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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework SNOW DAY= MONDAY… TUESDAY

This week, we delve into the world of Okonkwo and the Ibo people in "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. We analyze the characters, customs, and beliefs of the Ibo society and discuss their similarities and differences with our own lives. Additionally, we explore the power of storytelling and its impact on culture and understanding.

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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework SNOW DAY= MONDAY… TUESDAY

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  1. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework SNOW DAY=MONDAY… TUESDAY Week 9 (Welcome to March and LAST WEEK OF Q3!) Let’s reflect and anticipate… Please write down 3 words that describe your character (e.g easy going, silly, decisive, spoiled, frank, insecure, dreamer, picky, etc.!) Look at one of these descriptors. Explain how it could help or hinder your progress in school as we try to avoid getting “antsy” this month. Homework: Make sure you have competed the chart and are ready to discuss the “Reflect & Discuss” prompts TFA Read 7-13 for next class Anyone doing a TFA Extension Project? I need to know by the end of the week! Independent Inquiry – SOURCE 2

  2. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework MONDAY Turn to a shoulder partner and discuss (or record answers in your notebook): • Based on the text, how would characterize Okonkwo? • Brave, strong, titled, successful, angry, impatient, physical, unaffectionate/not outwardly affectionate • Based on the text, how would you characterize Unoka, his father? • Lazy, indebt, cowardly, musical • What motivates Okonkwo? • Fear of failure, not wanting to be like his father, pride in his accomplishments • What do we learn about Ibo society and customs? • Religion: oracles, magic; personal gods • Proverbs: social “norms” • Husbands may take more than one wife • Town-meetings to decide important issues • Status gained by personal achievement, not father’s legacy, etc. • How would you characterize Achebe’s style of writing? • Very clear, straightforward • Simple sentence structures • Use of proverbs • Specific but matter-of-fact description—not too detailed • Blend of formal European-style (the novel) with traditional idioms, folk tales -Proverbs Homework: TFA Read 7-13 for next class Anyone doing a TFA Extension Project? I need to know by the end of the week! Independent Inquiry

  3. Past, Present, Future MONDAY • Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (CHIN-wa a-CHE-beh) • Unit Guide, Chapters 1 and 2, HMWK: Chapters 3 – 6 • Independent Reading inquiry Project • SNOW DAY • Things Fall Apart • Chapters 3-6 “Looking at Ibo Life” • Reflect, Write, Discuss • Things Fall Apart • Chapters 7-13 “A Combination of Tragedy and Fear” • 8-10 • 5-10 • 5-10 • 2-3

  4. When Cultures Collide AP = Also Prose Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: • Establish some background knowledge by examining briefly the country that forms the setting • Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it, citing specific evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text about the… • Protagonist • Setting • Customs & beliefs of the Ibo people Relevance: The ability to interpret a variety of texts and cite evidence fosters the coherent thinking, speaking, and writing, which are priority skills for the workplace and postsecondary settings. Through preserving and sharing humanity’s stories, we build connections among people and create a more compassionate world where everyone story matters Essential Questions: Does familyinfluence who we are? What specific techniques in a modern text deserve critical attention or appreciation? Why? How does the writing of a given group of people offer insight into cultural conflicts? What lessons can we (as a people) derive from stories?

  5. Activities: Develop We Do Purpose: to discover what everyday life was like among the Ibo people Tasks: • Get into small groups of 3-5 • Discuss “Looking at Ibo Life” Outcome: Complete the chart (minimum 2 “columns” IEE + IEE; don’t forget a conclusion!) What have you learned about Ibo life & culture? (religion, individuality and/vs. community, gender) Reflect & Discuss: How are these details of Ibo life different than our own, 2019 American way of life? How are they similar to our own? Draw specific contrasts and comparisons. Also, how would an outsider view us? For example, how would the Ibo (or someone from another time and place) view our everyday lives (interactions, recreations, relationship interactions, dogmas, religious services, holidays, educations, occupations)?

