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Explore the cross-disciplinary approach to energy studies at UiO, challenges faced, potential solutions, and initiatives undertaken. Discover the educational opportunities and innovative programs at leading universities like UT Austin and Duke University.
Utvikling av et tverrfaglig studietilbud innen satsingen UiO:Energi Studiekomite- og forskningskomitemøte om tverrfaglighet Anders Elverhøi
Innehold • Kort om UiO Energi • Eksempler fra tre amerikanske universiteter • Kort om utfordringer for tverrfaglig utdanning • Hva er allerede utført, UiO og nasjonalt (PhD nivå • Mulige løsninger ved UiO – master • Konklusjon Ny Powerpoint mal 2011
Funksjonen til UiO:Energi • Virke katalytisk og strategisk • Legge til rette for kvalitet og fornyelse • Sikre utvikling av disiplinrettede kurs (hovedansvar enhetene) og samtidig fremme mer helhetlig forståelse av energi- og klimaspørsmål • Ha et særlig ansvar for å fremme tverrfaglige og tverrfakultære tiltak innen forskerutdanning og undervisning av strategisk betydning
Prinsipper for utvikling av tverrfaglig studieprogram innen energi og klima • Forskningsbasert utdanning, utnytte UiOs forskningskompetanse • Produsere kandidater som er relevante for næringsliv, offentlig forvaltning med mer (utdanningen må utvikles i samarbeid med eksterne aktører) • Tverrfaglig profil som bygger på grunnkompetanse innen et disiplinært felt
Utfordringer for tverrfaglig utdanning* • Colleges and universities must provide incentives and help eliminate disincentives to interdepartmental collaborations. • The disincentives: • when allocation of teaching credit and and organization of the physical facilities are under departmental control. • Colleges and universities cannot expect excellent teaching unless they actively support faculty development. • Administrators need to recognize the time and effort required by encouraging faculty to take advantage of campus resources *Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists
Utfordringer for tverrfaglig utdanning* • Decreasing barriers and increasing communication between departments will require mechanisms that facilitate faculty teaching out-of-department courses. • Increasing the recognition and rewards for faculty who teach outside of their department • Departments and colleges must find new ways to make resources available ---and reward their efforts. • Again, departmental structures must evolve to meet these new needs. • An interdisciplinary approach to teaching, faculty must consider both content and pedagogy • A major constraint on increasing interdisciplinary education is the physical layout of the teaching facilities *Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists
The University of Texas at Austin Energy Institute • The program aspires to: • critical understandings and analytical tools in the energy field • application of theoretical and conceptual tools of analysis and research on energy • Provide opportunities for participation in practical applications in energy • Foster research and dialogue among graduate students and faculty • Give students an opportunity to gain and document knowledge of energy topics that may be useful in their career paths
The University of Texas at Austin Energy Institute • Educational Opportunities in Energy, Graduate Portfolio Program in Energy Studies (GPPES) • A cooperative effort among 11 colleges and schools on the UT Austin campus • An interdisciplinary approach to study and research by integrating existing resources into a single program. • Course study with practical experience for students who may pursue professional careers in energy • Four thematically related courses for twelve credit hours, preferably from courses unique to their own area of study. • Complete a research project and present their results at a professional meeting or an on-campus event • Initial enrollment in the Graduate Portfolio Program in Energy Studies 15 students; 20 new students are expected to be added each semester until a limit of 100 students is reached.
DUKE University • The Duke University Energy Initiative is focused on: • Educating future leaders, researching to find solutions, and engaging with business and policy decision makers to address three major energy challenges: • Meeting growing energy demand to support a competitive and prosperous economy; • Reducing the environmental footprint of energy • Addressing energy security concerns.
DUKE UniversityEnergy Education Programs Undergraduate Programs • The goal of the Certificate is to develop innovative thinkers and leaders who understand the energy system as a whole and the important interconnections among policy, markets, technology and the environment. • Core Courses (both required): • Energy and the EnvironmentIntroduction to Environmental Engineering and Science • Three elective courses (one from each area) • Markets and PolicyEnvironmentEnergy Technology
Duke University - Master • The EE program aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively address energy and environmental challenges. • Over the course of the program, students will gain: • A broad perspective on the current energy system and future alternatives. • A fundamental understanding of science & technology as it relates to energy and environment. • Background in the economics, policy, and business of energy. • First-hand exposure to the energy sector and energy leaders. • Critical skills in data analysis and modeling. • Experience with communication, facilitation, project management, and teamwork.
MIT:Energy Studies (Minor) • Produce multi-dimensional graduates with both subject-specific knowledge and integrative understanding across a variety of energy issues. • Energy education across all the schools, all the departments, and all the programs that MIT offers. • Provide single-discipline, multi-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary perspectives on energy. • Offer a variety of hands-on subjects and opportunities to engage in the complex reality of energy. • The heart is a core of foundational subjects in the domains of energy science, technology and social science.
MIT Energy InitativeGuidelines for energy minor science core courses • We expect that any have been exposed: • to the basic scientific principles underlying all components of the energy landscape, • understanding of the physical laws governing and limiting energy processes, • exposure to the science of energy that they could, for example, work as a staff member assisting a politician on energy issues • have the background needed to place any energy issue into a scientific context • have some initial knowledge to use as a starting point for investigating any particular question.
