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Learn about the motivations for switching to Trilinos CMake/CTest/CDash, the gains and losses, and the design principles for the build system.
2009-1098P Trilinos Usage of CMake/CTest/CDash Roscoe A. Bartlett http://www.cs.sandia.gov/~rabartl/ Department of Optimization & Uncertainty Estimation Sandia National Laboratories Kitware/SNL CMake/CTest/CDash Workshop May 7, 2009 Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Primary Motivations for Switching Trilinos • Native support for MS Windows (MS Visual Studio projects and self-extracting installers) and Mac (XCode project files and binary installers) • Improve robustness of our development and testing environments • Improve the stability of important Trilinos code • Support stronger collaborations with important customer codes (i.e. Almost Continuous Integration) • Better support R&D of deep stacks of vertically integrated algorithms CMake Transition • Decrease the maintenance costs of the framework and testing infrastructure • Reduce maintenance cost by 1/2 to 1/3! • Allow Jim Willenbring and Brent Perschbacher to do more important things Autotools Total Effort CMake Time
Gains & (Initial) Looses Switching to CMake for Builds • What we gain: • Full dependency tracking of every kind possible on all platforms (i.e. header to object, object to library, library to executable, and build system files to all built files) • Support for shared libraries on a variety of platforms • Support for MS Windows (i.e. Visual Studio projects, Windows installers, etc.) • Simplified build system and easier maintenance (extremely easy to add new packages and maintain existing packages) • Improved mechanism for extending capabilities (as compared to M4 in autotools) • Ability to affect the development of the build tools with good existing collaborations • Significant ``in house'' knowledge-base • One hundred percent automated intra-package dependency tracking and handling (built into the prototype Trilinos/CMake build system) • What we lose: • CMake requires that all uses have 'cmake' installed on their machine when building from source and users will need to have at a very recent version of cmake. (However, cmake is very easy to build from source)
Gains (no losses) Switching to CTest/CDash for Testing • What we gain: • Test time-outs (this is a major maintenance issue for the current Perl-based test harness) • Memory testing with Valgrind and purify that is backed up by Kitware and a larger development community • Line coverage testing that is backed up by Kitware and a large development community • Support for selecting and excluding subsets of tests based on regular expressions or named keywords • Better integration with the build system (e.g. easier to support more advanced features like PBS batch systems and flexible testing control) • Better tracking of specific tests (i.e. each and every test can have a unique name that is easy to find) • What we lose: • Nothing!
Design Principles for Trilinos CMake Build System: #1 • Make it exceedingly easy to define CMake files for new packages and to define libraries, tests, and examples in those packages. • Create a design for building individual package CMake files that automatically results in uniformity of how things are done. • Use standard macros to define every package's main features • Simplify maintenance. • Allow changes to logic and functionality that apply to all Trilinos packages without having to touch each individual Trilinos package's CMake files. • Provide 100% automatic intra-package dependencies handling • Avoid mistakes • Avoid duplication • Robustifies a number of important features. • Provide built-in automated support for as many critical software engineering practices a possible • Proper pre-checkin testing when continuous integration is being performed
Design Principles for Trilinos CMake Build System: #2 • Avoid duplication of all kinds as much as possible. • Fundamental software maintenance issue. • The build system should be able to reproduce 100% update-to-date output by simply typing ‘make’. • E.g. Coping test input files to binary directory • Aggregate as much common functionality as possible to the top-level CMake files but allow individual CMake packages to refine the logic if they really need to. • Accept extra complexity at the global framework level to reduce it at the package level • Apply solid software engineering design principles to manage the complexity • Remove duplication
Outline of CMake PackageArch Build System Trilinos/ CMakeLists.txt # Top-level build file cmake/ # Cmake support TrilinosPackages.cmake # List of Trilinos packages TrilinosTPLs.cmake # Lists of Trilinos TPLs ... package_arch # Generic package architecture macros PackageArchGlobalMacros.cmake PackageMacros.cmake PackageLibraryMacros.cmake PackageAddExecutable.cmake ... ... packages/ ... epetraext/ CMakeLists.txt # Top-level package build file cmake/ Dependencies.cmake # Defines intra-package dependency and TPL lists EpetraExt_config.h.in # Copied from ../src/ and hand modified src/ CMakeLists.txt # Defines library sources and library(s) test/ CMakeLists.txt MatrixMatrix/ CMakeLists.txt # Define actual test executables and test runs ...