  6. Review & Release Read Chapters 7-13 Make sure you have competed the chart (minimum 2 “columns” IEE + IEE; don’t forget a conclusion!) and are ready to discuss the “Reflect & Discuss” prompts BRING SOURCE 2 TOMORROW

  7. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework WEDNESDAY Have out your source #2 for Independent Inquiry. Be prepared to share aloud what it is (e.g. title, genre) AND why you chose it! Homework: Read Chapters 7-13 TFA

  8. Past, Present, FutureWEDNESDAY • Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (CHIN-wa a-CHE-beh) • Chapters 1-6 “Looking at Ibo Life” • Independent Inquiry Project: Source 2 • Things Fall Apart • Meets Poetry! • Anyone doing a TFA Extension Project? I need to know by the end of the week!

  9. Final Independent Reading and Inquiry Project Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objectives: You will be able to. . . • Prepare for the AP Exam by reading a novel of literary merit • To identify, explore, and synthesize an subject of personal interest • Proposal • In-class Essay • Conference • MLA Annotated Works Cited Page • Presentation & Project (with paragraph) • Brief Reflective Paper Essential/Inquiry Questions: Determined by you! Relevance: This is up to you… In general, interpretation of text, supported by citing evidence, fosters reading skills and coherent thinking, speaking, and writing, which are priority skills for the workplace and postsecondary settings. Many careers require the ability to examine multiple sources and create products from these. Today’s world caters to visual information, graphics and photo images.

  10. Activity: Obtain Purpose: to engage in a text of literary merit Task: Outcome: How is this second source developing ideas related to answering your inquiry question? Is it changing, shifting, challenging, or re-affirming your inquiry?

  11. Review & Release We will be reviewing your charts and discuss the Outcome prompts for TFA Chapters 1-6 tomorrow. Have you read Chapters 7-13? Anyone doing a TFA Extension Project? I need to know by the end of the week! Independent Inquiry!

  12. Po-Joke #14Question: Why do poets despise writing commercial jingles?Answer: Because jingles are ad-verse.Po-Joke #15Question: How is a book of poetry like O.J. Simpson’s testimony.Answer: Nobody buys either one of them.Po-Joke #16Question: Where do poems come from?Answer: Poe-trees.Po-Joke #17Question: Why did the traffic cop give the poet a ticket?Answer: For driving without a poetic license.Po-Joke #18Question: Where do poets obtain poetic licenses?Answer: From the DMV, the Department of Metrical Verse.Po-Joke #19Question: When is a carpenter with a 2x4 like a poem?Answer: When he’s a sawin’ it.Po-Joke #20Question: What do you get when you combine Robert Frost and James Bond?Answer: The Road Not Shaken but Stirred.Po-Joke #21Question: What’s big and gray and writes poetry?Answer: T.S. Elephant.Po-Joke #22Question: What’s a Grecian Urn?Answer: About twenty thousand drachmas a year after taxes.Po-Joke #23Question: Why was John Keats always hounded by creditors?Answer: Because he Ode so much.

  13. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework THURSDAY Have out your copy of Things Fall Apart AND your “Looking at Ibo Live” handout (from this week - has 18 review questions and writing chart). Homework: Read Chapters 14- TFA

  14. Past, Present, FutureTHURSDAY • Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (CHIN-wa a-CHE-beh) • Chapters 1-6 “Looking at Ibo Life” • Independent Inquiry Project: Source 2 • Things Fall Apart • Finish Chapters 3-6 “Looking at Ibo Life” • Write, Reflect, Discuss • Anyone doing a TFA Extension Project? I need to know by the end of the week! • Things Fall Apart • Meets

  15. Activities: Develop We Do Purpose: to discover what everyday life was like among the Ibo people Tasks: • Get back into your “Looking at Ibo Life” small groups • If you were not in a group originally, form one(3-5 people) with others who were not • Spend 5 minutes completing the chart (minimum 2 “columns” IEE + IEE) AND don’t forget a meaningful concluding sentence! Outcome: As a large class group, spend 10 minutes reflecting & discussing… How are these details of Ibo life different than our own, 2019 American way of life? How are they similar to our own? Draw specific contrasts and comparisons. Also, how would an outsider view us? For example, how would the Ibo (or someone from another time and place) view our everyday lives (interactions, recreations, relationship interactions, dogmas, religious services, holidays, educations, occupations)?

