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JUDICIAL CONTROL OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. Unit 34. Preview. Judicial review Administrative powers Ultra vires Delegated and subdelegated legislation Grounds for judicial review Remedies Legal terms Exercise. Judicial review.
Preview Judicial review Administrative powers Ultra vires Delegated and subdelegated legislation Grounds for judicial review Remedies Legal terms Exercise
Judicial review • A review by a higher court of the actions of a lower court or of an administrative body
Judicial Review • The principle means by which the High Court exercises supervision over public authorities in accordance with the doctrine of ultra vires • The power of the High Court to exercise judicial review – supervisory jurisdiction
Administrative powers • powers of an executive nature conferred by legislation on government ministers, public and local authorities etc. for the purpose of giving effect to broadly defined policy
Administrative powers: examples • Powers to acquire land compulsorily, • to grant or refuse licenses, • to determine the precise nature and extent of services to be provided
Administrative powers • in town and country planning, regulation of public health, environmental matters, • welfare services, • control of trades, professions and other activities
Ultra vires • “beyond the powers” • An act by a public authority, company, or other body that goes beyond the limits of the powers conferred on it • Ultra vires acts: invalid
Ultra vires • The exercise of administrative power is ultra vires not only if unauthorized in substance, but equally if it is procedurally irregular, improperly motivated, or in breach of the rules of natural justice
Ultra vires doctrine • In the field of public (administrative) law governs the validity of all delegated and subdelegated legislation
Delegated legislation • Legislation made under powers conferred by an Act of Parliament • The bulk of delegated legislation - governmental
Delegated legislation • Also: made by a variety of bodies outside central government, e.g. by-laws, the Rules of the Supreme Court, codes of conduct of professional bodies
By-law • A form of delegated legislation made principally by local authorities • Not subject to any form of parliamentary control but take effect if confirmed by a government minister • Subject to judicial control by means of the doctrine of ultra vires
Subdelegated legislation • Legislation made under powers conferred by delegated legislation or by subdelegated legislation itself
Subdelegated legislation • The parent Act authorizes a minister to make regulations and these in turn authorize others to make orders • Not subject to parliamentary control but subject to judicial control by means of the doctrine of ultra vires
The mechanism for seeking judicial review • By making a claim to the Administrative Court
Judicial Review • May be used to challenge action by public authorities that is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights
Remedies • Direct challenge • Challenge in collateral proceedings
Direct challenge • To impugn some act of the administration, or in the case of failure to act, to require action to be taken
Collateral proceedings • The purpose of the proceedings is different and the validity of the administrative act arises incidentally
Example • A local authority makes a by-law that is thought to be invalid: two choices • 1) to go to court and ask to have it declared invalid (direct challenge), • or:
Example • 2) ignore it and wait for the local authority to take enforcement proceedings • If the person involved is charged with a breach of the by-law, he can claim that it is invalid • The court will have to determine its validity before it can decide whether he has committed an offence
Remedies • In many circumstances an opportunity to challenge an administrative act in collateral proceedings will not arrise • A direct challenge – the only possibility
Legal terms • Judicial review • Nadzor nad zakonitošću; sudska kontrola, sudska revizija • Judicial Review Act • Zakon o vođenju postupka protiv javnih tijela i službenika • Judicial review proceeding • Upravni spor o zakonitosti odluke
Legal terms • Supremacy • Najviša vlast, nadmoć, primat • Statutory interpretation • Zakonsko tumačenje • Remedy • Pravni lijek • By-law • Podzakonski akt, propis, uredba, lokalni propis
Legal terms • Commit an offence • Počiniti kazneno djelo • Impugn /im’pju:n/ • Osporiti, opovrgnuti, dovesti u pitanje
Fill in the missing words: annul, constitution, executive, governmental,Judicial, judiciary,jurisdictions,procedure,separation • ___review is the power of the courts to___ the acts of the _____ and/or the legislative power where it finds them incompatible with a higher authority, such as the terms of a written___. Judicial review is an example of the functioning of ____of powers in a modern governmental system (where the ___ is one of several branches of government). This principle is interpreted differently in different___, which also have differing views on the different hierarchy of ___norms. As a result, the ___ and scope of judicial review differs from country to country and state to state.
Key • Judicial review is the power of the courts to annul the acts of the executive and/or the legislative power where it finds them incompatible with a higher authority, such as the terms of a written constitution. Judicial review is an example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern governmental system (where the judiciary is one of several branches of government). This principle is interpreted differently in different jurisdictions, which also have differing views on the different hierarchy of governmental norms. As a result, the procedure and scope of judicial review differs from country to country and state to state.
administrative, courts, delegated, disputes, governmental, implemented, public, review • Most modern legal systems allow the courts to review ___acts, i.e. individual decisions of __body, e.g. a decision to grant a subsidy or to withdraw a residence permit. Certain ___systems, most notably in France and Germany, have ___a system of administrative___, that are charged exclusively with deciding on ___between the members of the public and the administration.
