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When applying for a job application, never forget to list your achievements, deliver facts and figures, keep contact details up to date, be easily contactable, and most importantly proofread your letter twice.
Tips and Tricks to Help you Put Forward the Best Job Application
Applying for a new job can be a daunting task! You really only have one shot to put your best foot forward and impress the hiring manager.
Make sure that you spend time reading the job ad and you've checked the required experience matches your background. A lot of dealership roles will generally require previous experience in a similar role and applying to a job you are not suitable for can have a negative impact on further applications with the same business.
Instead, reach out to the hiring manager or recruiter with a general request to review your details to see if they can slot you in to another position within the business.
When submitting your resume, you may need to make minor changes to ensure that what you submit highlights relevant responsibilities and unique selling points. You may like to add to your responsibilities details of how you achieved success with meeting those responsibilities.
Resumes that are a ‘one size fits all’ may not work, so try to tailor it to the role by using keywords from the ad. Take ownership of your achievements with statements like “I did…” and “I achieved.”
Remember these key points: • List your achievements • Deliver facts and figures • Volunteer experience speaks for your character
Be easily contactable (recruiters and employers are time poor) • Keep contact details up to date • Proofread, proofread, proofread!
When you feel like your resume is ready, leave it for an hour and come back to it. Check over it one last time, looking for spelling mistakes, typos and missing words.