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Cyber Stalking is a burgeoning concept where a person is vigiled by another using electronic media without consent. Using the pragmatic stealthiness of networking tactics, a stalker intrudes into the privacy of the victim causing him harm either coming in physical contact or by inflicting mental agony my the means of misusing the information collected online via stalking. The stalker may demand for money in exchange of sparing his her dignity or put across unreasonable demands such as to have intimate relationship with him. It can be noticed very often that a victim is left with no option other than to cater to the unreasonable demands. Such attacks have to be handled through either efficient enforcement agencies with adequate technical backing or through extremely stringent laws which would create fear in the minds of the offenders. Unfortunately the India is still in the phase of growth in the terms of its technical advancement which makes it pracitcally impossible to bring the offender before the Court of Justice. This research article deals with the concept of cyber stalking in detail. It also explains about the self regulatory user guidelines and the legal structure required to secure user data from illegal intrusions and embezzlements. N Parmesh ""Increasing Vulnerability of the user Data at Cyberspace"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30251.pdf<br>Paper Url : https://www.ijtsrd.com/other-scientific-research-area/other/30251/increasing-vulnerability-of-the-user-data-at-cyberspace/n-parmesh<br>
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 A Review on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in the Transformation of E-Business Sector Neha Bhujbal1, Prof. Shrikant Nagure2 1Student, 2Faculty of Department, 1,2Department of Computer Engineering, R.M.D. Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, Maharashtra, India ABSTRACT This study investigates the affect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) in the transformation of E-Business Segment. AI and IoT are starting to shape the longer term of many industries universally by creating an unprecedented amount of information. The objective of this study isn't to reproduce tests, but to explore and quantify the affect AI and IoT has within the transformative process of alter within the E-Business segment. This ponder utilized a qualitative inquire about approach and information was collected through a orderly writing audit utilizing the snowballing look strategy. 18 peer looked into papers were identified and analyzed in connection to their pertinence to the study. KEYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, E-Business, Fourth Industrial Revolution How to cite this paper: Neha Bhujbal | Prof. Shrikant Nagure "A Review on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in the Transformation of E-Business Sector" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4, June 2020, pp.965-966, URL: www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd31305.pdf Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0) IJTSRD31305 BY 4.0) INTRODUCTION Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts are changing each walk of life. In the age of data these concepts proceed to affect on the trade scene. The changes of modern technologies, mobile and web are changing the business space, while on the other hand money related emergencies and economic developments, bolstered with the changing needs and behaviors of clients are still laying enormous weight on the world financial matters and on nations and their budget deficits. There is a huge change within the operation of commerce of any unused sort which is alluded to as e-business which largely contains e-signature, e-invoicing, e-commerce, internet, mobile keeping money and e-payments making productivity in corporate and individual life. This study centers on the impact that AI and IoT have on the e- business (e-commerce) sector. Artificial Intelligence is a wide-ranging tool that enables people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data, and use the resulting insights to improve decision- making. Whereas on the other hand, the IoT may be a novel paradigm that is too rapidly gaining force around the world. In a perfect world, the concept is that the pervasive presence around us is of a assortment of things or objects such as tags, sensors, actuators and portable phones which, through unique tending to plans, are able to connected with each other and participate with their neighbors to reach common goals. Right now there are 9 billion interconnected gadgets and the number is anticipated to reach 20 billion gadgets by 2020. PROBLEM STATEMENT The objective of this study is to get to the challenges and impacts of AI and IoT in the transformation of the e-business sector employing a systematic review investigate approach. AI and IoT in e-business are utilized a lot. It is predicted that by 2020, over 80 % of all client intelligent will be handled by AI. These trending concepts are disturbing traditional business hones and rendering them out of date. In case business ready for these fasting coming developments? An impact analysis of these concepts has not however completely realized. The disruptive control of the AI and IoT is changing the e-business segment. The rise of AI and IoT has settled with significant affect over the globe particularly within the world of retail both online and the brick-and- mortar world. The e-business space’s victory is reliable on the conveyance of an enhanced positive and steady client involvement. LITERATURE REVIEW In 2018, West, D. and Allen, J., in “How artificial intelligence is transforming the world” discussed about @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31305 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 965