Key • Most modern legal systems allow the courts to review administrative acts, i.e. individual decisions of public body, e.g. a decision to grant a subsidy or to withdraw a residence permit. Certain governmental systems, most notably in France and Germany, have implemented a system of administrative courts, that are charged exclusively with deciding on disputes between the members of the public and the administration
administrative, courts, delegated, disputes, governmental, implemented, public, review • In other countries, e.g. the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, judicial __is carried out by regular civil courts, although it may be ____ to specialized panels within these courts, such as the Administrative Court within the High Court of England and Wales.
Key • In other countries, e.g. the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, judicial review is carried out by regular civil courts, although it may be delegated to specialized panels within these courts, such as the Administrative Court within the High Court of England and Wales.
constitutional,constitutionality, forbids,legislation, sovereignty, state, statutes • In American legal language, the term "judicial review" usually refers to the review of the ___of legislation by both federal and ___courts, such as the Supreme Court of the United States. However, many legal systems specifically do not allow any review of primary___, passed by parliament.
Key • In American legal language, the term "judicial review" usually refers to the review of theconstitutionality of legislation by both federal and state courts, such as the Supreme Court of the United States. However, many legal systems specifically do not allow any review of primary legislation, passed by parliament.
constitutional,constitutionality, forbids,legislation, sovereignty, state, statutes • In the UK, ___cannot be set aside under the doctrine of parliamentary. ___Another example is the Netherlands, where the Constitution expressly ___the courts to rule on the question of constitutionality of primary legislation.Many countries whose constitutions do provide for a review of primary legislation on compatibility with the constitution, have established special ___courts that have the exclusive authority to deal with this issue
Key • In the UK, statutes cannot be set aside under the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty. Another example is the Netherlands, where the Constitution expressly forbids the courts to rule on the question of constitutionality of primary legislation.Many of the countries whose constitutions do provide for a review of primary legislation on compatibility with the constitution, have established special constitutional courts that have the exclusive authority to deal with this issue
Translation: Sudska kontrola državnih tijela • Ako je tijelo javne uprave djelovalo nezakonito, sudovi imaju ovlast i dužnost poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere ako im je takav predmet upućen. Ishodište postupka protiv javnih tijela i službenika je doktrina ultra vires. Ukoliko zakon tijelu javne uprave daje ovlast da nešto učini, ta je ovlast uvijek ograničena.
Translation • Postoje ograničenja u pogledu onoga što se smije učiniti; svrhe za koje se određena ovlast može koristiti često su specifične; vjerojatno će se utvrditi procedura koju treba slijediti. Ako tijelo vlasti prekorači te granice, postupa preko svojih ovlasti (ultra vires): postupak je nezakonit i sudovi moraju intervenirati. U najjednostavijem obliku, sudski nadzor je način kojim se osigurava poštivanje volje parlamenta. To je temeljna posljedica suverenosti parlamenta.
Translation • No nadzor nad zakonitošću nije samo grana tumačenja zakona. Sudovi su otišli dalje. Oni se ne bave samo onim što zakon uistinu kaže, ili jasnom namjerom zakonodavnog tijela; oni u zakone također učitavaju zahtjeve za koje pretpostavljaju da su implicitno sadržani u upotrijebljenim riječima, no zapravo ih je stvorio sud.
Translation • Na taj su način izgradili pravo sudske prakse za koje se smatra da se primjenjuje na sva javna tijela osim ukoliko su izričito isključena odgovarajućim zakonima. Izgovor za intervenciju sudova i dalje je obično ultra vires, no u nekim okolnostima to nije uvjerljivo i u nekim je slučajevima bolje smatrati da je pravo sudske prakse, prije negoli odgovarajući zakon, temelj za takvu intervenciju.
Translation • Postoje dva načina kako se može dobiti pravni lijek: izravnim ili neizravnim pobijanjem. U prvom je slučaju predmet postupka dovesti u pitanje neki čin javne uprave, ili u slučaju nečinjenja, zahtijevati da se poduzme odgovarajuća radnja; u neizravnom postupku neposredna je svrha postupka potpuno drugačija i valjanost upravnog čina utvrđuje se uzgredno.
Translation • Objasnit ćemo to primjerom. Pretpostavimo da su mjesne vlasti donijele podzakonski akt koji se smatra ništavnim. Osoba koja je time pogođena može odabrati dva puta: ili otići na sud i tražiti da se proglasi ništavnim (izravno pobijanje) ili ga može zanemariti i čekati da mjesne vlasti poduzmu prisilno izvršenje. Ukoliko osoba bude optužena za kršenje podzakonskog akta, može tvrditi da je ništavan a sud će morati utvrditi njegovu valjanost prije nego što odluči je li počinio prijestup.
Translation • To je neizravno pobijanje. No, u mnogim okolnostima, do mogućnosti neizravnog pobijanja upravnog akta neće doći, te je izravno pobijanje jedina mogućnost.