Adding Packages in TrilinosPackages.cmake SET( Trilinos_PACKAGES_AND_DIRS_AND_CATEGORIES Teuchos teuchos PS RTOp rtop PS Epetra epetra PS Triutils triutils PS EpetraExt epetraext PS Thyra thyra PS RBGen rbgen SS ForTrilinos ForTrilinos EX PyTrilinos PyTrilinos SS ... ) • Adding a new Trilinos Package is a 1-line addition at the Framework Level! • NOTE: The packages must be listed in a order of strictly increasing dependences! • NOTE: If you get the ordering wrong, the automated dependency handling CMake scripts will automatically detect this and issue a very good error messages before the build is performed! • PS = Primary Stable Code, SS = Secondary Stable Code, EX = Experimental Code
Defining a Package’s CMake Build Files Trilinos/packges/ epetraext/CMakeLists.txt • Utility macros provide framework hooks into package functionality • Defines common behavior across all packages • Avoids duplication • Facilitates maintenance INCLUDE(PackageMacros) INCLUDE(AddOptionAndDefine) # # A) Define the package # PACKAGE(EpetraExt) # # B) Set up package-specific options # ADD_OPTION_AND_DEFINE(${PACKAGE_NAME}_BUILD_TRANSFORM HAVE_TRANSFORM "Enable transform functionality." ON ) ... # # C) Add the libraries, tests, and examples # ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(src) PACKAGE_ADD_TEST_DIRECTORIES(test) # # D) Do standard postprocessing # PACKAGE_POSTPROCESS() epetraext/cmake/Depencencies.cmake SET(LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES Epetra Teuchos) SET(LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES Triutils) SET(TEST_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES) SET(TEST_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES) SET(LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_TPLS) SET(LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_TPLS) SET(TEST_REQUIRED_DEP_TPLS) SET(TEST_OPTIONAL_DEP_TPLS) • Intra-package dependencies ! • Used in all intra-package dependency handing • All header-file paths and link libraries and directories are handled automatically • These dependencies can not be wrong! (i.e. the libs and execs would not build and link otherwise) • Optional dependencies create variables <PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<DEP> and HAVE_<UCPACKAGE>_<UCDEP> !
Automatic Intra-Package Dependency Handling $ ./do-configure -D Trilinos_DUMP_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES:BOOL=ON Configuring Trilinos build directory Printing package dependencies ... -- Teuchos_FORWARD_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='RTOp;EpetraExt;Isorropia;Thyra;Galeri;Amesos;Ifpack;Belos;RBGen' -- Teuchos_FORWARD_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='AztecOO;ML' -- Epetra_FORWARD_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='Triutils;EpetraExt;Isorropia;AztecOO;Galeri;Amesos;Ifpack;Belos' -- Epetra_FORWARD_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='Thyra;ML;RBGen' -- Zoltan_FORWARD_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='Isorropia' ... -- EpetraExt_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='Epetra;Teuchos' -- EpetraExt_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='Triutils' -- EpetraExt_FORWARD_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='Isorropia;Thyra;Galeri;Amesos;ML' -- EpetraExt_FORWARD_TEST_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='Belos' -- Isorropia_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='Teuchos;Epetra;Zoltan' -- Isorropia_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='EpetraExt' -- Isorropia_FORWARD_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='ML' -- Thyra_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='RTOp;Teuchos' -- Thyra_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='EpetraExt;Epetra' -- Thyra_FORWARD_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='Stratimikos' ... -- Stratimikos_LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES='Thyra' -- Stratimikos_LIB_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='Amesos;AztecOO;Belos;Ifpack;ML' -- Stratimikos_TEST_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES='Triutils'
Adding a Library in PACKAGE/src/CMakeLists.txt • Dependent package header directories, libraries, and library link directories handled automatically! • Macros provide uniform behavior across all libraries across all packages! • Test-only libraries are supported with ‘TESTONLY’ flag (see NOX for an example) INCLUDE(PackageLibraryMacros) # A) Package-specific configuration options PACKAGE_CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_NAME}_config.h) # B) Define the header and source files (and directories) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) SET(HEADERS EpetraExt_ConfigDefs.h ... ) SET(SOURCES EpetraExt_ProductOperator.cpp ... ) ... # C) Define the targets for package's library(s) PACKAGE_ADD_LIBRARY( epetraext HEADERS ${HEADERS} SOURCES ${SOURCES} )
