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MCH directorate, FMOH 21th ARM

MCH directorate, FMOH 21th ARM. Nutrition Group discussions briefing Guide Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objectives. To get input for the preparation of food and nutrition strategy and HSTP-II

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MCH directorate, FMOH 21th ARM

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  1. MCH directorate, FMOH21th ARM Nutrition Group discussions briefing Guide Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  2. Objectives • To get input for the preparation of food and nutrition strategy and HSTP-II • To discuss on the current status of nutrition situation particularly on implementation of multisectoral coordination & linkage. • To create common understanding on the progress, existing policy landscapes challenges and way forward on stunting, Adolescent Nutrition focused on NTD and Multisectoral coordination and linkage. • To enhance the involvement of key nutrition implementing sectors, academia and development partners

  3. Expected outcome • Input will be collected for the preparation of food and nutrition strategy and HSTP-II • Discussants will have clear understanding and put their expertise feedback existing policy landscapes challenges and way forward on stunting, Adolescent Nutrition focused on NTD and Multisectoral coordination and linkage. • Nutrition implementing sectors, academia and development partners will enhance their involvement towards ending all forms of malnutrition/successful nutrition implementation.

  4. Panelists,presenters & session moderators

  5. Method and organization of the discussion process: • The discussions will be delivered as PPT and panel discussion as well as supplementary Video & booze also organized • Their will be assigned chairperson/Moderator and panelist for each of the topics • There are three rapporteurs assigned to capture the discussion points and way forwards. • Group discussion will be conducted for one days on 17, 2019which will be starting at 08:30am and will continue until 6:00pm • The group discussions will take place in syndicate rooms prepared for the group discussions at ­­­hotel. • List and composition of participants is attached:

  6. List and composition of participants • Federal NNP signatory sectors(7) • Universities (4) • Regional & city administration health bureaus(11) • Agencies under MOH (2) • Donors & Implementing Partners(10) • Nutrition case team officers & advisors(6)

  7. Nutrition presentation and panel discussion topics • Topics for Power point presentation • Adolescent girl’s nutrition and the need for Neural Tube Defect prevention • The ongoing & unfinished agenda … stunting!!! • Topics for panel discussion “The status of Multisector Nutrition coordination and the way forward. ”

  8. Nutrition Side meeting Agenda

  9. Panel Questions/Guides

  10. Thank you

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