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Quality Informatics at ASSIST National Conference 2009

Dive into the role of informatics in delivering NHS services at the 2009 ASSIST National Conference. Explore key topics such as quality of care, economic challenges, and information management. Learn about NHS Information Centre's mission to drive better care through data and discover resources for improving organizational performance. Gain insights into clinical quality, commissioning, and workforce planning for enhanced patient care.

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Quality Informatics at ASSIST National Conference 2009

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  1. ASSIST National Conference 2009 “Quality Informatics: your role in delivering the NHS Next Stage Tim Straughan, Chief Executive tim.straughan@ic.nhs.uk

  2. The big three - across the world • Quality of care • Economic downturn • Information to help address 1 and 2!

  3. NSR Review Set out ambitious commitments for making quality the organising principle of the NHS We can only be sure to improve what we can actually measure" Lord Darzi, High Quality Care for All, June 2008

  4. Informatics Challenges • Clinical quality • World Class Commissioning • Payment by Results • Improving efficiency • Audit, inspection and assurance For which we need to: • Measure the right things • Measure them right • Use the measures right…

  5. The NHS Information Centre for health & social care Vision: To be the recognised source of relevant health and social care informationMission: To drive the use of information to improve decision making and deliver better care The Information Centre has a primary aim to become a key enabler of improved patient care

  6. Data Sources Information management programmes Frontline Programmes enabling better care Clinical programme NHS Spine Data Care outcomes data Research Data Finance Data Workforce + ESR Data Primary Care Other Data Sources Information for Patients NHS Choices content Information for Commissioning NHS Information Reporting Service ( include. GPES) Syndication of Information Honest Broker Data Quality Programme Signposting of Information Data Standards Programme Streamlining Data Collections Information for Social Care Services Information for Workforce Planning and Productivity Information for Finance & Performance Information Services and AnalysisNHS IC Organisational Development & CapacityBuilding frontline information management capacity/professional development 2009/10 NHSIC Programmes Communications Programme

  7. Measure the right things – NHS IC Programmes • Clinical: • Indicators for Quality Improvement, Public Health, Clinical Audit & research

  8. Indicators for Quality Improvement (IQI) • What • details of over 200 quality of care indicators – see www.ic.nhs.uk/mqi • Purpose • resource for local clinical teams providing a set of robust indicators which they can use as the basis for local quality improvement • source of indicators which can be used to benchmark and compare providers • Criteria for indicators • clear evidence base • clear, unambiguous definition • robust calculation methodology (appropriately defined, standardised and risk-adjusted to avoid perverse incentives, gaming and misinterpretation) • support from professionals

  9. Measure the right things – NHS IC Programmes • Clinical: • Indicators for Quality Improvement, Public Health, Clinical Audit & research • Information for Patients – NHS Choices • Information for Commissioning

  10. Commissioning Cycle Joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) JSNA core dataset focussing on a list of indicators, cross-tabulated against Vital Signs and the National Indicator Set. Social Care publications and statistics How much is being spent on social care services locally? Healthcare Resource Groups (HRGs) Supports determining of service provision based on measuring current and future treatments. Neighbourhood Statistics Service Understand the factors involved in reducing neighbourhood deprivation levels. Lifestyle Publications Insight into alcohol consumption, obesity, smoking, drug misuse, and specialist surveys relating to young people. NHS Comparators Local in/outpatient disease area activity, costs, outcomes, and identifying prescribing activity. Quality and Outcomes Framework Resourcing healthcare based on practice-level prevalence data. Health Poverty Index Compare the indicators that influence health inequalities between different areas. Health Survey for England Annual snapshot of the nation’s health and health needs. Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) Records of all admissions to NHS hospitals in England. Clinical Audit Compare clinical conditions and treatment received for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and renal services. General Practice & Dentistry Statistics providing insight into earnings, expenses, levels and types of activity iView Workforce Online resource enabling NHS workforce planning, using statistics on NHS staff numbers, earnings, turnover, and vacancies. Over 120 health and social care publications Comprehensive insight into disability, older people, child health and measurement, screening, eye care, maternity, general practice, and mental health. http://www.ic.nhs.uk/commissioning

  11. Measure the right things – NHS IC Programmes • Clinical: • Indicators for Quality Improvement, Public Health, Clinical Audit & research • Information for Patients – NHS Choices • Information for Commissioning • Information for Social Care

  12. National Adult Social Care Information System (NASCIS)

  13. Measure the right things – NHS IC Programmes • Clinical: • Indicators for Quality Improvement, Public Health, Clinical Audit & research • Information for Patients – NHS Choices • Information for Commissioning • Information for Social Care • Information for Workforce Planning and Productivity • Information for Finance and Performance: • new performance regime: operational standards and targets, quality and safety, User experience & Board capability • Data Standards: • Community, Social Care, Maternity… • Streamlining Data Collections

  14. Measure things right: NHS IC Programmes • NHS Information and Reporting Services (NIRS)

  15. NHS Information Reporting: Future Vision Data Sources Data Collation and Processing Analysis and Presentation reports GP Extract Server GP Extract Service NHAIS QMAS User access Data from primary care Research Capability Programme User access NHS Analysis and Reporting Service Landing Staging Data submitted by all providers of NHS “acute” and Mental Health Care User access Extracts for Non NHS organisations National Applications (e.g. PDS, CAB, EPS, ESR etc.) Clinical Audit User access Clinical Dashboards User access Universal Data Warehouse

  16. Analysis & Reporting Services within NIRS – “NARS” • Framework for the processing datasets for analysis and reporting • Construction and presentation of indicators, across datasets, to NHS-wide standards • Information presented via multiple channels • Three phases: • National PbR Analysis & Reporting • HES Replacement & NHS Comparators • Future additions, e.g. Patient Reported Outcome Measures, other datasets etc

  17. Objectives for NARS:to focus on analysis and presentation Analysis and Presentation reports GP Extract Service User access Research Capability Programme User access NHS Analysis and Reporting Service User access Extracts for Non NHS organisations User access Clinical Dashboards User access

  18. Use measures right: NHS IC Programmes • Honest broker • Syndication • Signposting • Building frontline IM capacity • Shared solutions to shared problems • Providing practical guidance and advice • Supporting skills development

  19. For further information • Attend today’s workshops • Visit the NHS IC stand • Talk to NHS IC staff here today • Visit our website

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