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05 Augustus 2012. Poppies Ride Out. Date : 05 Aug 2012 POPPIES RIDE OUT Start at Lunchgarden De Sterre om 0930 uur 1st Stop at Groenedijk Motorcycle Loft Hotel Start of the Poppies Ride Out. PROGRAM.
05 Augustus 2012 Poppies Ride Out
Date : 05 Aug 2012 POPPIES RIDE OUT Start at Lunchgarden De Sterre om 0930 uur 1st Stop at Groenedijk Motorcycle Loft Hotel Start of the Poppies Ride Out PROGRAM
We start at Groenedijk ,after Ostend we follow the coastline till Neuport. Neuport was very special because not far from the memorial King Albert I , better nown as the King “Knight” there was a floodgate complex. The Belgian Engineers did open the floodgates and flooded the German lines.
Our next stop is the last Belgian Trench that is now a memorial site. Here lived more then 1OOO Belgian soldiers over 4 years of war. The objective = the fueltanks … they moved 6 metres a day … work at night and fight in daylight.
IJzertoren, AVV – VVK & no more war again !! Second tower and remainings of the first tower. Symbol for peace and also the struggle of the Flemish people against the french speaking Belgians. Build in 1930 an destroyed in 1946 because there was lot of hate against the Flemish volunteers that fought with the Germans in WOII. Build up again in 1965. 22 floors high.
Tervaete, april 1915, at 5 PM green clouds come out of the German trenches … for the first time ever they used chlorine gas … With lot of losses the Grenadiers can beat several German attacks and keep their position.
Tyne Cot War Cemetry, largest Commonwealth cemetry, 12000 graves. 8941 UK soldiers. 8300 are unknown !!! All killed in action at or nearby Passendaele. They called it Passendaele … we called Hell. A wall with 35000 names of soldiers MIA
Here is the location where Lt Col John McCrae wrote his poem “In Flanders Fields” His words have made poppy a lasting symbol of selfsacrifice in war. He died in a Canadian war hospital in Bolougne-sur-mer in France 1918.
In Flanders Fields Door John McCrea In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. Whe are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
The “grote markt” (big market) is the end point of the ride out. Here is also the famous “Flanders Fields” museum The last event is at 7.30 PM at the “Menenpoort” (Menin Gate) where a little ceremony is held during the Last Post.
Their name liveth for evermore …