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Ms. Barletta barlettac@dkja.org www.dkjamsbarlettaenglish.weebly.com/

English 9 Honors Vocabulary Review Lessons 5-8. Ms. Barletta barlettac@dkja.org www.dkjamsbarlettaenglish.weebly.com/. Vocabulary Lesson 8. 1. beget (v.): to produce; to make happen HINT: To get 2. educe (v.): to draw or bring out

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Ms. Barletta barlettac@dkja.org www.dkjamsbarlettaenglish.weebly.com/

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  1. English 9 Honors Vocabulary Review Lessons 5-8 Ms. Barlettabarlettac@dkja.orgwww.dkjamsbarlettaenglish.weebly.com/

  2. Vocabulary Lesson 8 • 1. beget (v.): to produce; to make happen HINT: To get • 2. educe (v.): to draw or bring out • 3. glean (v.): to collect bit by bit; to gather with patient labor HINT: When you clean, you glean everything from off the floor. • 4. chafe (v.): to wear or irritate, often through rubbing or friction • 5. effrontery (n.): shameless boldness HINT: Front

  3. Vocabulary Lesson 8 • 6. imbibe (v.): to drink (especially alcohol) HINT: Beber=to drink • 7. feign (v.): to pretend HINT: You might feign fainting. • 8. desist (v.): to stop; to discontinue • 9. allude (v.): to hint at; to refer to indirectly • 10. elite (n.): the choice members or best of a group

  4. Vocabulary Lesson 8 Extra Words • 11. incongruous (adj.)not appropriate HINT: in=not; congruent=equal to • 12. bulwark(n.)a defensive wall • 13. connoisseur (n.)an expert HINT: King of the sewer • 14. cacophony(n.)harsh sounds • 15. expunge(v.)to remove HINT: Sponge

  5. Vocabulary Lesson 7 • 1. gird (v.): to prepare for an event or an action HINT: Birds gird for the winter. • 2. daunt (v.): to make afraid; to discourage HINT: Haunt • 3. flux (n.): a state of continual change or movement HINT: Fluctuate • 4. hovel (n.): a wretched living place; an open shed HINT: Hole in the ground • 5. cadaverous (adj.): of or like a corpse; pale; gaunt; thin HINT: Cadaver

  6. Vocabulary Lesson 7 • 6. gothic (adj.): of the middle ages; of or relating to a mysterious, grotesque, and desolate style of fiction HINT: Goth • 7. penury (n.): extreme poverty HINT: Not even a penny • 8. egress (n.): an exit HINT: • 9. felicity (n.): happiness; bliss HINT: Feliz • 10. despot (n.): a dictator with absolute power HINT: Da spot

  7. VocabularyLesson 7Extra Words! • 11. chattel (n.): property; a movable item of personal property HINT: Cattle is an example of chattel. • 12. austere (adj.): stern, plain HINT: Steer can appear to be austere. • 13. lament (v.): to mourn HINT: • 14. aloof (adj.):distant; indifferent; disinterested HINT: On the roof • 15. cerebral (adj.): relating to the brain HINT:

  8. Vocabulary Lesson 6 1. nepotism (n.): favoritism shown to family or friends by those in power, especially in business or hiring practices HINT: If you have a family member who works at Home Depot, and you get a job there before someone who is more qualified, this is a case of nepotism. 2. begrudge (v.): to resent another’s success; to envy HINT: grudge 3. mandarin (n.): an influential person; a member of an elite group HINT: You might know a man who is successful and therefore, a mandarin. 4. glutinous (adj.): gluey; sticky HINT: glue 5. enmity (n.): deep-seated hostility, often mutual HINT: enemy

  9. Vocabulary Lesson 6 6. declaim (v.): to speak in a dramatic, impassioned, or blustering manner HINT: claim 7. imbue (v.): to inspire or influence; to saturate HINT: 8. gaff (n.): a pole with a large hook on one end HINT: staff 9. quaff (v.): to drink in large quantities; to gulp HINT: 10. bibliophile (n.): a lover of books HINT: biblio=books; phile/o=lover of

  10. Vocabulary Lesson 6 Extra Words! 11. sporadic(adj.)occurring irregularly HINT: 12. stagnant(adj.)motionless; dull HINT: 13. stolid(adj.)impassive; not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive HINT: solid 14. strident(adj.)loud and harsh HINT: 15. superfluous(adj.)unnecessary; extra HINT: super saver

  11. Vocabulary Lesson 5 • 1. jaded (adj.): worn out; dulled, as from overindulgenceHINT: Faded2. gist (n.): the main pointHINT: If someone hits you with their fist, you get the gist.3. advocate (v.): to recommend; to speak in favor ofHINT: Advertise; Vocal4. efface (v.): to obliterate; to wipe outHINT: Erase your face5. charisma (n.): a personal appeal or attraction; magnetismHINT: Charm

  12. Vocabulary Lesson 5 • 6. ogre (n.): a brute; a large monster; a frightful giantHINT: Shrek • 7. mesmerize (v.): to hypnotizeHINT: Hypnotize • 8. entity (n.): anything having existence; either physical or mysticalHINT: Entire • 9. bandy (v.): to exchange words; to discuss casuallyHINT: Banter • 10. dastardly (adj.): cowardly and treacherousHINT:

  13. Vocabulary Lesson 5 Extra Words • 11.mundane(adj.):everyday; commonplace HINT: • 12. seclusion(n): isolationHINT: Seclude • 13. tirade (n): extensive scoldingHINT: • 14. servile(adj.): slavish; servant-likeHINT: Servant • 15. soporific (adj.): sleep causing HINT:

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