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New revision idea!. Lets try my countdown idea. Obj: To revise ‘Good and Evil 7,6,5,4,2,1. 7 Moral Codes. How do Christians know how to be good? They have 7 things to guide them. 6 responses to the problem of evil. 6 responses to the problem of evil.
New revision idea! Lets try my countdown idea. Obj: To revise ‘Good and Evil 7,6,5,4,2,1
7 Moral Codes How do Christians know how to be good? They have 7 things to guide them.
6 responses to the problem of evil • 1.Suffering is a necessary part of life in a world where we have freewill. We can in fact be made stronger and better people by undergoing some suffering in our lives • 2.Christians believe in heaven. The pain and suffering we experience in this life will seem unimportant when compared to the joys of the afterlife. • 3. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffered great pain and an early death after unjust treatment from his enemies, but was brought back from the dead. Light and hope can come from suffering and death. • 4. Suffering is caused by sin. Evil can be traced directly or indirectly to human beings behaving sinful, its our own fault. • 5. Job was tested. We might be being tested. • 6. Evil and suffering in the world are an opportunity for us to act in service to others, helping to put right some of the problems we see.
5 ways to cope with suffering Think about the suffering Christ endured. His desolation was worse than any one has been through. They would pray for strength and guidance. They would read their Bible. They may work to help others in the same situation. (Sheep & Goats) They would go to Church and be comforted by the Church community.
4 Appearances of the Devil Some Christians see Satan or the devil as the cause of evil in the world. According to Christian tradition Satan was an angel who rebelled against God, was expelled from heaven and now tries to lead people away from God. NOTE Satan’s fall is not in the Bible. .References to Satan/The Devil can be found in the Bible in: • GenesisThe story of Adam and Eve. The serpent is a metaphor for temptation. Some Christians see this is the Devil who led them astray • The Book of Job – The story of a good man Job, tested by the Devil to see if he would give up his faith when everything in his life went disastrously wrong • Matthew Chapter 4 – Jesus is tested by the Devil • Revelation- the Devil is defeated for all time.
3 temptations of Christ Jesus is tempted three times. Again this might be a metaphor, but some Christians believe this to be literal. The Devil tries to get Jesus to turn stones into bread. He tries to make him prove his power and he offers him wealth and power. Jesus refuses all these things proving good beats evil.
2 types of evil Moral Evil e.g. murder – Evil caused by human actions: ignorance, selfishness, cruelty, dishonesty, sinfulness. Suffering caused by this type of evil can be seen as a result of humans abusing the free will that God created them with. Natural Evil e.g. an earthquake – Evil that does not have any obvious cause. Such evil seems to strike good and bad people alike, with the poorest people often suffering the most. How can God allow this?
1 God Christians believe in one God. (Monotheism) They believe that God is benevolent.