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PLAY. 韋式英語演講教學 What will I be?. 教育. EDUCATION. 敬告啟示. 本公司所製作之影片絕對忠於陳韋宏韋式英語原著,並再度聘請到偉大的陳韋宏大俠為各位發表韋式英語的成就及最新研究成果,敬請用心觀賞。 各位觀眾如認為此投影片有任何優秀部分,請尊重著作權,請勿抄襲、盜錄、拷貝 … 等不法行為,如欲購買全套韋式英語專輯,請洽( 02 ): 23622171 向本公司訂購,謝謝您的合作。 影片即將開始,途中如有深難字難以了解,可舉身體任一部位發問,韋宏大俠將為您解答。. What will I be?.
PLAY 韋式英語演講教學 What will I be? 教育 EDUCATION
敬告啟示 本公司所製作之影片絕對忠於陳韋宏韋式英語原著,並再度聘請到偉大的陳韋宏大俠為各位發表韋式英語的成就及最新研究成果,敬請用心觀賞。 各位觀眾如認為此投影片有任何優秀部分,請尊重著作權,請勿抄襲、盜錄、拷貝…等不法行為,如欲購買全套韋式英語專輯,請洽(02):23622171向本公司訂購,謝謝您的合作。 影片即將開始,途中如有深難字難以了解,可舉身體任一部位發問,韋宏大俠將為您解答。
What will I be? I will be a teacher. If I am a teacher, I am not going to test my student, because my students will be very smart and perfect, because they have a very good teacher.
What will I be? Confucius said “ provide education for all people without discrimination”, so I will teach everyone who want to study. And Confucius also said, “ teach according to the student’s ability” even a very stupid student, I will teach him, too.
有教無類 provide education for all people without discrimination 因材施教 teach according to the student’s ability
What will I be? If I am a good teacher then everyone in the school will very like me. And all of my students will become to very happy and like to go to school. I will be a good teacher.
韋式英語天下無敵 下一世紀同一時間敬請觀賞—韋式英語教學