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Ensure safety by following detailed procedures for inspecting school buses daily. Includes checklist, areas to check, and guidelines to follow.
OCPS Pre-Trip Inspection Victoria Creech March 23, 2012
Pre-Trip OCPS • Your pre-trip inspection should not take longer than 10 to 15 minutes. • The inspection of the bus is the responsibility of the school bus operator. The bus operator’s primary concern should be the safety of his/her passengers. • You must complete a pre-trip & post/trip inspection each morning and afternoon prior to leaving your bus. • If you have a mid-day a pre-trip/post-trip will need to be completed also.
Pre-Trip OCPS Operator Responsibility for Pre-Trip Inspection • Follow regular procedures • Use the district’s approved checklist • Check inside and outside the bus • Listen to the engine • Check the gauges • Report all defects
Pre-Trip OCPS • Let’s get started……. As you are approaching the vehicle start your pre-trip inspection by looking for any outside damage, fluid leaks, vandalism or tampering of the bus. Visually note whether the bus is sitting level, look for debris on ground, flat tires, open doors or hood, any unusual or unexpected items underneath the bus.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Check the Service door area: • Ensure that the door opens and closes smoothly. • Check for clear visibility through the windows and ensure that they are not cracked or broken. • Check handrail for security and to ensure that student’s clothing cannot become snagged. • Check steps for loose or worn flooring, protruding screws, holes, and other hazards. • Check step well lights to ensure that they are operational.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Check First Aid Kit/Mess Kit • Ensure that they are properly secured. • Kits have a seal or tie strap, ensure that the seal has not been broken. • Make sure the kits are properly stocked as indicated by specifications for that year model of bus.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Reflective Triangles • Check that the box is securely attached to the bus and the lid is securely attached to the box. Check tamer-resistant tie strap. • Check condition if the box has been open. • There should be three reflectors present at all times.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Fire Extinguisher: • Ensure that it is properly secured. • Correct type –ABC • Check pressure – ensure it is in the green area. • Check inspection date. • Make sure the seal is not broken and that the pin is not missing. • Check security of the hose or nozzle connection.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Bus Operator Seat Area: • Ensure the seat is securely mounted to the floor and adjusted properly. • Check the condition of the belt, make sure it is securely mounted and adjusted properly. • Bus Operator’s must wear the seat belt as designed. There should not be anything added to the belt!
Pre-Trip OCPS • Safe Start/Engine Operation: • Make sure parking brake is applied and the gear shift is in neutral before starting the bus. • Start the bus to identify ABS Indicator light comes on and properly turns off.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Check gauges and warning lights: • Water Temperature – Normal temperature reading should be between 170 to 180 degrees. • Oil pressure Warning Light – Light should come on and off when the bus is started. Normal oil pressure reading at idle is 20 to 25 PSI and running on the road between 60 to 70 PSI. • Alternator Warning Light – If the light remains on, do not operate the bus, it means a malfunction exists in the charging system. Report immediately. • Ammeter or Voltmeter – Ammeter should show a charge or normal position when the engine is running. (Between 12 to 15 volts.) • Air Pressure Gauge – On buses with two (2) air pressure gauges, there should be no more than 15 PSI difference with air pressure on the highest gauge at 125 PSI (7 per cent difference between gauges.) Check fuel gauge! Due to varying fuel tank pickup levels in different models and years of school buses, OCPS policy is “….never let the fuel gauge read below one half (1/2)”.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Lighting Indicators: • Turn on the headlights and check the high beam indicator. • Turn on strobe light. • Turn on the right and left turn signals and check indictors. • Turn on the 4-way hazard lights and check the interior indicators. • Activate the student warning light system and make sure the interior light indicator is operational. • Activate the student stop light system and make sure the interior light indicator is operational. • (With all lights on do a quick walk around to check out side systems are working as well).
Pre-Trip OCPS • Windshield, Wipers, Fluids: • Check to make sure the windshield is not cracked or broken, clear of obstruction and the seal is not dry-rotted. With the engine running, check wiper switch, make sure it is working properly on high and low. Check fluid and tension of the wiper blades to ensure they are working properly. • Heater/Defroster, Fan: • Check the operation of both the heater/defroster switches for operation on high and low. Physically feel the airflow. Remember on 2001 or newer models, ensure noise kill switch is on.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Mirrors: • Check to make sure the west coast, student cross-over, and student mirrors are adjusted for you. Check mirror brackets for damage. Check for cleanliness.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Steering, Horn: • Check steering wheel to make sure it is properly mounted, tilt system works properly and for excessive play (not more than 2 inch). Sound horn to make sure it is working properly.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Parking Brake Test: • Apply parking brake, shift vehicle into drive, accelerate engine 5 to 8 RPMs. The vehicle should not move if brake is holding. • Air Leak Test: • Turn engine off and turn key to the “ON” position. Do not start the engine. Release the parking brake. Firmly apply foot brake for one minute and watch air pressure gauge. Air loss should not exceed 3 PSI in one minute. • Let engine on to complete the inside inspection.
