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Monitoring Concerns

Monitoring Concerns . Presented By WVDE Federal Programs Staff June 15, 2011. 2010-2011 Findings. Title I LEA . Fiscal Issues. Fiscal Issues. 7.1 Expending funds for administrative costs that are reasonable and necessary 7.2 Supplement/Supplant 7.3 Indirect Cost

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Monitoring Concerns

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  1. Monitoring Concerns Presented By WVDE Federal Programs Staff June 15, 2011

  2. 2010-2011 Findings Title I LEA

  3. Fiscal Issues

  4. Fiscal Issues • 7.1 Expending funds for administrative costs that are reasonable and necessary • 7.2 Supplement/Supplant • 7.3 Indirect Cost • 7.4 Records of program review (now 7.12) • 7.5,7.6,7.7 Equipment inventory • 7.9, 7.10 Time and Effort • 7.11 Written contracts

  5. 7.1 Expending funds for administrative costs that are reasonable and necessary • Ensure expenditures are reasonable and necessary for proper and efficient performance and administration of the federal program • Ensure expenditures are allowable expenditures according to OMB Circular A-87 • Approve all requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices for payment • Signature of the district Title I director • Incorporate this procedure as part of the written procurement procedures • Avoid the use “blanket” purchase orders –POs must include an itemization list of articles purchased

  6. 7.2 Supplement/Supplant • Be conscious of supplement/supplant issues • Purchase of materials and equipment • Teacher salaries • Title I funded staff members substituting for teachers • Title I teachers are used daily to cover teacher planning periods • Child nutrition program • Title I funds to support attendance at non-Title I conferences and trainings for principals

  7. 7.3 Indirect Cost • Use restricted indirect cost amount • Use appropriate fiscal year’s rate – year in which funds are expended • Ensure the amount withdrawn does not exceed the rate allowable for the amount of funding which has been expended

  8. 7.4 Records of program review (now 7.12) • Documentation of review of the Title I school programs • Evidence of an annual mock monitoring

  9. 7.5,7.6,7.7 Equipment inventory • Maintain an updated inventory list, including the following information: • description of the item; • serial number; • acquisition date; • funding source and the % of funding from each source; • purchase price; • location; and • condition • Conduct and document the date of a physical inventory at least once every two years

  10. 7.9, 7.10 Time and Effort • Maintain time and effort documentation • Monthly personnel activity reports-reconciled quarterly • Semi annual certification

  11. 7.11 Written contracts • Contracts are required for any supplemental work paid with Title I funds (e.g, consulting services, after school programs) • Required information not on contracts • Required signatures • Lack of invoices to accompany contracts

  12. Highly Qualified Teachers

  13. Highly Qualified Teachers • 2.1 Highly Qualified in Title I schools • 2.6 Utilizing 5% set aside for tuition reimbursement

  14. Highly qualified teachers • Require principals to complete the “Principal’s Attestation Statement”, annually – LEA director should check for accuracy • Ensure the amount of time assigned for non instructional duties for Title I funded professionals and paraprofessionals is proportional to similar personnel at the same school • Ensure all teachers in schools supported with Title I funding, hired after the first day of school in 2002, are highly qualified at the time of hire

  15. Parent Involvement

  16. Parent Involvement • 4.2 Developing with and distributing to parents- a district parent involvement policy • 4.3 Training staff to work with parents-this must be completed at the LEA and also the school level

  17. Parent Notifications • 5.1c Highly Qualified – parent letter • Provide to each individual parent timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified

  18. Private Schools/Equitable Services

  19. Private Schools • 6.1 Meaningful consultation with private school officials • 6.6 Complaint procedures distributed to the officials of the private school informing them of the right to complain if the LEA has not engaged in timely and meaningful consultation

  20. LEA/School Improvement

  21. School and LEA Improvement • 8.5 Using 10% set aside for PD in the school budget (now 8.6) • 8.7 Making SES available at least twice (now 8.8) Sept. & Jan. • 8.15 Spending 10% for PD for LEA on improvement (now 8.17)

