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Ranking transport projects by their socioeconomic value or financial interest rate of return ?. Alain Bonnafous Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports Pablo Jensen Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée et des Nanostructures. How to optimize public subsidies ?.
Ranking transport projects by their socioeconomic value or financial interest rate of return ? Alain Bonnafous Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports Pablo Jensen Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée et des Nanostructures
How to optimize public subsidies ? 17 highway projects : what is the best ranking to maximize the total socio-economical Net Present Value ? Project IRRse IRR Cost (ME) Arles - Salon 74% 7,5% 283 Isle Adam - Amiens 45% 6,1% 488 Toulouse Pamiers 30% 4,1% 450 Tours - Alençon 28% 3,6% 698 Dôle - Bourg 20% 7,1% 737 Saintes - Rochefort 20% 2,3% 290 Tours - Vierzon 19% 4,1% 800 Annemasse-Thonon 18% 7,9% 378 Grenoble - Sisteron 17% 2,5% 1880 Sens - Courtenay 15% 10,1% 197 Orléans - Courtenay 13% 3,0% 470 Dijon - Dôle 12% 9,5% 213 Lyon - Balbigny 11% 1,2% 770 Ambérieu - Bourgoin 11% 1,2% 500 Rouen - Alençon 9% 1,4% 580 A88 Caen - Argentan 9% 1,2% 250 Troyes - Auxerre 4% 0,9% 1350
Scope :Maximize the total NVPse, taking into account a budget • constraint F / year • Budget is used to subsidize projects, to raise their IRR to 8 %
How to rank projects ? IRRse ? IRR ? Other ? • Does it depend on annual budget ? • Value of F determines rhythm of completion of projects • (each project draws c of public subsidies per year during • the first 5 years). Example : for F = 150, taking IRRse ranking 1st year : Arles - Salon (sub : 38) 2nd year : Isle Adam - Amiens (sub : 230) 4th year : Toulouse Pamiers (sub : 400) • We calculate the total NVPse returned after 50 years. • Quantify the socioeconomic value of a given ranking
Finding the optimal order • Systematic exploration : too many possibilities ! • Clever search : • Simulated annealing (1983) • Genetics (1996) • Ants (1999)
Example with simulated annealing : atomic cluster structure
Our algorithm (~ simulated annealing ) : • Start from an arbitrary initial state (random, IRR order...) • (1) Permute two randomly chosen projects, i and j • (2) Calculate the total NVPse for this new ranking. • (3) Accept the permutation if the new total NVPse > old NVPse. • (4) Otherwise, calculate p=exp((NVPse_new – NVPse_old)/T) • (5) With probability p authorize the permutation, otherwise cancel it. • (6) If the permutation is accepted, the temperature is slightlydecreased. • (7) Start over, step (1).
Improvement / IRRse < sub >
Example F=50 (<F>/10) NVPse returned optimal 10973 O 10943 IRR 10312 IRRse 9097 Project Output Dijon - Dôle infinite Arles - Salon 12.53 Sens - Courtenay infinite Annemasse - Thonon 8.85 Isle Adam - Amiens 1.10 Dôle - Bourg 0.76 Toulouse Pamiers 0.69 Tours - Alençon 0.31 Tours - Vierzon 0.26 Saintes - Rochefort 0.18 Orléans - Courtenay 0.16 Ambérieu - Bourgoin 0.08 A88 Caen - Argentan 0.05 Grenoble - Sisteron 0.18 Lyon - Balbigny 0.08 Troyes - Auxerre 0.05 Rouen - Alençon 0.06 Sub 0 35 0 9 229 163 462 833 821 520 672 1478 739 3150 2276 4986 1524 Best « analytical » ranking criterion Output O : NVPse / subsidy ~ IRRse/(0.08 - IRR)
« Moral » : do not spend too much on (financially) bad projects, even if « good » (socioeconomically speaking), otherwise you cannot build much... • Perspectives • Repeat analysis on present highway programme (30 projects) • Full power of the method : How to optimize a programme with interdependent projects ? • Rapport Plan 2003 : « La construction d’A48 (Ambérieu-Bourgoin) interviendra dans un contexte de forte évolution du réseau routier national et autoroutier. Des aménagements programmés ou à l’étude seront soit complémentaires à l’A48, en assurant une continuité du niveau de service pour certaines relations, soit défavorables à l’A48 en favorisant les itinéraires concurrents... scénarii + ou - »