Insead Mission Statement • As an educational institution, our mission is to promote a non-dogmatic learning environment that brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world, changing lives, and helping transform organisations through management education. Through teaching, we develop responsible, thoughtful leaders and entrepreneurs who create value for their organisations and their communities.Through research, we expand the frontiers of academic thought and influence business practice.
Visão, Missão e Valores Visão: • O que queremos ser e para onde queremos ir? Missão: • Porque é que esta Empresa existe? • Qual a ideia/conceito que presidiu à criação deste negócio? • Trata-se da razão fundamental da existência de uma Empresa. Valores: • De que forma vamos trabalhar para chegar à Visão e mantendo-nos alinhados com a nossa missão? • O que valorizamos?
O que gostaria de criar como líder?O poder da Visão… A Visão é ……… • Deve dizer respeito ao longo prazo • Deve retratar o “estado ideal” • Deve ser estimulante e desafiante para o projecto da equipa • Deve “inspirar” à acção • Deve dar direcção e orientar • Deve ser curta e objectiva • Deve ser única: só se adapta ao seu projecto • Catalizador da acção.
Exercício preparação Visão • Descreve o que vês…
Exemplos Visões de Empresas To make the world's information universally accessible and useful Toyota aims to achieve long-term, stablegrowth in harmony with the environment, the global economy, the local communities it serves, and its stakeholders. To build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online
Exemplos Visões de Empresas To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world*If you have a body, you are an athlete. We create happiness by providing the finest in entertainment for people of all ages, everywhere. To be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve.
VisãoAcid test • Concreta e específica • Desafiadora e excitante • Positiva e inspiradora • Um objectivo ambicioso • Atingível
Exemplos de valoresDisney • No cynism • Nurturingandpromulgationof “wholesomeAmericanvalues” • Creativity, dreams, andimmagination • Fanaticalattention to consistencyanddetail • Preservationandcontrolofthe Disney magic
Exemplos de valoresAmnistia Internacional • Universalidade • Independência • Democracia • Cobertura Global • Respeito Mútuo • Acção efectiva no caso das vítimas individuais
Exemplos de missão e valoresMicrosoft • Mission: to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. Our mission reflects our six core values, which embody our ethical approach to business and our role as a committed corporate citizen in each of the countries and communities where we operate. Our ability to deliver on our mission depends on intelligent, creative people who share these values: • We act with integrity and honesty. • We are passionate about our customers and partners, and about technology. • We are open and respectful with others and dedicated to making them better. • We are willing to take on big challenges and see them through. • We are self-critical, questioning, and committed to personal excellence and self-improvement. • We are accountable for commitments, results, and quality to customers, shareholders, partners, and employees.
Exemplos de missão e valoresMicrosoft • We act with integrity and honesty. • We are passionate about our customers and partners, and about technology. • We are open and respectful with others and dedicated to making them better. • We are willing to take on big challenges and see them through. • We are self-critical, questioning, and committed to personal excellence and self-improvement. • We are accountable for commitments, results, and quality to customers, shareholders, partners, and employees.
Exemplos de missão e valoresGoogle Mission: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Core Values 1)We want to work with great people 2) Technology innovation is our lifeblood 3) Working at Google is fun 4) Be actively involved; you are Google 5) Don’t take success for granted 6) Do the right thing; don’t be evil 7) Earn customer and use loyalty and respect every day 8) Sustainable long-term growth and profitability are key to our success 9) Google cares about and supports the communities where we work and live 10) We aspire to improve and change the world
Exemplos de valoresCritical Software Mission • Our mission is to provide dependable and innovative technologies and engineering solutions for mission and business critical information systems across several industries. Vision • Our vision is to become an international software technology and engineering business recognized for excelling in the provision of pioneering and innovative solutions in multiple markets while ensuring the highest quality and dependability. Values Our values are embedded in our daily activity: • Global Vision: we want to compete in the most mature markets throughout the world • Customer focus: we are strongly committed to customer satisfaction • Quality: we have a quality driven culture focused on engineering and technology excellence • Re-investment and Growth: we re-invest company profits to support and boost our growth • People and Community: we believe that merit, energy and a strong will can make a difference • Innovation and R&D: we promote creativity and imagination to successfully introduce new technologies
Análise SWOT S • Pontos Fortes (Strenghts) • Que vantagens detemos? • O que fazemos bem? • A que recursos temos acesso? • Que aspectos positivos os outros destacam em nós? • O que os nossos Clientes/utentes/alunos valorizam em nós? • Pontos Fracos (Weaknesses) • O que podemos fazer melhor? • O que não fazemos tão bem quanto gostaríamos? • O que devemos evitar? • Que aspectos os nossos Clientes gostariam que melhorássemos? W • Oportunidades (Opportunities) • Que oportunidades temos à nossa frente? • A que tendências devemos estar atentos? • O que está a mudar no negócio? • O que as universidades líderes estão a fazer? • Ameaças (Threaths) • Que obstáculos enfrentamos? • O que a nossa concorrência está a fazer? • Os requisitos e pressupostos da nossa função estão a mudar? • Temos dificuldades em atingir os resultados e porquê? • Alguma das nossas fraquezas poderão vir a ameaçar o nosso sucesso? O T