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The deterioration of concrete structures might be due to ageing, poor maintenance, corrosion due to poor environmental conditions and accidental situations like earthquakes. The need to upgrade the deteriorated civil engineering infrastructure greatly enhances with the ever increasing demands. Therefore rehabilitating and retrofitting civil engineering infrastructure has been identified as important issue to be addressed. In this research paper, the methods of strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using ferrocement laminates are reviewed. Investigation into the methods of anchorage of the ferrocement laminates in the strengthened beams, methods of increasing the ultimate load of the original beams using ferrocement laminate and control the cracking behavior of the beams and the effect of the damage of the original beams prior for repair are examined. The results show that the strengthened beams have performed better in cracking behavior, reduction in mid span deflection and increased in the ultimate load and the pre cracked beams prior to repair did not affect the ultimate loads of the strengthened beams tested. A large number of civil infrastructures around the world are in a state of serious deterioration today due to carbonation, chloride attack, etc. Moreover many civil structures are no longer considered safe due to increase load specifications in the design codes or due to overloading or due to under design of existing structures or due to lack of quality control. In order to maintain efficient serviceability, older structures must be repaired or strengthened so that they meet the same requirements demanded of structures built today and in future. It is becoming both environmentally and economically preferable to repair or strengthen the structures rather than replacement, particularly if rapid, effective and simple strengthening methods are available 1 3 . Different types of cement based materials are available in market for that job. However due to higher tensile strength to weight ratio and a degree of toughness, ductility, durability and cracking resistance that is considerably greater than those found in other conventional cement based materials Ferrocement, is ideally suited as an alternative strengthening component for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures 4 7 . According to the ACI Committee 549, Ferrocement is a type of thin wall reinforced concrete commonly constructed of hydraulic cement mortal reinforced with closely spaced layers of continuous and relatively small wire diameter mesh. Paramasivam et al. 8 reported that the purpose of the fine mesh was simply for crack control and was not relied upon to contribute to the structural strength of the member. Ferrocement laminates with skeletal bar can take significant role in strengthening reinforced concrete beams. For flexural strengthening, the ferrocement laminates were cast onto the soffit tension face of the beams without any change in width of the beams. In this study, the strengthening of simply supported reinforced concrete beams using ferrocement laminate attached onto the soffit was investigated. R. Murugaboopathy "Repair and Strengthening of Damaged RC Beams using Ferrocement Laminates" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd32966.pdf Paper Url :https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/civil-engineering/32966/repair-and-strengthening-of-damaged-rc-beams-using-ferrocement-laminates/r-murugaboopathy<br>
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 Review on a Monograph «International Technology Transfer and National Security: Trends, Challenges, Prospects», Written by Omelyanenko V Olha Kudrina Business-Economics and Administration Department, Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine ABSTRACT Review is given to monograph «International High Technology Transfer and National Security: Trends, Challenges, Prospects», which deals with the problems of innovation-based national security providing policy and presents the main important aspects of presented research. The main scientific results are outlined and discussed. KEYWORDS: technology transfer; national security; strategies; technological package How to cite this paper: Olha Kudrina "Review on a Monograph «International Technology Transfer Security: Trends, Challenges, Prospects», Written by Omelyanenko V" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4, June 2020, pp.708-709, URL: www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd31175.pdf Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0) potential is international innovation and technological cooperation. The monograph gives a general background for trends in the development of high technologies and found that as a result, the components of the innovation system in addition to increasing the endogenous potential of interaction, must also actively form their status within the global innovation system to attract additional resources. The work treats and summarizes the knowledge on model of space industry development, which takes into account the possibility of implementing the strategy of international cooperation and intersectoral projects. It is proposed to consider a number of country strategies in the high-tech sector, including space, depending on the existing technological potential, opportunities and development goals. Classification of the effects of international transfer of high technologies, which allows the most complete assessment of the potential of high technologies, the effectiveness of their development and use for the national economy and national innovation system is especially emphasized. and National IJTSRD31175 BY 4.0) The monograph «International Technology Transfer and National Security: Trends, Challenges, Prospects», written by Omelyanenko V., is devoted to the theoretical generalization on the basis of the carried-out researches is given, the theoretical generalization is carried out and the decision of an actual scientific problem of use of competitive advantages of high technologies taking into account the international factor is offered. The monograph constitutes а critical review of trends of development of high technologies and their international transfer as a channel of interaction of global and national innovation systems. The global innovation system within the new structure is characterized by a high level of internationalization of innovations and convergence of high technologies, which creates the need to develop appropriate organizational and economic mechanisms and strategies of the country. The monograph «International Technology Transfer and National Security: Trends, Challenges, Prospects» covers a large information on peculiarities of high technology development, the channels of their international transfer and the most effective from the point of view of transfer of a complex of implicit knowledge and criteria of transfer @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31175 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 708
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 The analysis of efficiency of the international transfer of high technologies needs to be carried out proceeding from the analysis of the technological package integrating a complex of technologies and gives the chance to realize a certain macroproject. The theoretical bases of technological package management are considered in the work, the basic tendencies are analyzed and the basic tasks of management of development of space branch as the international interbranch high-tech complex on the basis of the concept of technological package are defined. The main tool of international innovation and technology cooperation, which ensures the implementation of the principles of parallel development of the components of the technological package and meets the needs of intersectoral cooperation, are international clusters and intercluster relations. According to the proposed approaches to the optimization of the technological package of the high-tech industry in terms of internationalization of technology transfer and the developed criteria for evaluating the technological package, the analysis of the space industry of Ukraine and space instrumentation. The obtained calculations showed that the international aspect is the most important at the design and operation stage. At these stages, it is advisable to implement a system of selective development based on foresight and develop an effective mechanism for intersectoral cooperation. The information in monograph «International Technology Transfer and National Security: Trends, Challenges, Prospects» is given as part of synthetic whole. The chapters provide interesting reading due to the original approach and rich contents. The main achievement of the work lies in a very profound treatment of the applied material. The coverage of monograph is extremely wide. Some omissions are, however, incidental and in nо way prevent the book being a most stimulating and useful. Any attempt to continue the investigation is to be warmly welcomed. The work under review is an outstanding achievement of economic science. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31175 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 709