Epithermal NAA
- gross activity due to 24Na, 56Mn, 46Sc, 28Al: low Io/sth
- analytes (Rb, Sr, Ba, Ga, As, Mo, Ag, In, Sn, Sb, Sm, Tb, Ho, Ta, W, Au, Th, U): high Io/sth
- epithermal AA in Cd wrapping ? high sensitivity.
18. Disturbing nuclear reactions
- The same radionuclide is produced from two different elements:
e.g. 28Al : 27Al(n,?)28Al 28Si(n,p)28Al.
thermal n fast n
- samples can be activated twice, with and without cadmium filter, in order to determine both Al and Si
Studies on lanthanides to derive concentrations relative to standard condrites
volcanic activities
Biological samples
- Analysis of Na, K, Al, Se in brain samples to study deseases e.g. Alzheimer
Archaeological samples
Provenance studies on Roman ceramics
Provenance studies on the jars storing the Dead Sea Scrolls
Gold in fibres of the royal gown
See the home page for details!
19. Types of radiochemical NAA Post-irradiation chemistry (RNAA)
no contamination hazard
addition of carriers no radiocolloids
yield determination
shielded, remote-controled devices
matrix separation
group separation
single element separation
Pre-irradiation chemistry (PC NAA): pre-concentration
contamination hazard
Pre- and post-irradiation chemistry (PC RNAA)
extremely high sensitivites e.g. 129I determination in environment
Chemical AA (Ch NAA): separation for speciation purposes
pre-irradiation (irradiation may change the chemical conditions)
20. Application of RNAA in material sciences Separation of the matrix
Analysis of impurities in high purity Al
Na separation by HAP
Analysis of Ni based alloys
separation of Ni by DMG
Analysis of Mo/W coumpounds
Mo and W separation by anion exchangers
Separation of single elements
Si analysis in Mo: 32Si is short-lived, can be counted by beta detector, Si is separated
P analysis in semiconductors: 32P is pure beta emitter
separation with AMP
21. Application of RNAA for the analysis of biological, environmental and geological samples Matrix removal:
matrices are: Na, K, P, Br, Cl
removal: HAP TiO2 Al2O3 volatilization
Single element separations:
- Se:toxic/micro-nutrient
separation by extraction or
precipitation of elemental Se with ascorbic acid
- I: essentiel element
separation: I2 extraction + AgI
- Hg: toxic element
separation by volatilization or
extraction + precipitation as HgI2 or HgS or Hg
- Sr: major interest as natural carrier for 90Sr
separation by co-precipitation with Ca
- Th and U: radioactive elements
Th:separation of 233Pa by co-precipitation with MnO2 and BaSO4
Th:PC RNAA of Th: pre-conc of Th by ion exchange
separation of 233Pa by ion exchange or extraction
U, Th: separation of 239Np and 233Pa by TBP
22. Single group separations
Pt group elements:Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt.
history of rocks
environmental concern: catalysts in cars, medicines
- RNAA: OsO4 + RuO4 /CCl4 extraction,
anion exchange of chlorides
- PC NAA: fire assay/NiS preconcentration
Rare earth elements (REE):
- co-precipitation with ferric hydroxide
- others: ion exchange, extraction
Several elements and various groups separations
historic significance
Pietra method: 50 elements in biological materials
separation by all types of analytical methods (volatilization, ion exchange, sorption
23. Application of RNAA for the determination of radionuclides
PC RNAA: volatilization, extraction of I2, precipitation of PdI2
Application of NAA for speciation studies ChNAA
Non-protein bound Al or protein bound Al in urine:
role in osteomalacia
separation by cation exchange
Iodine speciation in sea water
separation by anion exchange
24. Nem nukleáris elemanalitikai módszerek Tömegspektrometria: SS MS
Röntgenfluoreszcencia: WD XRF
Optikai módszerek: abszorpciós: AAS (láng, lámpa)
emissziós: OES (=AES)
Elektrokémiai módszerek: Voltammetria
25. Elem-analitikaimódszerekérzékenységeössze-hasonlítás