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Role Mapping: How to Assign User Roles in HCSIS

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Office of Children, Youth, and Families Incident Management. Role Mapping: How to Assign User Roles in HCSIS. This Document…. Explains the concept of HCSIS roles and scopes for both Providers and Counties

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Role Mapping: How to Assign User Roles in HCSIS

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  1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Office of Children, Youth, and Families Incident Management Role Mapping: How to Assign User Roles in HCSIS

  2. This Document… • Explains the concept of HCSIS roles and scopesfor both Providers and Counties • Explains the steps involved in assigning HCSIS user roles for both Providers and Counties • Introduces you to the role mapping materials you will use to complete the role mapping task • Provides an example of the role mapping process • Discusses the DPW HCSIS User Agreement that all end users must complete

  3. What is “Role Mapping”? • Role Mapping is the process of identifying: • Who needs access to HCSIS for Incident Management? • What will they be able to do in HCSIS? (i.e. what is their role in Incident Management) • Role Mapping activities should be led by the Incident Management Liaison because YOU know who in your organization needs to be involved in the process of identifying HCSIS users and what their role should be

  4. Where Does Role Mapping Fit? • Key Implementation Activities – What needs to happen before GO-LIVE on July 16th? Step Key Activity Complete By Step 1 Identify Incident Management Liaisons / Business Partner Administrators Late May Step 2 Conduct Role Mapping Activities Mid-June Step 3a Register Users in LMS* Late June Step 3b Register Users in HCSIS Early July Step 4 Complete Training in LMS Mid-July * LMS: Learning Management System

  5. Definitions…. ROLE:A ROLE defines the activities a user can perform in HCSIS • The screens a user can access in HCSIS are based on his/ her role assignment • A user may have multiple roles assigned to his/her User ID. For example: • “Provider Point Person” and “Provider Incident Management Representative” are both HCSIS roles that can be assigned to the same person in the organization • Many roles can complete the same activities in HCSIS. For example: • A user with the “Provider Incident Management Representative” role can perform all of the activities of the “Provider Point Person” role, (i.e. Create an Incident Report) in addition the activities specific to the Provider Incident Management Representative (i.e. Finalize an Incident Report).

  6. Definitions… SCOPE:Scope defines what data a user can view and modify in HCSIS. • The information you are able to view will be limited to the children you serve. For example: • A Provider cannot view or modify incident or demographic information for a child who is served by another Provider • A County can not view or modify incident or demographic information for a child served in another County. • HCSIS will automatically enforce the scope requirements anytime users log into the application, based on their Role. You do not have to ‘assign’ a scope to each user.

  7. Provider Role Mapping

  8. Providers: How Many Users Should I Assign Each Role? Guidelines for Role Mapping • It is important to only assign roles to the users who need them. HOWEVER, these numbers will vary based on the size and needs of the organization and the number of children served. • A more detailed description for each role is included in the attached Role Summary Sheet. You should refer to this document when deciding what roles to assign users.

  9. County Role Mapping

  10. Counties: How Many Users Should I Assign Each Role? Guidelines for Role Mapping • It is important to only assign roles to the users who need them. HOWEVER, these numbers will vary based on the size of the organization and the number of children served. • A more detailed description for each role is included in the attached Role Summary Sheet. You should refer to this document when deciding what roles to assign users. * MCI – Master Client Index

  11. Role Mapping Materials To assist with Role Mapping activities, you should have received the following materials: • Role Summary Sheet • Contains all roles available to Counties and Providers in HCSIS • Details the activities each role is permitted to perform in HCSIS • Role Tracking Spreadsheet • Use this spreadsheet to record the information for each user and their role assignments • Your Business Partner Administrator will use the Role Tracking Spreadsheet to create users in the Learning Management System (LMS) and in HCSIS

  12. How to Complete Role Mapping in Seven Steps • The Incident Management Liaison is responsible for conducting role mapping. • Role Mapping steps: • Review the attached role mapping materials • Identify the individuals who will require access to HCSIS • Have each user complete the DPW HCSIS User Agreement and fax it to the HCSIS Help Desk, at (717) 540-0960 • Identify the appropriate role(s) for each individual (Refer to the Role Summary Sheet as a guideline) • Record what roles each individual have been assigned on the Role Tracking Spreadsheet • Communicate role assignments to users • Give the completed Role Tracking Spreadsheet to your Business Partner Administrator (COUNTIES ONLY: Email Completed Role Tracking Spreadsheet to Mike Allison, OCYF Implementation Team at c-mallison@state.pa.us )

  13. Seven Steps in Action: A Role Mapping Example • The Incident Management Liaison identifies and records for all individuals who will need access to HCSIS on the Role Tracking Spreadsheet • Let’s consider Suzie Smith, who has the following profile: • Responsible for 20 children and regularly creates incident reports for them as needed • Reports to the program manager for her organization • What Role should Suzie be assigned in HCSIS?

  14. Role Mapping Example Cont’d • Since Suzie needs access to HCSIS, have her complete the DPW HCSIS User Agreement • Every user must complete a DPW HCSIS User Agreement and then fax it to the HCSIS Help Desk at 717-540-0960 • Note: Business Partner Administrators - Please indicate on your DPW HCSIS User Agreement that you will serve in the Business Partner Administrator role for your County or Provider A user will not be given access to HCSIS until a completed DPW User Agreement is received by the HCSIS Help Desk.

  15. Role Mapping Example Cont’d • The Incident Management Liaison compares Suzie’s information to the role descriptions in the Role Summary sheet. Provider Role Summary Sheet • Suzie’s current job functions MAP to the Provider Point Person Role. Note: The Role Description is not a job description. It is intended only to match certain job activities to the activities performed by users in HCSIS.

  16. Role Mapping Example Cont’d • The Incident Management Liaison updates the Role Tracking Spreadsheet shown below to reflect that Suzie should be assigned the Provider Point Person role Role Tracking Spreadsheet • Once the Role Tracking spreadsheet has been completed for ALL individuals who require access to HCSIS, the Business Partner Administrator can create LMS and HCSIS User IDs • Note: User ID’s will not be activated in HCSIS until the DPW HCSIS User Agreement has been receiveD

  17. Next Steps Once Role Mapping activities have been completed… • The Business Partner Administrator for your organization is responsible for using the Role Mapping Spreadsheet to create the User IDs for your organization in HCSIS and LMS • Training materials for your Business Partner Administrator will be available on the LMS by June 18, 2007 under the title: BPADMIN100J OCYF Business Partner Administration Training • COUNTIES ONLY: Please email a copy of your completed Role Tracking Spreadsheet to Mike Allison, OCYF Implementation Team, at: c-mallison@state.pa.us

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