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Organelle Presentations

Organelle Presentations . Blue Block October 2012. Nucleus. By: Nir Liebenthal and Julia Gagosian. Function & Structure:. Store cell's DNA (Hereditary Material) Direct the Cell's activities. Metabolism Growth Protein Synthesis Reproduction

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Organelle Presentations

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  1. Organelle Presentations Blue Block October 2012

  2. Nucleus By: Nir Liebenthal and Julia Gagosian

  3. Function & Structure: • Store cell's DNA (Hereditary Material) • Direct the Cell's activities. • Metabolism • Growth • Protein Synthesis • Reproduction • Nuclear Envelope: Separates nucleus and cytoplasm. • Nucleoplasm: Semi-fluid matrix found inside nucleus. • Nuclear pores:Allow molecule passage between nucleus & cytoplasm. • Chromatin: In the Nucleoplasm, protein cell's DNA, string like structure, that form chromosones during mitosis/ cell division. • Nucleolus:organelle within nucleus that makes ribosomes.

  4. Location: • Located in Eukaryotes. • Usually located in center of cell. • Exists in plants & animals. • Analogy: Brain • Control Center: Movement, Reactions etc. References: http://www.lbl.gov/abc/wallchart/chapters/01/1.html http://www.ibiblio.org/virtualcell/textbook/chapter3/nucf.htm http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/nucleus.htm

  5. Nucleolus Mary Ronchetti

  6. Function ~The Nucleolus is where protein and RNA molecules are constructed.These materials are subunits from which ribosomes are built. The subunits pass through nuclear pores to reach the cytoplasm.

  7. Structure Round dense cluster of RNA and proteins http://www.google.com/imgres?q=nucleolus&hl=en&client=safari&sa=X&rls=en&biw=1024&bih=591&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=5vXxzu10dSiOZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.tutorvista.com/biology/nucleolus&docid=ZdOEZQEk2wM6kM&imgurl=http://images.tutorvista.com/content/feed/tvcs/nucleus_1.gif&w=454&h=317&ei=PVB8UJeqHK3H0AHxzIGADw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=716&vpy=188&dur=3768&hovh=188&hovw=269&tx=107&ty=139&sig=106272138567734021128&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:146

  8. Location ~Found inside nucleus ~Found in eukaryotics ~Found in protistans, fungi, plants and animals.

  9. Analogy The Nucleolus is like a factory that produces a product and then ships it out.

  10. References Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life by Starr and Taggart

  11. Ribosomes By: Ben Weinberg

  12. Function and Structure • Arranges strands of amino acids for use of other parts of cell and body • Translates mRNA into protein • Made up of proteins and RNA • Cytoplasmic granules • Two subunits: large and small • mRNA is sandwiched between the small and large subunits • ribosome catalyzes formation of a peptide bond between the two amino acids that are contained in the rRNA

  13. Location • Two types of ribosome: Free and attached • Free ribosomes are found throughout cytoplasm • attached ribosomes are connected to endoplasmic reticulum • Exists in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes • Composed of different amounts of rRNA and proteins • Exists in plant, animal, and bacterial cells Analogy: Famous athletes signing autographs for many diehard fans

  14. References Links for images used: • 920&bih=951&tbm=isch&tbnid=7g0N-IShXv44qM:&imgrefurl=http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/biology/ribosome.html&docid=5kb3z9aslmlQTM&imgurl=http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/biology/imgbio/ribosome.gif&w=600&h=311&ei=uiB-UL7xEKq10QHv0oGQCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=2&sig=113444616434996590802&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=269&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:72&tx=440&ty=301 • http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1920&bih=951&tbm=isch&tbnid=Jah4i2yEV7NnFM:&imgrefurl=http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Structural_Biochemistry/Nucleic_Acid/Translation&docid=ZGhBDRM_YdBWiM&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Ribosome_mRNA_translation_en.svg/651px-Ribosome_mRNA_translation_en.svg.png&w=651&h=459&ei=sSN-UOzbJ_Ot0AGkiIDYBg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=424&sig=113444616434996590802&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=212&start=0&ndsp=48&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:99&tx=151&ty=62 Cited Source: • Starr/Taggart. Biology The Unity and Diversity of Life. 9th ed. Pacific GAve: n.p., n.d. Print.

