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First Political Party System- The Adams Adm. 1797-1801

This text explores the first political party system in the United States during the Adams administration, detailing the differences between the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. It covers key events such as the election of 1796, the XYZ Affair, the Quasi-War with France, and the trouble within the Federalist Party. The Alien and Sedition Acts and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions are also discussed.

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First Political Party System- The Adams Adm. 1797-1801

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  1. First Political Party System- The Adams Adm. 1797-1801 By J.A.SACCO

  2. The First political Party System Federalists Democratic-Republicans Led by Jefferson/Madison Farmers/farm hands-dream of an agrarian nation South/West Strict construction of Constitution Power derived from the states Agrarian America-rich greedy Land/planters important Pro-French Gov’t should allow all to take part/aim is to protect liberty Based on Locke • Led by Washington/Hamilton • Bankers/merchants/church leaders • NE/business centers • Loose construction of constitution • Strong central government • Rich/educated lead nation • Business/trade, imports &tariffs • Pro- British • Gov’t aim to safeguard property/keep law and order • Based on Hobbes

  3. The Election of 1796 • Political parties would play a role in elections from this point on in American politics. Federalists Democratic-Republicans

  4. The Election of 1796 • Who wins the election? Why? Adams wins general election, but electoral vote needs to be cast. Hamilton dislikes Adams, has SC to withhold votes from Adams. This will give Pinckney election. New England hears of this and withholds from Pinckney. A mistake is made. Adams becomes President but Jefferson Vice-President.

  5. The Adams Adm. 1797-1801 Why was the Adams presidency a disaster from the start? • Adams favored strong government/people moving away from this • Federalist Part splitting- “High Federalists” led by Hamilton. Hamilton challenges Adams’ authority. • Tries to steal election • Passes a direct tax to pay for a standing army • Fill shoes of Washington • Foreign affairs to much of a challenge • V-P was a Democratic-Republican

  6. The XYZ AFFAIR Why did France view the United States as anti-French? • Federalists were pro-British • Jay Treaty • Violate Treaty of 1778 French begin to seize U.S. cargo bound for British ports. French Refuse to receive American ambassador. Treaty needed to prevent War with France.

  7. The XYZ AFFAIR Prevent war with France! John Marshall Elbridge Gerry Charles Pinckney

  8. The XYZ AFFAIR French demands alienate the U.S. • France demand that Adams apologize for anti-French remarks • French Foreign Minister Tallyrand send three low level diplomats to negotiate with the U.S. Names not given. • French demand $240,000 just to talk • Requested 12 million as a loan to France Ambassadors return to U.S.. Americans insulted. Becomes known as the “XYZ Affair”.

  9. The Quasi-War with France • Adams creates Navy Dept. • Fortify harbors • Build warships • Strengthen Army • Fight an unofficial war with France in the Caribbean

  10. Trouble in the Federalist Party High Federalists, led by Hamilton, use the XYZ Affair and anti-French feeling to weaken Democratic-Republican Party and end opposition. Adams is forced to pass after political pressure. Instead it hurts the Federalist Party • Federal property tax is passed as a means to finance the military. • Alien and Sedition Acts are passed.

  11. The Alien and Sedition Acts • Goal ? • Protect the nation from foreign influence. • Hurt Dem-Rep. by controlling immigration. • Naturalization Act-5-14 years. • Alien Act- President given power to imprison/deport aliens considered dangerous to American security. • Sedition Act- permit arrest of U.S. citizens who oppose or criticizes Pres./gov’t.

  12. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions • What would be your response to the Alien and Sedition Acts? Virginia Resolution- (Interposition)- Since states gave the power to the federal gov’t, which was an agreement of all the states (compact theory of union), the states can intervene between themselves and the federal government. Kentucky Resolution-(nullification)- since states created the federal, they can declare a federal law unconstitutional

  13. RaTE THE PRESIDENT John Adams

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