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ARCHEOLOGICAL PLACES AND THE MOST IMPORTANT HISTORICAL EVENTS OF LIT HUA NIA. VYTU RI AI PROGYMNASIUM UTENA LITHUANIA 2013. A verse about Lithuania written by a famous Lithuanian poet MAIRONIS. Mylėk, lietuvi, tą brangią žemę, Kurioj nuo amžių tėvai gyveno.
A verse about Lithuania written by a famous Lithuanian poet MAIRONIS Mylėk, lietuvi, tą brangią žemę, Kurioj nuo amžių tėvai gyveno. Čia tavo kūnas sau maisto semia, Čia tu ir dvasiai atrasi peno. Maironis
Themoundof Merkinė Merkinės pliakalnis
The name of Lithuania was first mentioned in written sources of Germans at the begining of the XI century – in Kvedlinburg, in1009. There is such a sentence:„Sanctus Bruno, qui cognominatur Bonifacius, archiepiscopus et monachus, XI suae conversionis anno in confinio Rusciae et Lituae a paganis capite plexus, cum suis XVIII, VII. Id. Martii petiit coelos“ („St. Brunonas, so-called Bonifacas, a bishop and a monk and his friends were killed by pagans on the 9th of March and went to the heaven). Lietuvos vardas rašytiniuose šaltiniuose pirmą kartą buvo paminėtas XI amžiuje, 1009 metais, Vokietijoje.
Historical finds tell us about the oldest period in Lithuanians' lifeIstoriniai radiniai The work tools, jewellery
The Grand Duke MINDAUGAS was crowned in 1253, the 6th of July. LITHUANIA became the KINGDOM1253 metais buvo karūnuotas Didysis Kunigaikštis Mindaugas, Lietuva tapo karalyste.
Gediminas, Algirdas, Vytautas - the foundators of the Grand Principality of LithuaniaXIV-XV c.Lietuvos Didžioji kunigaikštystė XIV-XV amžiuje
1387 - the year of the christening of LithuaniaLietuvos krikštas The meaning of entering the Christianity • The culture of Western Europe spread in schools and writing. • It was useful for co-operating with other nationalities, lithuanians comunicated with catholic countries such as Slavs, Polish. • European countries recognized Lithuania. • The idea of agression germans' against lithuanians failed. • Even Catholic was announced as State religion, but consciousness of people hardly changed – they adored their old gods for a long time.
The symbols of Christianity and Paganism Krikščionybės ir Pagonybės simboliai
Fights with crusadersFrom1202 to 1410 (~200 years) Kovos su kryžiuočiais
„It is better to die in freedom than to live in slavery...” – the last defenders of Pilėnai sing. They came to history as the symbol of independence, which expresses the main idea of this opera. „Geriau mirt laisvėje, nei gyventi vergovėje“. Žodžiai iš Pilėnų pilies gynėjų dainos.
The first Lithuanian book is Martyno Mažvydo katekizmas – in1547Pirmoji lietuviška knyga • „Katekizmuso prasti[paprasti] žodžiai, mokslas ir skaitymo rašto giesmės, dėl krikščionystės bei dėl bernelių jaunų naujai suguldytos.“ • Only two originals of the first Lithuanian book are left nowadays. One book is saved in Vilnius University, the other book- in Torunes University in Poland.
Liublino unija in 1569, July the 6th The new State THE REPUBLIC OF BOTH NATIONALITIES was created according to the document (so-called Liublino unija) between Lithuania and Poland . It was confirmed by the King in1569, July the 6th. According to it the King of Poland will be the King of Lithuania, they will have commonSeym. The separated title of State, territory, government with treasury and army were left to Lithuania. LIETUVOS-LENKIJOS unija, sudaryta 1569 m. The symbol of therepublic of both nationalities
Division ofŽečpospolitain 1795 Austria Russia Prussia
Lithuania in the Empire of Russia (Lietuva Rusijos imperijos sudėtyje) from 1795 to 1918 1803The oldest school of Lithuania was reorganized to Vilnius Imperial University.1863-1864The strike against the authority of the Czar in Lithuania and Poland. 1864 The Lithuanian writing was forbidden with Latin letters. 1865 The bishop M. Valančius started to organize resistance against politics of Russia. He encouraged priests and nation not to enter the orthodoxy, to ignore books written in kirilica, to establish secret Lithuanian schools. 1883-1905was issued the first secret Lithuanian newspaper „Aušra“; the printed magazine „Varpas“;1904 05 07Prohibition of Lithuanian Press was canceled. 1905 12 04-05The Grand Seym of Vilnius.
