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Programma Nazionale della Ricerca 2001-03 Bando FIRB Progetto Strategico “Tecnologie Abilitanti per la Società della Conoscenza” Progetto obiettivo “Reti e Netputing”.
Programma Nazionale della Ricerca 2001-03 Bando FIRB Progetto Strategico “Tecnologie Abilitanti per la Società della Conoscenza” Progetto obiettivo “Reti e Netputing” Progetto“Piattaforme abilitanti per griglie computazionali a elevate prestazioni orientate a organizzazioni virtuali scalabili”GRID.IT(Resp.: Prof. Marco Vanneschi, CNR/UniPi)Rimodulazione del WP1Pisa, 27-28 Maggio 2002 – Riunione del CGCE
Relazione con l’UdR CNIT • Resp. UdR CNIT: Prof. Giancarlo Prati • Articolazione su due workpackages • WP 1 – Grid oriented optical switching paradigms (Resp. Piero Castoldi) • WP 2 - High-performance photonic test-bed • (Resp. Stefano Giordano)
Istituzioni che partecipano al al WP1 • Laboratorio Nazionale di Reti Fotoniche, PisaKnow-how: all 5 major areas of optical networks and photonic technologies (routing and switching, trasmission, amplification, systems) • UdR CNIT at • Università di AnconaKnow-how: enabling technologies and OXC WXC architectures • Università di BolognaKnow-how:architectures for optical packet switching networks • Università di TrentoKnow-how: traffic models and resource allocation • University of Texas @ Dallas (UTD)Know-how: control plane and reliability for optical networks
Sintesi amministrativa WP1 Responsabili di fondi di ricerca sul WP1 • Andrea Fumagalli (UTD) • Roberto Battiti (CNIT-TN) • Gianni Cancellieri (CNIT-AN) • Piero Castoldi (Lab Naz. Reti Fotoniche) • Franco Callegati (CNIT-BO) • Regole per autorizzazione spese e avvio contratti • Proposta da parte del responsabile dei fondi con indicazione della motivazione e dell’attività a cui afferisce la spesa • Parere favorevole del responsabile di workpackage dopo essersi consultato col responsabile di attività • Supervisione periodica (semestrale) delle spese in relazione all’attività scientifica svolta da parte del responsabile di UdR • Stato amministrativo del progetto • Completata assunzione 2.3 giovani ricercatori finanziati al 100% (1.5.02, 1.9.02, 1.5.03) • Grande attrezzatura: porte per router Juniper in acquisto • Effettuazione delle spese di start-up per tutte le unità operative
Sintesieconomica WP1-WP2 Suddivisione delle spese(sui 3 anni) alle unità operative del WP1-WP2 Finanziamentisul 1° anno (30%), da integrare col cofinanziamento
WP1 – Sintesi scientifica (1) State of the art • GRID computing • Connection of geographically distant machines (computers) for solving large problems • Currently based on network infrastructure without QoS constraints (e.g., standard TCP/IP protocol) • Intelligent Optical Networks • Provide intelligent dynamic adaptation to grid application connectivity requests (e.g., bandwidth, dynamic logical topology, Quality of Service (QoS), reliability) • Connection oriented switching paradigm (e.g., virtual circuit opposite to best effort IP) • Novel optical layer components Objective • Scaling typical performance of Local Area Network (LAN) computer clusters to Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN)
WP1 – Sintesi scientifica (2) Proposed approach • Utilizing Intelligent Optical Networks based on the GMPLS protocol suite for connecting grid nodes Expected results • Guarantee requested connection QoS based on agreed classification • Dynamic adaptation to changing QoS requirements of connections between GRID nodes (logical GRID network topology) Impact • Mainly DIRECT and SHORT-TERM (applied research) on local and national grid network implementation • As GUIDELINES for LONG TERM (fundamental research) for next generation optical grid networks.