  22. Homeless Set Aside

  23. Homeless Set-aside • 9.2a Administration of the homeless set aside

  24. 2010-2011 Findings Title II LEA

  25. 2010-2011 Findings RLIS LEA

  26. Highly Qualified Teachers Title II

  27. Highly Qualified Teachers 2.2 Reaching 100% HQT 2.3 Implementing an Effective HQT Plan

  28. Reaching 100% HQTs • Requires an effective HQT plan • Requires tracking progress toward HQT status • Requires timely cleanup of HQT reports • Requires that the county and schools harvest positive culture and work environments

  29. Implementing an Effective HQT Plan • Recruiting • Retention • Retraining • Must have a written plan • Must show evidence of communicating the plan • Tuition reimbursement policy included as one part of the overall plan

  30. Professional Development Title II

  31. Professional Development 3.1 Tracking high quality professional development for core subject area teachers • The issue is not tracking professional development • The challenge is being specific to NCLB definitions

  32. High Quality Professional Development - NCLB Must be: • Based on scientific research • Based on the needs of the school district • Sustained and ongoing training(s) • Review collaboration is provided

  33. Core Subject Areas - NCLB • English and reading or language arts • mathematics • science • foreign languages • civics and government, economics, history, geography • arts (including music, dance, theatre, art, etc.) • special education (because they teach core subject area information to students)

  34. Parent Involvement Title II

  35. Parent Involvement 4.1 Supporting a partnership between schools, parents, and the community. Soliciting feedback from parents. Issues: • Neglecting non-Title I schools • Not soliciting feedback from parents

  36. Parent Involvement 4.3 Training teachers, service personnel, and principals on parental involvement Issues: • Need one definitive piece of high quality professional development for parental involvement • Need enough evidence to show that all groups of stakeholders were trained

  37. Fiscal Issues Title II and RLIS

  38. Fiscal Issues 7.1 Reasonable and necessary administrative cost • Limited to 5% or less for both Title II or RLIS programs 7.2 Supplement and not supplant • Spend Title II funds only on items required to hold the professional development session(s) • Limit CSR expenses to 50% of the total allocation • CSR student to teacher ratio • 10/1 ratio for students / teachers or aides in Kindergarten • 17 or less students per teacher in grades 1-3

  39. Fiscal Issues 7.4 Keeping records necessary for fiscal audit and program evaluation Issues: • No evidence of a carryover waiver at over 15% • Coding errors (incorrect project function and object codes) • Professional Development listed in supplies code • Salaries and benefits listed in the wrong program function code • No record of transfers between projects

  40. Fiscal Issues 7.8 Budget Transfers • Requests are required for all changes of 10% or more from the allocation as outlined in the online WVEIS budgets

  41. 2010-2011 Findings Title III LEA

  42. Title III Findings

  43. Common Findings 2010-2011 • 2.8 Highly Qualified Teachers • ESL Endorsed Teachers need to work with LEP students (Direct instruction) • 5.2 Parent Notification Letter • Within 30 day timeline -Better communication to the principals/schools of the procedures to follow upon the arrival of an ESL student in the school – notification to central office to begin testing process • (2 weeks if a child enrolls after the beginning of school) • Including all components required by law • Put graduation time line in the parents notification letter (only for high school students)

  44. Common Findings 2010-2011 • 6.1 Private School • Notify private schools that they can receive ESL services as well. Notification can be in the same letter as Title I letters to the private schools. • Timely and meaningful consultation • 14.2 (13. 2) High Quality programs (school visits) • Amount services • Linked to ELP/CSO standards (Content Based ESL) • Grade Placement • Special Education • Appropriate space

  45. Title III - Recommendations

  46. Remember… The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) monitoring process includes the following goals: • Provide an academic focus for program improvement; • Promote student achievement; and • Provide technical assistance to schools and districts in utilizing federal funding to impact instructional practice and increase student performance.

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