MIT: Energy Minor • Energy Studies Minor Science Core Requirement • Outline of key science ideas and energy applications • Thermodynamics and second law • Quantum physics • Entropy • Nuclear physics: nuclear decay, fission, fusion • Planck radiation law • Atmospheric science • Chemical conversions • Biological systems
Erfaringer fra USA • Tverrfaglig energi perspektiv gjennom • Kurs på tvers av fakulteter (obligatoriske kjerne kurs) • Hovedsakelig på lavere grad • Tverrfaglig temaoppgaver • Duke, internt • Austin, på tvers av fakulteter • MIT, diverse former for interfakultær aktivitet • Tverrfaglige master oppgaver • Opptak • Sertifisering per fakultet • Duke • Eget opptak • Austin og MIT Ny Powerpoint mal 2011
PhD-UiO • Videreutvikle • MILENs forskerskole og • NorRen, The Norwegian Research School of Renewable Energy • Utvikle tverrfaglige forskningsprosjekter innen bærekraftige energisystemer i samarbeid med instituttsekroren, næringliv og samfunnet for øvrig med team av PhD kandidater innen sentrale problemstillinger
About NorRen • The Norwegian Research School in Renewable Energy (NorRen) is an organization for PhD candidates within renewable energy • Covers with this most of the renewable energy activities at university and research level in Norway • Course portfolio • Cataloguing relevant courses related to renewable energy offered at Norwegian universities • Mobility • Enhancing mobility for inter-institutional studies at the involved partner universities • Summer school • Organizing an annual summer school for PhD candidates and young researchers
Summer school 2012 • The topic of the 2012 summer school was “Implementation of Renewable Energy Technologies” and was visited by more than 70 PhD candidates • Interdisciplinary seminar, with a broad thematic approach to the field of renewable energy • Focus on network building and understanding across disciplines
Hvordan sikre tverrfaglighet: master O K O K O K O K E E Obligatoriske kurs ? Master E E E E E E E Bachelor E E E Obligatoriske kurs ? MN SV JUS HF
Hvordan sikre tverrfaglighet: master Eget opptakk, formål: sikre en faglig identitet O K O K O K O K Tverrfaglig kurs med prosjektarbeid/oppgave 10poeng ? E E Master E E E E E E E Bachelor E E E MN SV JUS HF
Hvordan sikre tverrfaglighet: master Hvordan bruke kurs fra andre fakulteter – ”heisekurs” O K O K O K O K E E Master E E E E E E E Bachelor E E E MN SV JUS HF
Hvordan sikre tverrfaglighet: master Hvordan bruke kurs fra andre fakulteter – ”heisekurs” O K O K O K O K E E Master E E E E E E E Bachelor E E E MN SV JUS HF
Hvordan sikre tverrfaglighet: Bachelor • Hvordan sikre • Faglig dybde innen sin egen disiplin • Hvordan sikre en tverrfaglig dimensjon • Merk, norsk ”undergraduate”, kun tre år, i USA er ”undergraduate” 4 år • Spørsmål: vil vi kunne gi: • BS program med energi innen sin egen disiplin • BS energiprogram med tversgående prosjektoppgave? E E E E Tverrfaglig kurs med prosjektarbeid/oppgave 10poeng ? Bachelor E E E E MN SV JUS HF Ny Powerpoint mal 2011
Sentrale spørsmål • Tverrfaglighet lavere grad • Kurs • Felesoppgave på tvers • Tverrfaglighet master • Kurs • Fellsoppgave på tvers • Seminarserie, obligatorisk
Tilnærminger • Utvikle felles prosessforståelse og terminologi • Diskusjonsbasert undervisnings og vurderingsformer • Samfunnsrelevant oppgaveløsing • Eksperter i team (prosjektbasert undervisning hvor ulike disipliner og fagområder er representert) • Heiseemner?
Master • Utvikle nye emner og/eller spisse eksisterende emner innen relevante studieprogram • Utvikle ett obligatorisk tverrfaglig emne basert på forelesninger fra forskere på alle fakultet • Utvikle tverrfaglige masteroppgaver • Utvikle eget studieprogram i ‘bærekraftige energisystemer’
10 vt energiteknologier MN • 10 vt energi regulering JUS • 10 vt energifinans ØI • 10 vt bærekraftige energisystemer Bachelor Statsvitenskap • Utvikle nye emner og/eller spisse eksisterende emner innen relevante disipliner som til sammen kan inngå i en ‘energy minor’, dvs i en 40-gruppe • Utvikle minst ett tverrfaglig emne, for eksempel ‘bærekraftige energisystemer’ • Utvikle eget studieprogram i ‘bærekraftige energisystemer’
Konklusjon • Utforme målformulering • Hvordan sikre det tverrfaglige aspektet • Gjennom kurs • Revisjon av eksiterende • Nye kurs • Temaoppgaver, gruppe eller individuelt • Eget opptak? • Hovedforankring på et fakultet • Eget lærerteam som ivaretar det tverrfaglige aspektet