WP1 breakdown (2) WP 1 - Grid oriented optical switching paradigms (Resp. P.Castoldi)[70% of the total CNIT UdR funding] Technical Board member: Dr. Luca Valcarenghi (assistant professor). • Activity 1.1 – Connections, topologies and network service models • (Resp. R. Battiti) [Lab PI, TN] • Activity 1.2 – Grid computing on state-of-the-art optical networks • (Resp. P. Castoldi) [Lab PI, TN, UTD] • Activity 1.3 – Migration scenarios to intelligent flexible optical networks (Resp. F. Callegati) [Lab PI, BO, TN, UTD] • Activity 1.4 – Control plane and network emulation for optical packet switching networks (Resp. A. Fumagalli) [Lab PI, TN, UTD] • Activity 1.5 – Enabling technologies for optical switching networks • (Resp. G. Cancellieri) [Lab PI, BO, AN] 8% 1° year 2° year 15% 1° year 2° year 15% 1° year 2° year 15% 2° year 3° year 17% 1° year 2° year 3° year
WP1 breakdown (1) Previsione di impegno in mesi/uomo sul WP1 • DELIVERABLES • Short term (end of March 2003) • A1.1 Realistic traffic models for grid computing transactions • A1.2 Preliminary results on blocking probability, on the trade-offs bandwidth delay, on the performance of fractional restoration in optical networks. • A1.3 Early results on the specifications for an OPS network supporting grid computing • A1.4 Early results on architectures and control plane emulation in optical networks • A1.5 Early results on enabling technologies and control of all-optical switching devices. • May/June 2003 • Technical report on early project results with emphasis on the flow of information on the interface between areas
Details about activity 1.1 Activity 1.1 – Connections, topologies and network service models (Resp. R. Battiti) [Lab PI, TN, UTD] 8% 1° year 2° year MILESTONES and DELIVERABLES (1-18 months) • Traffic models to represent computer generated loads [technical report] • Resource Allocation Architecture (RAA) to map network logical topology requests from GRID to the optical network [technical report and software tool] • Virtual topology definition based on given traffic patterns [technical report and software tools]
Details about activity 1.2 Activity 1.2 – Grid computing on state-of-the-art optical networks (Resp. P. Castoldi) [Lab PI, TN, UTD] 15% 1° year 2° year MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES (after 1-12 months) • Static and dynamic routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) of optical connections [technical report and software tools] MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES (after 6-18 months) • Reliability schemes exploiting traffic granularity (GMPLS) for protection and restoration [technical report and laboratory testbed] • GMPLS based control plane for dynamic distributed resource allocation [technical report and laboratory testbed]
Details about activity 1.3 Activity 1.3 – Migration scenarios to intelligent flexible optical networks (Resp. F. Callegati) [Lab PI, BO, TN] 15% 1° year 2° year MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES [1-12 months] • Scaling issues of optical networks granularity from the flow, to the burst up to the packet [technical report] MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES [12-24 months] • Optical Packet Switching (OPS) for grid computing: packet formats, control plane, and OPS applicability limitations [technical report and design tool] • Fast bandwidth reservation scheme for both data transfers of various size and real-time packets [technical report and design tool]
Details about activity 1.4 Activity 1.4 – Control plane and network emulation for optical packet switching networks (Resp. A. Fumagalli) [Lab PI, UTD, TN] 15% 2° year 3° year MILESTONE AND DELIVERABLES [12-24 months] • Design, development, and debugging of general purpose event driven simulator for GRID related networking events [technical report and design tool] • Differentiated Reliability (DiR) for protection and restoration of the optical network [technical report and design tool] MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES [24-36 months] • GMPLS based control plane for generic optical packet switched network [technical report and laboratory testbed]
Details about activity 1.5 Activity 1.5 – Enabling technologies for optical packet switching networks (Resp. G. Cancellieri) [Lab PI, BO, AN] 17% 1° year 2° year 3° year MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES [1-12 months] • Preliminar results on self-routing and automatically switched optical nodes for grid computing based on Wavelength Routing Switches (WRS) [technical report] MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES [12-24 months] • Final results on self-routing and automatically switched optical nodes for grid computing based on Wavelength Routing Switches (WRS) [technical report] • Qualifying technologies for optical networks, such as Raman Amplifiers (RA) and Photonic Christal Fiber (PCF) [technical report] MILESTONE and DELIVERABLES [24-36 months] • Testbed based on automatically switched optical nodes and qualifying optical tecnologies [laboratory testbed]
Specifications on interaction among areas Area 4 WP10 WP11 WP12 WP13 WP14 WP7 WP8 WP9 Area 1 WP4 WP6 A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A1.5 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP5 Area 2 Area 3 A1.1, A1.2, A1.4