Pre-Trip OCPS Before leaving the operator seat check the following: • 2-Way Radio – Properly secured and working properly – correct channel. It is OCPS Transportation Services’ policy that a school bus not leave the compound to begin a route without an operational voice 2-way communications radio. We understand operational failure will sometimes occur on the road. • Interior Lights – With the bus running, turn on all the interior lights to ensure they are working properly, they are not cracked or broken and securely mounted.
Pre-Trip OCPS • Check all seats, seatbelts, floor, emergency windows, emergency exit buzzers, doors from the front to the back: • Check to ensure they are working properly, they are not cracked broken and secured. • You must open and close all emergency exits, to ensure the alarm comes on and goes off. On the Transit bus you must open and close the emergency exit window over the engine compartment. • Make sure the floor is swept and clean, check for soft spots, cracks, broken or missing pieces. • Seat belts are to be placed on top of the seat and buckled together when not in use. This is unacceptable
Pre-Trip OCPS Exterior Lights Front: Outside walk-around. • Front: • Check to ensure that the student stoplights (red) are clean and alternately flashing. • Student crossing arm should be extended. • High beam headlights should be undamaged, clean, and working. • Lettering should be legible. • Front clearance and identification (ID) lights (amber) should be undamaged, clean, and working. • Check fuel tank area, ensuring that there are no leaks and that the cap is tight.
Pre-Trip OCPS Outside walk-around: Right side: • Check the exterior rear-view mirror to ensure it is secure. • Check the right front tire and wheel. Check the tread, inflation, and condition of the tire. Check the condition of the wheels including lug nuts. • Grease streaks on the wheel may indicate problems with the wheel seal. • Check the student cross walk mirrors on the right front bumper is/are secure. • Check to ensure that the right turn signal is undamaged, clean, and flashing. • Check the clear and amber lights (should be illuminated). • Check the cleanliness and the condition for the side reflectors, both amber and red. • Check the body for damage. • Check the condition and cleanliness of all windows.
Pre-Trip OCPS Outside walk-around Rear of vehicle: • Check to ensure that the red student warning lights are clean and flashing. • Rear clearance lights and ID lights (red) should be undamaged, clean, and working. • Taillights should be undamaged, clean, and working. • Left turn signal should be undamaged, clean, and flashing. • Roof-mounted white flashing strobe light should be operating. • License plate lights should be clean and working. • Reflectors (red) should be present and undamaged. • Reflector tape should be present and in good condition. • Lettering should be legible. • Rear emergency door (if equipped) must open wide and with ease. Listen for buzzer. • Check exhaust and tailpipe for obstruction, security, and damage. • Check under the bus for leaks, or damage.
Pre-Trip OCPS Outside walk-around: Left side: • Check to ensure that the left turn signal is undamaged, clean, and flashing. • Check that the students cross walk mirror on the left front bumper is/are secure. • Check the left front tire and the wheel in the same manner as the right side. • Font stop arm should be extended and red lights flashing. • Clearance lights (amber) should be illuminated. • Check the condition and cleanliness of all windows. • Check the cleanliness and the condition of the side reflectors (amber and red). • Check security of battery door. • Lettering should be legible/check for reflector tape secured to bus. • Left side emergency door (if equipped) must open wide and with ease. Listen for buzzer. • Check left rear tires and wheels. Check tread, inflation, and condition of tires.
Pre-Trip OCPS Outside walk-around Lift Buses: • Open the lift door to ensure it opens easily and fully and check the hold-open strap or chain. • Operate the lift through one full cycle (unfold or deploy, down, up, fold, or stow) and check security of all components, including handrails, belt strap and platform end barrier (roll stop) is working properly. • Make sure you know how to operate the lift manually if necessary.
Pre-Trip OCPS OK everything looks good to me…….Let’s go back in and turn everything off except our head lights, and strobe light and pick up the children!
OCPS Post- Route Inspection Checklist • Neutral, Gauge Check: Check to be sure that the gear shift has been placed in neutral and all gauges are working properly before exiting. • Park Brake Applied: Pull out on the parking brake knob to ensure it has been activated. • Head Lights, Strobe Off: Check your lights to make sure everything has been turned off, including your strobe light. • Radio, Equipment Off: Be sure that both your 2 way radio and AM/FM radio have been turned off. • Interior Inspection: Check for any object left on your bus, such as band equipment, book bags, cell phones, lunch boxes, and most of all “CHILDREN”. Check bus seats, doors, windows, seat belts, and other equipment to ensure they are not damaged. • Safety Banner: “Will save your job” . . . Make sure you take the time to walk to the back of your bus and check for students. Look on the seats and under the seats to make sure there are no students left behind! Your banner should be placed outside the rear emergency exit door on all buses except 78 and 84-passenger buses which will display the SCB in the left rear window (driver’s side). Note: Do not tie the banner to the emergency door handle. Remember to remove the banner when the bus is moving. • Exterior Inspection: Walk all the way around your bus checking for any signs of damage or repairs that might need attention.