Forms • of • Energy María liste
What is Energy? Energy is the ability to do work (move something or cause change) • Energy exists in many forms. • Energy can be moved from one object to another. • Energy can be changed from one form to another. • Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Potential energy It’s energy stored in an object due to its position.
Kinetic Energy It’s the energy that an object has due to its motion.
When we swing, we are transforming kinetic energy into potential and vice versa, so we can move faster and higher.
kinetic energy is often produced when objects release their potential energy. Objects that do not move do not have kinetic energy.
Mechanical Energy The boy on the skate comes with kinetic energy that allows him to ride on the wall gaining potential energy. When it starts to fall, the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy and takes speed.
Thermal Energy (Heat Energy) It is the energy that an object has due to the movement of its atoms. The faster the atoms move, the higher the temperature is. The atoms in an object are in constant movement. When the object is hot the atoms move faster.
The transfer of thermal energy from one object to another is called ‘heat’ You can feel the heat, for example if you hold your hand above the fire. Energy always flows from a hot area to a cooler one.
Conduction and convection require matter to transfer heat. Conduction occurs when a substance is heated, particles gain more energy, and vibrate more. These molecules then bump into nearby particles and transfer some of their energy to them. Convection occurs when particles with a lot of heat energy, in a liquid or gas, move and take the place of particles with less heat energy. Energy is always transferred from the hotter place to the coldest place.
Radiation is the transfer of energy as waves and it travels through matter or empty space. The Sun’s energy warms up the Earth after travelling through space. When an object absorbs radiant energy it becomes hotter.
What happens when we put ice into a glass of water? Water is warmer than the ice so, heat is going to flow from the water to the ice until the two reach the same temperature.
Chemical Energy That energy can be released by a chemical reaction. It is energy that is stored in the bonds between the atoms and the molecules. A chemical reaction produces a new substance
Examples of chemical energy Combustion is a chemical reaction. When we burn natural gas, the chemical energy is converted into light and heat.
Food stores chemical energy Fossil fuels store chemical energy Wood stores chemical energy Batteries store chemical energy
Light Energy Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Light is made up of photons, which are like tiny packets of energy. Photons are produced from the movement of atoms. Light travels in waves and is the only form of energy visible to the human eye. The hotter an object is, the more photons emits.
The Sun is the closest star to the planet Earth and radiates light energy. Nothing travels faster than light.
Glow Worms and fireflies are capable for producing their own light. This process is called Bioluminesce.
Are you curious? Then this video is for you. Is light a particle or a wave?
Sound Energy Sound is the movement of energy through a substance and is caused by vibrations. Sound energy is produced when a force causes an object to vibrate. The energy is then transferred through a substance in waves, called sound waves. Solids, liquids and gases transmit sound as waves. The bell vibrates by the blow and produces sound waves that propagate through the air.
How does sound energy travel? Sound energy travels in the form of waves. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum, because there are no atoms to transmit the vibration. Think of it like a Stadium Wave. Each person that continues the wave is like anatom passing on the vibration. No people means the Stadium Wave can't keep going.
Like an earthworm, sound moves by compressing and decompressing In this animation, the sound wave is being generated by the vibrating grey bar on the left. The bar might be your vocal chords, a guitar string… By looking at the red dots, you can see that even though the wave moves in one direction, each individual particle only moves back and forth, mimicking the vibration of the grey bar.
Sound can be transmitted by solids, liquids and gases because they all have atoms to pass on the vibrations.
The denser the material is, the faster sound travels through it.
Los indígenas colocaban su oreja en el suelo y podían oír antes la llegada de algo o alguien, pues la velocidad del sonido en la tierra es cuatro veces mayor que en el aire.
Electrical Energy Electrical energy is caused by moving electric charges calledelectrons. The faster the charges move, the more electrical energy they carry.
There are two types of electricity: Static electricity: is produced when some materials are rubbed together. The charge stays in the object. Current electricity: is the flow of electrons through a conductor. Parallel circuit. The charge of static electricity is sometimes discharged by a spark.
Examples of electrical energy In a car battery, a chemical reaction provides electrical energy to the circuits in the car. During a thunderstorm, lightning is an example of electrical energy What we can see is electricity in the atmosphere being discharged. Electric eels generate electrical energy, which they use to defend against predators and to paralyze their prey. An electric eel can create up to 600 volts of energy with its own body.
Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy comes from the nucleus of atoms. Nuclear Fusion: nuclei are fused together The energy can be released by Nuclear Fission: the nucleus of an atom is split into two smaller fragments by a neutron.
Nuclear fusion powers the sun. For decades scientists have tried to generate energy by nuclear fusion imitating the stars. Will we find the way? It would be the solution of our energy problems. Nuclear fusion releases a lot of energy and doesn’t produce radioactive waste!!
Nuclear fission produces the atomic bomb. Nuclear weapons have been used twice inwar, both times by theUnited States againstJapan near the end ofWorld War II(1945) Since theatomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear weapons have been detonated over two thousand times fortesting and demonstration.
Nuclear fission is used in nuclear plants to generate electricity.
What happens during nuclear fission in a nuclear plant? -The nucleus of a uranium atom is bombarded by a neutron, causing it to split into two atoms. -At the same time, energy is released as heat and radiation. -As a result of the fission reaction, more neutrons are released. -These neutrons then start bombarding other uranium atoms, so the process keeps repeating itself. -This is called a chain reaction.
Energy transformations Energy transformation is when energy changes from one form to another. Our bodies convert chemical energy in our food into mechanical energy for us to move An electric fan transforms electrical energy into kinetic energy The Sun transforms nuclear energy into heat and light energy Lightning converts electrical energy into light, heat and sound energy