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Blogs for Personal Style Tricks

It's easy to look fabulous all the time when you know personal style tips and tricks. Tea Cups and Tulips is a personal style blog, with us learn fashion tips that allow you to look your best in any occasions. Adjust your choices based on your personal style, body type, and personality.

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Blogs for Personal Style Tricks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tea Cups and Tulips A L i f e s t y l e B l o g w w w . t e a c u p s a n d t u l i p s . c o m

  2. About Us Welcometo TeaCups & Tulips! I’mDesi. ABulgarian-born blogger, living inSouthernCaliforniawithmyhusband, ourdaughterAnabelleandoursonLiam. IstartedTCTin2015withtheideato createanonlinecommunity about health & wellness, beauty & personalstyle, family andeverythinginbetween. TCTisablog forthemoderngalwithapassionfor prettythings.

  3. Why Choose Us TeaCupsandTulipsisalifestyle blogthatfocusesonencouraging andsupportingamorenaturaland healthyapproachtolife. TeaCups andTulipsisapopularpersonal blogfocusedoninspiringwomen tolivethebestversionof themselves.

  4. Live the best version of yourself Desi Buenrostro

  5. Topics: MomFashionBlog PersonalStyleBlogs HealthyLifestyleAndWellness HealthyLifestyleTipsOnline Women'sLifestyleandFashionTipsfor WomenOnline

  6. H o w t o R e a c h U s Emailaddress Address Phonenumber 3900MainStreet - 4thFloor info@teacupsandtulips.com 8186253661 Riverside, CA92522

  7. Thank You! w w w . t e a c u p s a n d t u l i p s . c o m

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