Book-spreadersKnygnešiai.Jie kovojo už lietuviškos kalbos išsaugojimą, slapta gabeno lietuviškas knygas, susidurdami su caro armija, policininkais. From 1864 to 1901 were forbidden to read any literature in Lithuanian. It is only a little extract in our national history, but it is a persistent fight for Lithuanian word and its surviving. The book-spreaders became the symbol of this fight. About 2000 book-spreaders fought for Lithuanian Book during 40 years period.They stood attacks of the czar's army, policemen and frontier troops against Lithuanian Word and Book. J. Bielinis J. Angrabaitis J. Sakalauskas K. Udra
The rebirth of LithuaniaLietuvos respublikos atkūrimas 1918 02 16The Statement of Independence was drawn up by Lithuanian Council
1941 -1990 To stay Lithuanians is very important… • 1941 The strike of June against the Soviet Union in the second World War. • Exiles; • The fights of partisans; • The chronicle of Catholic church is the main issue, which was established in Lithuania from 1972 to 1989. Discrimination and persecution of Catholics in Lithuania, life of believers in the Soviet Union, the real situation of the Church and believers in Lithuania were written in the chronicle.
Exiles. Tremtys The mass people‘ expulsion from their living places to the farthest districts of the Soviet Union was one of the cruelest means against people of the country. All the families: parents, grandparents, children, babies and patients were taken secretly in wagons for cattle from their houses, usually at night.
„Maybe I won‘t live until freedom, but you will. Lithuania will be free“. A. Kraujelis 18 819 partisans were arrested in Lithuania from 1944 to 1952. 12 459 of them were supporters of fighters in underground. During the partisans‘ war 20 101 partisans were killed in Lithuania. (a half of them were from 16 to 21 years old). Vienas iš mūsų rajono partizanų, Antanas Kraujelis, narsus kovotojas, žuvęs už Lietuvos laisvę Antanas Kraujelis the last partisan in Highlands dedicated his life to the fight against occupants.He was a signalman. He was a partisan-monster in Vytautas district. The goal of his life was to fight against occupants to the end. He won a difficult fight, lived and died as a free man.
1990 03 11 „And the light and the truth lead our steps“ V. KudirkaThe line fromtheanthemofLthuania„It šviesa, ir tiesa mūs žingsnius telydi“ FormerandpresentLithuanianpresidents
NATO The European... ? Union SUN - saulė FORESTS - miškai HEROS BLOOD – didvyrių kraujas
The lessons of alive historyGyvosios istorijos pamokos Lithuanian pupils and adults can touch an alive history to increase their knowledge in archaic and historical crafts, mode of life and life style in old days. They can try to make pots from clay, make decorations and fight with a real knight.
The fights of knights The crafts in the old days
Archeology in historylessons1stage Archeologija istorijos pamokose
VILNIUS – CAPITALVilnius Lietuvos sostinė A legend about foundation of Vilnius Legenda apie Vilniaus sukūrimą Vilniaus įkūrimą supa visiems Vilniaus mylėtojams žinoma viena spalvingiausių Lietuvos metraščių legendų. Lietuvos Gediminas medžioklėje sumedžiojęs taurą, užmigęs slėnyje, kur buvo deginami jo mirę pirmtakai, susapnavo sapną: ant kalno kaukė geležiniais šarvais apsišarvavęs vilkas. Pakėlęs galvą į mėnulį jis staugė taip garsiai lyg staugtų jame pasislėpusių šimtas kitų vilkų. Ryte Gediminas pasikvietė vyriausią Lietuvos žynį, papasakojęs sapną prašė jį išaiškinti. Žynys taręs: „Galingasis Valdove, per šį sapną dievai apreiškė tau savo valią ir jeigu ją išpildysi, laukia tavęs garbė ir galybė. Geležinis vilkas reiškia, kad toj vietoj turi būti pastatyta tvirta pilis ir miestas – valstybės sostinė, o šimtas vilkų, jame staugiančių, reiškia gyventojus, kurie tave ir to miesto garbę ir galybę išgarsins po visą pasaulį.” IRON WOLF
This legend relates to Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania whose monument stands in Cathedral Square.Grand Duke, Gediminas, was on a hunting trip in the forests of Šventaragis valley around the mouth of the River Vilnia. When night fell, the party, feeling tired after a long and successful hunt, decided to set up camp and spend the night there. While he was asleep, Gediminas had an unusual dream in which he saw an iron wolf at the top of the mountain where he had killed an European bison that day. The iron wolf was standing on the top of a hill with its head raised proudly towards the moon, howling as loud as a hundred wolves.Awakened by the rays of the rising sun, the Duke remembered his strange dream and consulted the pagan priest Lizdeika about it. The latter interpreted the dream as follows: ‘Let that happen to the Ruler and the Lithuanian State what was fated to happen!’ He told the Duke that the dream was a direction to found a city among these hills. The howling of the wolf, explained the priest, represented the fame of the future city: that city will be the capital of Lithuanian lands, and its reputation would spread far and wide, as far as the howling of the mysterious wolf…’So the Grand Duke of Lithuania, obeying the will of gods, immediately started to build the future capital, and took it the name – Vilnius – from the stream of the rapid Vilnia
Comenius project “Languages, culturesandgreenerfutureconnectingpeople” Romania – Lithuania 2013-2015