Adding a Test in PACKAGE/test/CMakeLists.txt epetraext/test/CMakeLists.txt # Compile against epetra_test_err.h in all tests? INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) ... ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(MatrixMatrix) • Add common header include dirs • Just include the subdirectories epetraext/test/MatrixMatrix/CMakeLists.txt INCLUDE(PackageAddExecutableAndTest) INCLUDE(PackageCopyFilesToBinaryDir) PACKAGE_ADD_EXECUTABLE_AND_TEST( MatrixMatrix_test SOURCES cxx_main.cpp COMM serial mpi ) PACKAGE_COPY_FILES_TO_BINARY_DIR( EpetraExtMatrixMatrixCopyFiles DEST_FILES infileAB infileATBT infileAB2 infiles infileABT infileAB3 infileATB infileATB2 C.mtx C4x4.mtx C4x12x12x4.mtx C4x6.mtx C6x4.mtx C6x6.mtx mat6x4.mtx mat6x6.mtx mat12x4.mtx mat4x12.mtx mat4x4.mtx mat4x6.mtx Y.mtx YTC.mtx Y_transp.mtx roman roman2 romancase romancase2 cdt cdt_case cdt_d.mtx cdt_m.mtx cdt_tce.mtx SOURCE_DIR ${${PACKAGE_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/test/MatrixMatrix SOURCE_PREFIX "src_“ EXEDEPS MatrixMatrix_test ) • All header paths, link libraries etc are handled automatically! • Define executable and test in one shot! • 100% correct dependency tracking!
Defining slightly more complex tests thyra/test/operator_solve/CMakeLists.txt INCLUDE(PackageAddExecutableAndTest) PACKAGE_ADD_EXECUTABLE( test_linear_op_with_solve SOURCES test_linear_op_with_solve.cpp COMM serial mpi ) PACKAGE_ADD_TEST( test_linear_op_with_solve NAME test_linear_op_with_solve_n1_n2 ARGS "--n=1" "--n=2" NUM_MPI_PROCS 1 COMM serial mpi ) PACKAGE_ADD_TEST( test_linear_op_with_solve NAME test_linear_op_with_solve_n4 ARGS "--n=4" NUM_MPI_PROCS 1 COMM serial mpi XHOST s858352 s903186 ) • Define test cases separately from executable if needed!
Defining More Sophisticated Tests Current Limits of built-in CTest tests: • Runs a single executable (or script) with a set of arguments • Pass/fail determined by return value (0), or regex fail or regex any pass on STDOUT • Runs test in current directory What we would like: • Run multiple commands • Define pass/fail for each command in various ways (examine other output files, examine output from multiple commands, etc.) • Run tests in subdirectories created for the test Solution: • Write user-defined CMake function PACKAGE_ADD_ADVANCED_TEST(...) • Write ‘cmake –P’ scripts
Defining More Sophisticated Tests Define advanced test: PACKAGE_ADD_ADVANCED_TEST( <testName> TEST_0 (EXEC <execTarget0> | CMND <cmndExec0>) ... [TEST_1 [EXEC <execTarget1> | CMND <cmndExec1>] ...] ... [TEST_N [EXEC <execTargetN> | CMND <cmndExecN>] ...] [OVERALL_WORKING_DIRECTORY <overallWorkingDir>] [FAIL_FAST] [KEYWORDS <keyword1> <keyword2> ...] [COMM [serial] [mpi]] [OVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS <overallNumProcs>] [HOST <host1> <host2> ...] [XHOST <host1> <host2> ...] [FINAL_PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION <regex> | FINAL_FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION <regex>] ) Where: TEST_<i> EXEC <execTarget> [NOEXEPREFIX] [NOEXESUFFIX] [ADD_DIR_TO_NAME] | CMND <cmndExec> [ARGS <arg1> <arg2> ... <argn>] [MESSAGE "<message>"] [WORKING_DIRECTORY <workingDir>] [NUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>] [OUTPUT_FILE <outputFile>] [NO_ECHO_OUTPUT]] [PASS_ANY | PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex>" | PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_ALL "<regex1>" "<regex2>" ... "<regexn>" | FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex>" | STANDARD_PASS_OUTPUT ]
Defining More Sophisticated Tests PACKAGE_ADD_ADVANCED_TEST( ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput COMM serial mpi OVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS 1 # Should be 1,4,9 TEST_0 EXEC ml_Validate ARGS input1.xml OUTPUT_FILE ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput.out TEST_1 CMND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/commonTools/test/utilities/compareTestOutput evaluateCriteria baseline1.txt ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput.out PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Test passed." FAIL_FAST )
Defining More Sophisticated Tests XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Advanced Test: ML_ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput Running test commands: TEST_0, TEST_1 ================================================================================ TEST_0 Running: "/Users/bmpersc/nightly/Trilinos.base/SERIAL_DEBUG/BUILD/packages/ml/test/ValidateParams/ML_ml_Validate.exe" "input1.xml" Writing output to file "/Users/bmpersc/nightly/Trilinos.base/SERIAL_DEBUG/BUILD/packages/ml/test/ValidateParams/ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput.out" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST_0: Return code = 0 TEST_0: Pass criteria = Return code TEST_0: Result = PASSED ================================================================================ TEST_1 ...
