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Learners’ acceptance of e-learning in South Korea : Theories and results. Adviser: Yu-Chiang Li Speaker: Hung-Da Yen Date: 2012/01/04. Author: Byoung-Chan Lee a, Jeong-Ok Yoon b, In Lee c. Computers & Education, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1320-1329, 2009. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outline.
Learners’ acceptance of e-learning in South Korea : Theories and results Adviser: Yu-Chiang Li Speaker: Hung-Da Yen Date:2012/01/04 Author: Byoung-Chan Lee a, Jeong-Ok Yoon b, In Lee c. Computers & Education, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1320-1329, 2009.
1 2 3 4 5 Outline Introduction Literature review Research model and methodology Discussions Conclusions
1.Introduction • One of the most significant changes in the field of education in this information age is the paradigm shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered education. Along with this paradigm shift, understanding of students’ e-learning adoption behavior among various countries is urgently needed.
2.Literature review • South Korea’s dense student population and high educational standards made investment in e-learning very cost-effective. However, despite the fact that South Korea is one of the fastest growing countries in e-learning, not much of the research results have been known to the globalized world. By investigating critical factors on e-learning adoption in South Korea, our study attempts to fill a gap in the individual country-level e-learning research.
2.Literature review • Four independent variables • instructor characteristics • teaching materials • design of learning contents • and playfulness • Two belief variables • perceived usefulness • perceived ease of use • One dependent variable • intention to use e-learning
3.Research model and methodology • 基本的研究假設為:老師的態度和能力影響學生對e-Learning的學習態度,教師教學風格也影響學習者對e-Learning的參與熱情。同時教師特質和IT基礎建設和學校支持,也是e-Learning成功的關鍵因素。是以作者提出幾項研究假設,條列如下:
3.Research model and methodology • 1. Instructor characteristics positively affect learners' perceived usefulness in the e-leaning context. • 2. Teaching materials positively affect learners' perceived usefulness in the e-leaning context. • 3. Design of learning contents positively affects their perceived ease of use in the e-leaning context. • 4. Learners' perceived ease of use positively affects their perceived usefulness. • 5. Learners' perceived usefulness positively affects their intention to use e-learning. • 6. Learners' perceived ease of use positively affects their intention to use e-learning services. • 7. E-learning's playfulness positively affects their intention to use e-learning.
3.Research model and methodology • We developed multi-item Likert scales which have been widely used in the questionnaire-based perception studies. All variables are subjectively measured using the five-point Likert Scale, with 5 being ‘‘Strongly Agree” and 1 being ‘‘Strongly Disagree.” Table 1 shows the above-mentioned operational definition of each variable.
4.Discussions • In this empirical study, we analyzed learners’acceptance of e-learning services from student perspectives in South Korea: • First, we analyzed the relationships between the three service quality constructs (instructor characteristics, teaching materials, and design of learning contents) and the two belief constructs (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use). • Second, we analyzed the relationships between the belief constructs (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) and intention to use e-learning. • Third, we analyzed flow construct (playfulness) and intention to use e-learning
4.Discussions • SPSS version 12.0 was used to analyze the collected data. Given the theory-driven approach to scale development, scale validation was done using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The factor analysis utilized the principal component extraction method and Varimax rotation. • It required that factor loadings exceed 0.40. One item (IC5) from Instructor Characteristics, one item (TM3) from Teaching Materials, and two items (LC2, LC3) from Design of Learning Contents were deleted due to a low factor loading. • While four items were removed from the three factors in the independent variables, no items were deleted from the two belief variables and the dependent variable. The high reliability of these variables can be attributed to the fact that numerous previous studies validated the factor items.
4.Discussions • 分析結果factor loadings、Cronbach's alpha、Eigenvalues、variances explained的解釋,Cronbach's alpha的值界於0.634-0.903之間,均大於0.35以上,顯示問卷具有信度,而且累積的方差,自變數independent variable為60.34%,信念變數belief variable為81.65%,應變數dependent variable為65.56%,均達到可接受。整個統計分析結果為下:
4.Discussions • PL =娛樂性;IC=導師特點;LC=設計的學習內容;TM=教材; • PU =感知有用性;PE =知覺易用性;IU =意向使用數位學習。
4.Discussions • 再進行迴歸分析,以驗證研究假設,所有的分析結果,研究假設都達到顯著效果,證明研究假設是成立的,結果如下:
5.Conclusions • Because of the time and space barriers, learners in the traditional offline education are required to receive education at a certain time and location. On the contrary, the Internet-based e-learning is less restricted in terms of time and space. • In addition, e-learning is known to save educational costs and facilitate dissemination of knowledge in a timely fashion. • As e-learning is increasingly adopted by educational institutions and corporations, e-learning success factors need to be evaluated and taken into consideration in the development of the e-learning systems to deliver the most effective services.
References • http://blog.pmes.tyc.edu.tw/user1/ueng8084/archives/2010/3229.html,大懶蟲用心看世界。