  15. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Tori Neville and Sabrina Smith

  16. Structure and Location • Twisted and flat sac continuous with nuclear membrane • Studded with millions of ribosomes (what makes it rough) • Found throughout cell but densest around cell nucleus & Golgi apparatus

  17. Function • Protein production, folding, quality control, and dispatching • Analogy: • Like a card building factory. A part produces the cards, a part folds them into cards, part checks to make sure the cards don’t have defects, and then a section ships the finished cards out to where they’re needed

  18. REFERENCES • Info from: http://www.bscb.org/?url=softcell/er • Picture 1: http://kconline.kaskaskia.edu/bcambron/Biology%20117/Cells.htm • Picture 2: http://www.glogster.com/kcalderaio/rough-and-smooth-er-and-ribosomes/g-6o9nhukrkhubs2e32i8fd6r

  19. Golgi Body

  20. Function • Part of sequence of how a protein leaves cell • Modifies polypeptide chains into mature proteins • Sorts and ships proteins and lipids for secretion or for use inside the cell

  21. Structure • Series of flattened membrane-bound sacs called cisternae • Pancake-like structure

  22. Location • Found in eukaryotic cells • In plant, animal, fungi, and protistans cells • Found near edge of cell membrane, yet near rough ER http://creationrevolution.com/2010/11/golgi-apparatus-steel-industry-of-the-simple-cell-–-part-6/

  23. Analogy • Mail room: you put the letter in an envelope, put a stamp on it, then put it in a mailbox, where it is sorted in a mail room and categorized, then later sent out to the person that is supposed to receive it

  24. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is found in eukaryotes. It is connected to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, which is connected to the nucleus. It looks like small tubes near the edge of the cell, and is found in both animal and plant cells. http://witkopsbiology.weebly.com/uploads/5/3/2/7/5327095/1805707_orig.gif http://im.glogster.com/media/2/2/82/6/2820694.jpg

  25. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum http://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Endoplasmic-Reticulum-3.jpg The smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes lipids (oils, phospholipids, and steroids) in addition to metabolizing carbohydrates, regulating calcium concentration, and detoxifying drugs and poisons. http://im.glogster.com/media/2/2/82/6/2820694.jpg

  26. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is like a mother. She goes through your room throwing away all of the bad stuff you have, provides you with sustenance, makes sure you drink your milk, and makes sure you have the energy to go outside and play. http://im.glogster.com/media/2/2/82/6/2820694.jpg http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/kfield/organelles/organelleimages/smooth-er.gif

  27. Chloroplasts

  28. Function of Chloroplasts • Chloroplasts capture light energy and use it in photosynthesis to make organic molecules and separate oxygen from water and carbon dioxide • Only found in plants and other eukaryotic organisms that perform photosynthesis http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/images/photosynth/photo1.gif

  29. Structure • Consists of stroma surrounded by an inner and outer phospholipid membrane • Stroma contain stacks of thylakoids, in which photosynthesis takes place. Thylakoids contain chlorophyll, giving the organelle its distinct green color http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/chloroplasts/images/chloroplastsfigure1.jpg

  30. Location/Analogy • Located throughout cells’ cytoplasm • Is like a farm, in that it produces energy for the cell from the perimeter as a farm produces food and would be located outside of a city http://philadelphia.foobooz.com/files/2012/08/farm1.jpg http://waynesword.palomar.edu/images/plant3.gif

  31. Mitochondria By: Alex Lee

  32. Function • Mitochondria’s main function is to create energy (ATP) required for metabolism and cellular respiration. • Analogy: power plant http://www.nsf.gov/news/overviews/biology/interact08.jsp

  33. Structure • Double membranes are phospholipid bilayers • The cristae are the folds of the inner membrane that increase cellular respiration • The matrix is the fluid-filled center where it holds its genetic material • mitochondria contain their own genetic material and protein-making machinery enwrapped in a double membrane http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/mitochondria/mitochondria.html

  34. Location • Mitochondria are found in eukaryotic cells, meaning they are found in both animal and plant cells • They are suspended in the cell’s cytoplasm. http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/01942/plcells/mitochondria.htm

