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Component Reuse for Exchange Analysis: Identifying and Building Components

Learn how to identify and build components for effective exchange analysis. Work with subject matter experts to gather requirements, define context and content, and use methodologies and tools like UML and JIEM for component development.

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Component Reuse for Exchange Analysis: Identifying and Building Components

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  1. GJXDM User’s Conference September 7, 2006 Component Reuse:Identifying and Building Components for Use in Exchange Analysis

  2. Exchange Analysis • Work with stakeholder Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to identify information sharing requirements • Identify the context and content of the exchange • Triggering Events • Senders and Receivers • Business Rules • Information • Follow a standard methodology to describe and capture exchange requirements Accurate analysis builds the foundation for effective component development and reuse

  3. Building Components • Build from scratch • Leveraging the work of others The IEPD Clearinghouse contains examples of GJXDM conformant schemas that can be used as the basis of component building. www.it.ojp.gov But… There are no definitive standards and reconciliation may be required between similar IEPDs

  4. Using an Effective Methodology and Tools • Methodologies • UML (Uniform Modeling Language) • JIEM (Justice Information Exchange Model) Analysis • BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) • Tools • Freeware – • ArgoUML • JIEM • Licensed – • Enterprise Architect • Visio • Exchange Modeler

  5. UML ModelingClass / Static Structure Diagrams

  6. Class / Static Structure Diagrams Advantages – • Can be understood by non-technical users • Graphical • Component Identification is a logical outcome Disadvantages – • Requires orientation/training • May not be portable outside of tool

  7. Using JIEM to Develop Components • Freely available to analysts, users and developers • Allows nesting of simple and complex elements and structures • Components can be easily shared between exchanges and documents • Integrates with UML modeling and IEPD development tools

  8. Using JIEM to Develop Components

  9. Using JIEM to Develop Components

  10. Using JIEM to Develop Components

  11. Using JIEM to Develop Components

  12. Data Usage

  13. Nested Data Structure in JIEM

  14. Simple Reuse

  15. Simple Reuse

  16. Building Class Diagrams with JIEM

  17. Using JIEM to Develop Components

  18. JIEM Integration With IEPD JIEM IEPD Tool XML Exchange Specifications JIEM Modeling IEPD Development Data Mapping Generate GJXDM/NIEM Conformant XML Schemas Define Exchange Requirements Map Data Elements to GJXDM/NIEM

  19. Integration to IEPD Tool

  20. Mapping Components to IEPDs

  21. Mapping Components to IEPDs

  22. Mapping Components to IEPDs

  23. Mapping Components to IEPDs

  24. Mapping Components to IEPDs

  25. Mapping Components to IEPDs

  26. Summary • Building components simplifies and standardizes IEPD development • Using component promotes reuse • Analysis is required to define content • Various tools can be used to build components

  27. Further information about JIEM Mark Perbix Justice Information Systems Specialist mark.perbix@search.org SEARCH: 916-392-2550 www.search.org

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