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Evidences for the Resurrection

Evidences for the Resurrection. Have we staked our life on “smoke and mirrors”? Is it true? (For & Against) Why is it so important? What should we do? Sources Six passages (Gospel accounts, 1 Cor 15, 2 Cor 5)

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Evidences for the Resurrection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evidences for the Resurrection • Have we staked our life on “smoke and mirrors”? • Is it true? (For & Against) • Why is it so important? • What should we do? Sources • Six passages (Gospel accounts, 1 Cor 15, 2 Cor 5) • Other -Who moved the stone? The Resurrection (BST); Systematic Theology (Grudem); Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ (Piper); The Jesus I never knew (Yancey);

  2. Why is it so important? (1 Cor 15) • The Bible prophesies and then records it (1 Cor 15 v1-11) • Jesus is alive and reigning today • What His death AND resurrection achieved for us Pollution all bad JustificationRighteousness 1 Cor 15 v17 Romans 4 v25 Penalty death EternalLife 1 Cor 15 v20-22 1 Cor 15 v50-57 Partition cut off RelationshipProdigal 2 Cor 5 v18-19 Power slave Freeindeed John 8 v36

  3. What should we do? • Don’t separate crucifixion and resurrection • Recognise the women as heroes • Recover the sense of awe • Focus on the eternal, imperishable, unseen • “Go tell his disciples and Peter” • Be transformed by an encounter with the risen Christ

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