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TEKNA Oslo Plaza 16.10.09 PhD utdanningen Umodne arbeids- & kunnskapsmarked Bioteknologi Berit Johansen, professor og gründer Avexxin AS/NTNU. Berit Johansen, IBI mars 2006. OECDs definisjon av Bioteknologi:
TEKNA Oslo Plaza 16.10.09 PhD utdanningen Umodne arbeids- & kunnskapsmarked Bioteknologi Berit Johansen, professor og gründer Avexxin AS/NTNU Berit Johansen, IBI mars 2006
OECDs definisjon av Bioteknologi: "Anvendelse av naturvitenskap og teknologi på levende organismer og på deler, produkter og modeller av disse, slik at levende eller ikke-levende materiale endres for å frembringe kunnskap, varer og tjenester."
Bioteknologisk industri–en ung industri? Verdens første biotekfirma: Genentech (1976) San Fransisco, US, Swanson og Boyer. Biogen Inc (1978) Geneve, SCH, W. Gilbert (Nobelprisen i 1980)
Det Globale Biotek Racet –økonomisk betydelig? “Our biotechnology industry is the strongest in the world – and we need to keep it that way” President George W. Bush, Bio 2003 in Washington DC ”Public research across EU to the value of € 70 billion is unexploited” Former EU Director of Research Bruno Hansen, MVA BioConference 2002 US biotech turnover is expected to increase to an almost 20% GDP contribution in year 2010
Biotechnology Outlook European biotechnology industry younger and lags the US on several parameters USA (2001): Europe (2001): 1879 191,000 1457 No. biotech companies Employees Product Pipeline* VC investments Revenues R&D Expenses Net Loss Market Cap 87,200 300 319 22 bnUSD 5 bnUSD 1,2 bnUSD 12,1 bnUSD 13,9 bnUSD 225 bnUSD 45 bnUSD 6,6 bnUSD 6,1 bnUSD 1,3 bnUSD * No. of drug candidates in clinical development
Lord Sainsbury, UK minister of Science and Innovation, at BioTech Forum Science conf. oct.o4, Copenhagen: • doubling in government spending on science • from 1998-2005: £ 3 bn (2005) • at present largest biotech country in Europe • UK Biotech companies: 485 (2004) • Biotech employment: 26.000 • UK Biotech products in clinical testing: 40% of • EU drug candidates • UK Biotech secure more than 40% of European VC
Bostonwww.boston.com/www.massbio.org • 280 biotechnology companies • Biotech and drug companies employ more than 30,000 people
Cambridge and east of Englandwww.erbi.co.uk • 185 biotech companies • 20% of the world's Nobel Prize winners in medicine and chemistry
Bay Area, Northern Californiawww.bayareafirst.org • More than 600 bioscience companies and 820 life science companies • 24% of the $300 billion U.S. biotech market cap isin the Bay Area; 68% is in the state of California (2004 figures) • 30% of total U.S. venture capital funding went to companies located in the Bay Area (2004 figure) • Venture capital firms invested $797 million in local biopharmaceutical companies (2003 figure) • 5 world-renowned research universities
San Diegowww.milkeninstitute.com* • 21,000 employed in life science industry • 178 Life Science companies • UCSD 10 Nobel laureates • NIH awarded research funds 2003: 316 M USD • 12 Biotech Research Institutes * Data from analysis by Milken institute
Stockholm-Uppsalawww.uppsalabio.com/www.stockholmbioregion.comStockholm-Uppsalawww.uppsalabio.com/www.stockholmbioregion.com • 230 companies with 20,000 employees • 5 universities • 3,750 scientists and 6,160 PhD students • 8 Nobel Laureates within Medicine and Chemistry
Medicon Valleywww.mediconvalley.com/www.mva.org • Population 3 million • 14 universities - all part of the Öresund University • 150,000 university students • 5,000 life science researchers • 26 hospitals, of which 11 are university hospitals • 41,000 people employed in life science • More than 500 companies within the biotech, medtech and human life science fields - more than 200 companies work within R&D • A strong infrastructure within the health care sector • Excellence in some of the most commercially attractive disease areas • Copenhagen Airport - Scandinavia's main airport - has approx. 20 million national and international passengers annually
University ranking 2005From top 100 World University ranking. From: Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, • Region ranked by top University • Boston: Harvard:1, MIT:5, Boston:80, Tuffts:100 • Cambridge UK :2 • Bay Area: Stanford:3, Berkley:4, UCSF:18, Davis: 41 • New York: Columbia:7, NY U:29, Rockefeller:30, • Oxford:10 • San Diego: UCSD:13 • London: Imperial Coll:23, Univ Coll:26, Kings Coll:80 • Res. Triangle: Duke: 32, Chapel Hill:55 • Stockholm/Uppsala: Karolinska: 45, Uppsala:60, Stockholm:93 • Paris: U.Paris-06:46, U.Paris-11:61, ENSP:93 • Medicon Valley: Copenhagen:57, Lund:99 • BioValley; Basel:87, Freiburg:90, Strasbourg:92
Norwegian Biotech Industry Norwegian biotech industry sorted according to subsector. A total of 110 companies employ close to 5000 people and generate total revenue of NOK 12 billion (2004).
Norsk Biotek-industri fordelt etter universitets-tilhørighet (2005)
PhD–utdanning i Bioteknologi Hittil ved norske universiteter: • Teknologi- prosessbasert, f.eks fermentering • Molekylærbiologi-baserte
PhD–utdanning i Bioteknologi Utfordringer: • Behovet for forsker-arbeidskraft i bioteknologiindustrien er skiftet fra det teknologibaserte til det vitenskapsbaserte • Dagens “big pharma” har ikke lengre egne legemiddelkandidater, og er avhengige av biotekfirma for å fylle sine “pipelines” • En nisje skapes derved for vitenskapsbaserte bioteknologifirma
PhD–utdanning i Bioteknologi Morgendagens utdanning: • Vitenskapsbasert, høykvalitets forskning etter internasjonale suksesskriterier • Tverrfaglig (celle/molekylærbiologi, immunologi, biokjemi, FUGE, statistisk/datavitenskapelig kunnskapsoppdaging) • Bevissthet rundt patentering/kommersialiserings-mekanismer