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 AI's application across a variety of sectors, address issues in its development, and offer recommendations for getting the most out of AI while still protecting important human values [1]. In 2013, Shukla Shubhendu, S. and Vijay, J., in “Applicability of artificial intelligence in different fields of life.” highlighted the features of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how it was developed, and some of its main applications.[2] In 2017, Makridakis, S., in “The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms.” concluded that significant competitive advantages will continue to accrue to those utilizing the Internet widely and willing to take entrepreneurial risks in order to turn innovative products/services into worldwide commercial success stories. The greatest challenge facing societies and firms would be utilizing the benefits of availing AI technologies, providing vast opportunities for both new products/services and immense productivity improvements while avoiding the dangers and disadvantages in terms of increased unemployment and greater wealth inequalities.[3] In 2013, O'Leary, D.E., in “Artificial intelligence and big data” examined some of the basic concerns and uses of AI for big data (AI has been used in several different ways to facilitate capturing and structuring big data, and it has been used to analyze big data for key insights).[4] In 2001, Liao, Z. and Cheung, M.T., in “Internet-based e- shopping and consumer attitudes: an empirical study” analysed consumer attitudes towards Internet-based e- shopping. It aims to provide a theoretically and empirically grounded initial reference position, against which later research can explore and interpret the effects of changes in variables representing consumer preferences and shifts in these preferences on the success or failure of B2C e-commerce over the Internet.[5] In 2016, ] Cui, X., in “The internet of things. In Ethical Ripples of Creativity and Innovation” stated the current and future use of the Internet of Things by the global business community.[6] In 2012, Xia, F., Yang, L.T., Wang, L. and Vinel, A., in “Internet of things” focused on the latest results in the area of IoT.[7] In 2007, Xirogiannis, G. and Glykas, M., in “Intelligent modeling of ebusiness maturity” established generic adaptive domains – maps in order to implement the integration of hierarchical FCMs into e-business strategy formulation activities. Finally, and discussed the experiments with the proposed mechanism and comments on its usability.[8] METHODOLOGY This current investigate consider utilized a precise literature review approach utilizing snowballing look methodology suggested by [5].The snowballing strategy contains two steps which incorporates procuring the begin set papers and performing emphasis in in reverse and forward snowballing. There is consideration criteria (IC) utilized to screen the comes about as applied to this inquire about as follows: IC1: Papers as it were significant to the AI and IoT. IC2: Papers that are accessible in full text. IC3: Papers that are distributed in English. IC4: Investigate papers related to the e-business or e-commerce. The look conducted come about in recordal of 289 papers. The look conducted brought about in 289 records. IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4 were connected and gotten 143 papers. This resulted in 58 paper remained when the abstracts were examined. Three snowballing emphasess were performed and 18 peer-reviewed papers remained and tested for the reason of this consider. CONCLUSION It is concluded that the next wave within the time of computing is the headway of IoT and AI. The conclusion drawn from the discoveries of this research was the truth that each paper displayed comes about that seem be converted into bits of knowledge and analytics that can be utilized to improve trade proficiency. Minimizing or optimizing work processes, commerce forms and the re- engineering of shifted mechanical age towards the time and times of the fourth industrial insurgencies has brought around changes that are impacting our lives both adversely and emphatically. It is without question that AI and IoT are displaying disturbances that affect customarily worked businesses. The ponder advance concludes that these concept models are disturbing commerce particularly to those substances that are operating traditionally. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank the constant support of the institute RMDSSOE, Pune and also thanks to Tshepo Alex Malapane. References [1] West, D. and Allen, J., 2018. How artificial intelligence is transforming the world. [2]Shukla Shubhendu, S. and Vijay, J., 2013. Applicability of artificial intelligence in different fields of life. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 1(1), pp.28-35. [3]Makridakis, S., 2017. The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms. Futures, 90, pp.46-60. [4]O'Leary, D.E., 2013. Artificial intelligence and big data. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 28(2), pp.96-99. [5]Liao, Z. and Cheung, M.T., 2001. Internet-based e- shopping and consumer attitudes: an empirical study. Information & management, 38(5), pp.299-306. [6]Cui, X., 2016. The internet of things. In Ethical Ripples of Creativity and Innovation (pp. 61-68). Palgrave Macmillan, London. [7]Xia, F., Yang, L.T., Wang, L. and Vinel, A., 2012. Internet of things. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9), pp.1101-1102. [8]Xirogiannis, G. and Glykas, M., 2007. Intelligent modeling of ebusiness maturity. Expert Systems with Applications, 32(2), pp.687-702. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31305 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 966