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Advanced Techniques for Image Enhancement using Multi-Histogram Equalization

This paper explores multi-histogram methods for enhancing contrast and preserving brightness in images. Histogram equalization is a simple yet effective technique for modifying image contrast and brightness. Multi-histogram equalization involves decomposing images into sub-images and applying histogram equalization to each. Various methods like BBHE, DSIHE, MMBEBHE, and RMSHE are discussed in detail, along with test results.

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Advanced Techniques for Image Enhancement using Multi-Histogram Equalization

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  1. Multi-Histogram Equalization Methodsfor Contrast Enhancement and Brightness Preserving 指導教授:萬書言 報告學生:賴薏如 作者:David Menotti, Laurent Najman, Jacques Facon, and Arnaldo de A. Araújo IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 3, AUGUST 2007

  2. Histogram equalization(直方圖均勻化) • 利用影像對比統計圖用來決定灰度分佈資訊,讓我們了解灰度分佈,再進行影像處理。 • 是ㄧ種簡單而有效的影像對比修改技術

  3. Histogram equalization(2) • Change the mean brightness of the image to the middle level of the gray_level range • 強化對比的方式是將長條圖裡每個強度分佈的數量,依照整個畫面的比例,分配一個對照的新值,強調的是所謂的均勻分佈概念。

  4. Multi-Histogram equalization • Consists of decomposing the input image into several sub-images,and then applying the Histogram equalization to each one

  5. ¥: natural numbers,¢: integer numbers is a sub set of 0 ≤x < m , 0 ≤ y < n , Image I: to ¢L={0,..., L−1} L is typically 256 ,a point(x,y)∈, l=I(x,y) is called the level of the point (x, y) in I . 0 ≤ ls ≤ lf <L, I[ls,lf ]⊆ I, is a sub set of , I(x,y) = l :absolute frequency of the level l in the imageI 0 ≤ l ≤ L−1,

  6. 0 ≤ls≤l≤lf <L , :relative frequency (or the probability) of level l in the (sub-)image I[ls,lf ] ,0≤ls≤l≤lf ≤L−1 , 0≤ls≤l≤lf ≤L−1 Mean: Standard deviation:

  7. Shannon's Entropy (熵 )

  8. Minimum Within-Class Variance MHE (MWCVMHE)

  9. Minimum Middle Level Squared Error MHE (MMLSEMHE). • (ls+lf)/2, O[ls,lf ] • middle value of the image

  10. Classical HE method : uniform histogram of the output image ,ls ≤ l ≤ lf

  11. Other Method • Brightness Bi-HE Method (BBHE) • Dualistic Sub-Image HE Method (DSIHE) • Minimum Mean Brightness Error Bi-HE Method(MMBEBHE) • Recursive Mean-Separate HE Method (RMSHE)



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