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Ashoka Innovators for the Public

Ashoka Innovators for the Public. World’s largest community of leading social entrepreneurs ( over 3000 ) across 72 countries Supports people not projects Sector and issue agnostic Builds an eco-system by connecting social and business sectors. -.

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Ashoka Innovators for the Public

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  1. Ashoka Innovators for the Public

  2. World’s largest community of leadingsocial entrepreneurs (over 3000) across 72 countries Supports people not projects Sector and issue agnostic Builds an eco-system by connecting social and business sectors -

  3. Social entrepreneurs are not content to just give a fish or to teach how to fish.They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry. Bill Drayton- Founder and CEO of Ashoka

  4. How do you know when you have revolutionized an industry? How do you know when a system is changed?


  6. CHANGING MARKET SYSTEMS:EXAMPLE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SYSTEMS WILL BE AMPLIFIED TO GIVE FARMERS THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY AND PRACTICES. Through Rikin Gandhi’s Digital Green, farmers have produced over 2400 videos viewed by over 120,000 farmers in India with 48% of farmers adopting the new practice.

  7. FULL INCLUSION AND EMPATHY:EXAMPLE NON-LITERATE PEOPLE CAN LEARN TO READ USING SAME LANGUAGE SUB-TITLES ON TV SHOWS. Brij Kothari sub-titlespopularIndian TV shows allowing viewers to connect the written and spoken languages, a method shown in research to be very effective in developing literacy.

  8. Other examples of Ashoka Fellows creating system change…. JerooBillimoria has created a national 24-hour emergency helpline -1098 that provides street children access to healthcare and police assistance. Subroto Das has revolutionized accident and emergency care in India by spurring models like 108 ambulance BindeshwarPathak, through SulabhInternational, is improving India‘s sanitation and transitioning dalits to safer, more dignified jobs.

  9. Scaling ideas & impact 61% of Fellows scale their impact through changing policy 57% are creating a Grassrootsmovements 46% are using open sourcestrategies Over 40% of Fellows plan to use a media campaign 39%willexpandthe size of their organization Only 7% of Fellows have used franchising

  10. How do you find this combination of a big idea in the hands of a right person before they have succeeded?

  11. SEARCH & SELECTION Geared to identify early stage entrepreneurs Board Approval 2nd Opinion First Opinion Panel Nomination 20% 80% 90% 83%

  12. And its effectiveness is proven….. Of our Fellows: • 93%of fellows are pursuing their original ideas after 10 years of election • 80% are seen as leaders in the field • 50% of Fellows have achieved change in national policy and/or industry within five years of election • 90%of their ideas are replicated by others in the field

  13. Fellowship for Life….. VALUE OF ASHOKA

  14. How? • Online and offline platforms : to connect with other social entrepreneurs nationally & globally • Peerlearning sessions : safe spaces to share learning's & insights • Problem Solving Sessions:bringing experts to solve specific challenges • Access Dinners :Strategic networking events • Globalizer : Accelerator Program • Strategic Partnerships : With media, companies, law firms, consulting companies & business entrepreneurs • Executive in Residence Programs: Senior executives on secondment to Fellows

  15. "Ashoka gave us lots of good friends, people like us, on a platter. It was my role to exploit that, and I have. With Fellows, theres no insecurity about the concept. Its not a typical donation, charity model. They are not money-minded. They are family” Anshu Gupta, Ashoka Fellow

  16. “For me, being a part of the Ashoka Fellowship was a soul searching exercise-focusing on my inner strengths and also my weaknesses.” HasinaKharbhih, Ashoka Fellow 2006

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