  35. Lysosomes Brandon Harris

  36. Function • the digestion system for cell • contains enzymes to digest proteins, carbohydrates • can digest other organelles or other cells

  37. Structure • Hydrogen ion ATPases protein make up structure • surrounded by membrane • Expands and contracts (like stomach) • A type of vesicle http://faculty.muhs.edu/klestinski/cellcity/lysosomedata_files/image001.jpg

  38. Location • Found in Eukaryotic cells • most common in animal cells • rare but can exist in fungi, protistans, and plant cells • usually near plasma membrane, can be anywhere inside membrane excluding inside nuclear envelope lysosome position in an animal cell http://waynesword.palomar.edu/images/animal4.gif

  39. Analogy a fish eats other fish as well as food like plankton The fish is a lysosome organelle and the second fish is another organelle or cell while the plankton represents organic compounds like simple sugars and proteins.

  40. Bibliography • Textbook • http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell_lysosome.html

  41. Vacuoles Eric Pinsker-Smith

  42. Function The job of the vacuole is to: Hold waste products and contaminants Hold water Give the cell structure Store nutrients Maintain interior acidic equilibrium (balance pH values) Textbook 

  43. Structure Vacuoles are large bubbles made of amino acids and water that make up between 50% and 90% of the cells size. Their composition is mostly empty space and water, with amino acids forming the perimeter http://www.concord.org/~btinker/workbench_web/unitIII_mini/plant_turgor.html

  44. Location They are in the center of the cell and will naturally be oval-shaped, but other cell parts will change their shape They are only found in both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells They are present in plant, animal, and bacteria cells, but only some animal and bacteria cells, while they are in all plant cells. Below Pictures from Wikipedia (2) http://www.tutorvista.com/content/biology/biology-iii/cell-organization/cytoplasm.php O

  45. ANALOGY The vacuole is like a warehouse. This is because they are relatively big and their main job is storing stuff.

  46. References “Vacuoles." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>. Starr, and Staggart. Biology Textbook. 9th ed. Chicago: Brooks, n.d. Print.

  47. Cytoskeleton Presentation by Stephanie Kim http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cytoskeleton&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1110&bih=578&tbm=isch&tbnid=j4TS-Tbf7EeG5M:&imgrefurl=http://www.bscb.org/%3Furl%3Dsoftcell/cytoskeleton&docid=8vE09i4OJwDOCM&imgurl=http://www.bscb.org/softcell/images/mp_tripple.gif&w=512&h=512&ei=jap9UIDeCKHz0gHKoIHoDA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=252&sig=112931310087527836485&page=2&tbnh=141&tbnw=141&start=15&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0,i:125&tx=90&ty=101

  48. Structure -A cell's cytoskeleton is the scaffolding contained within a cell's cytoplasm of Eukaryotic cells. -Connects to all major parts of the cell. -Cytoskeleton is made up of polypeptide bonds - Three components to the Cytoskeleton: the Microtubules, Intermediate Filaments, and Microfilaments

  49. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cytoskeleton&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1110&bih=578&tbm=isch&tbnid=4_K6QoIl-f8jaM:&imgrefurl=http://ccaoscience.wordpress.com/notes/protein-structures-within-the-cell/&docid=0w8MTyqQKYfdVM&imgurl=http://ccaoscience.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/cytoskeleton.jpg&w=360&h=237&ei=jap9UIDeCKHz0gHKoIHoDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=412&vpy=158&dur=99&hovh=182&hovw=277&tx=181&ty=97&sig=112931310087527836485&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=218&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:77http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cytoskeleton&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1110&bih=578&tbm=isch&tbnid=4_K6QoIl-f8jaM:&imgrefurl=http://ccaoscience.wordpress.com/notes/protein-structures-within-the-cell/&docid=0w8MTyqQKYfdVM&imgurl=http://ccaoscience.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/cytoskeleton.jpg&w=360&h=237&ei=jap9UIDeCKHz0gHKoIHoDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=412&vpy=158&dur=99&hovh=182&hovw=277&tx=181&ty=97&sig=112931310087527836485&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=218&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:77

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