  16. Review & Release • So you don’t look like this on the weekend… • Do some.. • Read Chapters 14-19 • Or from your Independent Inquiry Source 2

  17. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework FRIDAY On the slip of paper, write your first name and last initial AND the chapter number through which you have read. Turn this into the front basket during the first minute of class. Homework: Read Chapters 14-19 TFA + Independent Novel Inquiry Project Susie Q Through Chapter 7

  18. Past, Present, FutureFRIDAY • Things Fall Apart • Chapters 3-6 Discussion • Things Fall Apart • Found Poem Review and/or • Chapters 7-13 “A Combination of Tragedy and Fear” (Written responses) • Extension Activities? • Things Fall Apart • Chapters 14-19 Large Group Discussion • Independent Novel Inquiry Project (source 2)

  19. When Cultures Collide AP = Also Prose Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Unit Objectives: You will be able to… • Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it, citing specific evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text about the… • Protagonist • Setting • Customs & beliefs of the Ibo people • Colonialism and cultural changes Relevance: "If you only hear one side of the story, you have no understanding at all." - Chinua Achebe, The Atlantic Online, Aug 2, 2000 Through preserving and sharing humanity’s stories, we build connections among people and create a more compassionate world where everyone’s story matters. – StoryCorp Mission Essential Questions: • How does Achebe help the reader understand the devastation to a culture when that culture collides with a more powerful culture? (Consider that art is highly valued in this African culture as in most cultures.) • What is “civilized,” what is “primitive” and who decides the difference? What happens when one’s culture is questioned? • How do ritual, ceremony, and story reflect culture? • What specific techniques in a modern text deserve critical attention or appreciation? Why? • How does the writing of a given group of people offer insight into cultural conflicts? What lessons can we (as a people) derive from stories?

  20. Activity: Develop & Apply We Do Purpose: to creatively review Part One, “Before Things Fall Apart,” and draw some conclusions Tasks: Get into small group of 3-4, discuss and jot down idea for the following • What do you think Achebe has accomplished in Part One? Make a list • What knowledge have you gained about the Ibo people? Make a list • What events suggest their way of life will change? Make a list Outcome: Divide into groups & create a Found Poem (see next slide) for your chapter for the second ½ of Part 1 • Chapter 7 • Chapters 8 • Chapters 9 • Chapters 10 • Chapters 11 • Chapter 12 • Chapter 13

  21. Activity: Develop & Apply Directions for Writing Your Found Poem Model from Chapter 19 of Their Eyes Were Watching God Gun came up unsteadilyLeveled at Janie’s breastPistol snapped onceIf anybody at all would come!Second clickSuffering brain urging him on to killFerocious look in his eyesThe fiend in him must killPistol and rifle rang out almost togetherHe crashed forward in her armsMeanest moment of eternityHeld his head tightly to her breast and weptThanked him wordlessly for loving serviceHad to tell him for the last timeThen the grief of outer darkness descended • Select key ideas &events from your assigned chapter • The poem you write must be words found in the pages of your chapter (hence the reason it is called a Found Poem!) Sooo…Select specific “words” and “phrases” from these – Consider the words that best represent key ideas/events ANDthe tone/feeling behind these • Arrange them into a poem – Consider complimentary or shifting ideas in stanzas, sound, rhythm, imagery, etc.

  22. Activity: Develop & Apply You Do – For those still reading Part 1 Purpose: to examine Ibo life before the coming of the white man Tasks: Respond to the questions of “A Combination of Tragedy, Fear, and Joy” Outcome: Jot down responses to the questions as needed

  23. Review and Release • Share out! • Reconsider… • What do you think Achebe has accomplished in Part One? • What knowledge have you gained about the Ibo people? • What events suggest their way of life will change? • Read TFA Chapters 14-19 for next class

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