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There are many business owners who usually get confused when it comes to choosing QuickBooks Pro or Premier. When we talk about QuickBooks Pro vs. Premier then there is no denying the fact that QuickBooks Premier has an array of advanced features, unlike QuickBooks Pro. More info visit here: https://goo.gl/AxNBCS
QuickBooks Premier Over QuickBooks Pro There are many business owners who usually get confused when it comes to choosing QuickBooks Pro or Premier. When we talk about QuickBooks Pro vs. Premier then there is no denying the fact that QuickBooks Premier has an array of advanced features, unlike QuickBooks Pro. In fact, QuickBooks Premier has more powerful features for any business dealing in inventory. Apart from that, specific industries take advantages of the specialized features Premier offers. Also, there are specific reports that are only found in QuickBooks Premier Version. (Ref- https://goo.gl/H5JUiK)
So, here we are discussing the additional features that are only available in QuickBooks Premier: ● Cha?ge Orders: Cha?ge orders ?a? ?e tra?ked separately to track your indispensable content. ● I??e?tory Ce?ter: With Qui?kBooks I??e?tory Ce?ter, it is ?ery easy to fi?d inventory activities just by accessing your inventory items and the inventory related reports from one place. ● A??ess for up to 5 Users simultaneously: Can be compared to limit of 3-user capability of QuickBooks Pro. It also requires purchasing one license for one user. ● Pri?e Le?els per ite?: A?le to set ?usto? pri?e tables for individual items for different customers/jobs. On the other hand, QuickBooks Pro can only do a global discount on the Price Levels feature. ● Sales Orders: Ca? ?reate sales a?d ?a?korders as a o?e step prior ?reati?g invoices. And, these are the requests for the goods/services in a ?PRE-INVOICE? format that you?ve received from the customers. ● Multiple U?its of Measure: A?le to set ?ultiple u?its of ?easure for ea?h inventory item to track the amounts that are used and available. Also able to easily convert from the cases to pallets or other units that you can define. (Ref- https://goo.gl/H5JUiK)
● Billi?g Rates: Ca? set differe?t ?illi?g rates ?y ?lient, employee, and service. You?ll be able to pay and get paid the right amount quickly and easily by setting individual different billing rates. ● Jo? Costi?g Ce?ter: A?le to ?he?k the Jo? Costi?g Ce?ter for a? i?sta?t readi?g of how you are doing your current jobs. Summary key information for all your jobs including which jobs are most and least profitable, in a single window. ● Sales Order Fulfill?e?t Worksheet: Ca? tra?k ?hi?h sales orders are ready to ?e shipped. ● Create Pur?hase Orders Automatically: Faster PO data entry directly from Estimates or Sales Orders with a single click. ● Busi?ess Pla? Tool: A po?erful ?uilt-in feature ● Re?ersi?g Jour?al E?try: A fast ?ay to ?reate jour?al e?tries. ● More Sa?ple files: Work ?ith ?hart of accounts and menus that are tailored by industry ● U?li?ited Ar?hi?e of Ba?k Re?o??iliatio?: Where, Qui?kBooks Pro o?ly allo?s you to reprint the last reconciled report only, on the other hand, Premier can go back to any of them no matter how much they old. (Ref- https://goo.gl/H5JUiK)
It will be easy for you to choose the right QuickBooks edition if you compare the different features each version offers. These editions are available at different price points, so I recommend that you map the features against your budget and choose the edition that best suits your needs. You can also choose Techarex Networks QuickBooks Hosting and get QuickBooks editions at economical monthly pricing. Thank You Call Toll-Free: 1-855-909-3300 E-mail: support@techarex.net Or Visit: www.techarex.net (Ref- https://goo.gl/H5JUiK)