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Nikos Kazantzakis

Learn about the life of Nikos Kazantzakis, a prominent Greek author, poet, and playwright. Explore his travels, works of poetry, novels, and theatrical pieces that made him a legend in the literary world.

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Nikos Kazantzakis

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  1. Nikos Kazantzakis

  2. His life… Just a few words about the life of Niko Kazantzaki: he was born in Iraklion of Crete in 1882. He died in Freibourg of Germany. He was one of the biggest authors, poets, novelists, and theatrical writers in Greece. In 1897 he moved with his family from Crete to Naxos where he stayed for a couple of years. He finished secondary school in Iraklion. Then he studied in the French college and the university of Athens from 1902 to 1906. He cooperated with the newspaper ‘ACROPOL’ and was also involved in politics.

  3. His life… • . He travelled around to lots of countries such as England, France, Switzerland, aucasus, Germany, Austria, Russia, Spain, Tchechoslovakia, Egypt, mountain of Sina, China, Japan, Mantzaria. The late years of his life, he lived in Autime of France. In the last one of his trips, in China in 1957 he got sick. He was transferred by aeroplane to Autime, however he never made it. His body has been transferred to Iraklion of Crete.

  4. POEMS: One of his many poems is ‘ODYSAIA’ which was printed in Athens in 1983. It took about 14 years for this poem to be prepared from 1924 to 1983. Some others are: ‘TSERTANES’, ‘TRANSLATION OF ILIADA’ , ‘OMIROS’, ‘KAKRIDIS’ in 1955. The translation of ‘FAOUST OF GAITE’ and many more.

  5. NOVELS: Many of them are: ‘CAPTAIN MICHAEL’, ‘SALVATORE DEI’ , ‘ REPORT TO GRECO’, ‘WHAT I DID SEE IN’ Russia, Spain, Japan, China and many more.

  6. THEATRICALS WORKS: Some of them are: ‘ IT’S DOWN’ which was created in 1907, ‘JESUS’ in 1928, ‘ NIKIFOROS FOKAS’, ‘ODYSSEUS’, ‘THE BEE’, ‘KAPODISTRIAS’, ‘CHRISTOPHOROS COLUMBUS’ and many more theatrical works.

  7. At last, Kazantzakis was made famous only because of five or six novels although he wrote so many.One big thing that truthfully impressed us are his words on his grave ‘I HOPE NOTHING, I AM AFRAID OF NOTHING, I AM FREE’

  8. This project was made by… Fani Pantelaki

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