Defining More Sophisticated Tests XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Advanced Test: ML_ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput Running test commands: TEST_0, TEST_1 ================================================================================ ... ================================================================================ TEST_1 Running: "/usr/bin/python2.5" "/Users/bmpersc/nightly/Trilinos.base/SERIAL_DEBUG/Trilinos/commonTools/test/utilities/compareTestOutput" "evaluateCriteria" "baseline1.txt" "ValidateParameters_compareTestOutput.out" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test passed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST_1: Return code = 0 TEST_1: Pass criteria = Match REGEX {Test passed.} TEST_1: Result = PASSED ================================================================================ OVERALL FINAL RESULT: TEST PASSED XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX http://trilinos-dev.sandia.gov/cdash/testDetails.php?test=182284&build=17561
Trilinos CMake Workshop Outline Automatic Intra-Package Dependency Handling
Quickstart: Special Configuration Modes for Trilinos • Configuring Trilinos to build all packages with all tests and examples: -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES:BOOL=ON -D Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON • Configuring a package(s) along with all of the packages it can use -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos:BOOL=ON -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES:BOOL=ON -D Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON • Configuring Trilinos to disable a package(s) and all packages it depends on: -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos:BOOL=ON -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos:BOOL=OFF
Automatic Intra-Package Dependency Handling • Trilinos/cmake/python/data/TrilinosPackageDependenciesTable.html • http://gabriel.sandia.gov/TrilinosPackageDependenciesTable.html
RTOp Teuchos Epetra Triutils Thyra EpetraExt Package Dependency Structure for Thyra Required Dependence Optional Dependence
Example: Enabling a Package and All Optional Packages $ ./do-configure –D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES:BOOL=OFF \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra:BOOL=ON \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES:BOOL=ON Configuring Trilinos build directory ... Enabling all optional packages for current set of enabled packages ... -- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON -- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON -- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON Enabling all remaining required packages for the current set of enabled packages ... -- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON -- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON because Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON Enabling all optional intra-package enables that can be if both sets of packages are enabled ... -- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON -- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON -- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON Final set of enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt Thyra 6
RTOp Teuchos Epetra Triutils Thyra EpetraExt Lib Only Libs & Tests Dependency Handling for Pre-Checkin Testing $ ./do-configure \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES:BOOL=OFF \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=ON \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACAKGES:BOOL=ON \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON
RTOp Teuchos Epetra Triutils Thyra EpetraExt Lib Only Libs & Tests Dependency Handling for Pre-Checkin Testing $ ./do-configure \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES:BOOL=OFF \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp:BOOL=ON \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACAKGES:BOOL=ON \ -D Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON
Summary • There is a lot of functionality in the current tools CMake/CTest/CDash • CMake/CTest scripting gives great flexibility to extend functionality • Various Sandia projects duplicate effort in build, testing, and reporting tools • However, complex computational code projects require more functionality! LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT ELSE IS NEEDED!