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Programming Fundamentals. Professor: Liz Stacey Email: lstacey@conestogac.on.ca Webpage: www.conestogac.on.ca/~lstacey Phone: 519 748-5220 ext 3253 Office: 1D17. Objectives. Resources Available Course Outline CPA 2 Standards. Professor’s Site. www.conestogac.on.ca/~lstacey.
Programming Fundamentals Professor: Liz Stacey Email: lstacey@conestogac.on.ca Webpage: www.conestogac.on.ca/~lstacey Phone: 519 748-5220 ext 3253 Office:1D17
Objectives • Resources Available • Course Outline • CPA2 Standards
Professor’s Site • www.conestogac.on.ca/~lstacey
Course.com Textbook Website
Pr: Fundamentals Overview Course Outline: Textbook: Diane Zak, Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition • An Introduction to Visual Basic 2008 • Creating a User interface • Variables, Constants, and Arithmetic Operators • Making a Decision in a Program • More on Selection Structure • The Do Loop and List Boxes • The For…Next Loop and String Manipulation • Sub and Function Procedures • Arrays • Structures and Sequential Access Files
Programming: Fundamentals PROG1780 Grading: A) Tests: 2 tests (60%) There will be 2 tests, the mid term (30%) and the final (30%). The dates of the tests will be determined as the course material is completed and will be announced on the course schedule. Tests must be written on the day and at the time assigned. The College policy on missed tests will be adhered to. The opportunity to write the test at an alternate time must be approved by the Chair of the program. If denied you will receive a mark of zero for that test. B) Assignments: (40%) There will be “in lab” exercises, individual assignments and group assignments where you will complete various programming problems. • In lab exercises: • Individual assignments: • Team assignment:
Academic Dishonesty Assignments are a learning experience. Always feel free to talk to fellow students, ask your professor for help, read the textbook, read other books and articles, and look up information on the Internet. Just don’t copy somebody else’s work! A copied assignment with cosmetic changes is still a copied assignment. If your professor detects that two (or more) assignments are copies, the College policy for Academic Dishonesty will be enforced. Penalty All assignments involved in a cheating incident are given a mark of 0%. The penalty is applied for both copying an assignment and allowing an assignment to be copied. Other sanctions may be applied through enforcement of the College's Academic Dishonesty policy. See “Academic Dishonesty” in the Student Procedures Guide for details. Academic dishonesty is taken very seriously in post-secondary education. At Conestoga College ITAL you must sign a form that is included in your permanent student record, the Dean and Registrar get involved for repeat offenses, and the list of penalties include suspension and expulsion.
Assignment Standards You are expected to both fulfill the academic requirements of an assignment and submit professional-quality work. An assignment in college is equivalent to a deliverable on the job. Don’t submit something to your professor that you would be embarrassed to submit to a supervisor or manager. • Haste makes waste - don’t leave your assignments to the last minute! • When you pick up items from the printer, make sure that nobody else’s output is mixed in with yours. • Check over each item to ensure that it complies with all applicable standards. • Cross-reference the assignment document and what you are about to hand in to make sure that everything required is there and in the correct sequence.
Cover Page Title Page Unless instructed otherwise, the first page of all assignments must be the Assignment Cover Page with all appropriate blanks filled in, followed by the Standards Marking Sheet and then your assignment.
Programming Standards Writing consistent, properly structured, readable, understandable, and well documented code is the hallmark of a professional. High quality code is easier to write, debug, test, and maintain. In industry, code will be seen and used by many people. About 80% of the time and expense in software development is for bug correction and enhancement during the maintenance phase.
Penalties Note: Weekends, college holidays, study week, and “snow days” are not teaching days. An assignment that is 5 or more teaching days late is worth 0% and will no longer be accepted by faculty.
Standards Policy Enforcement All students are responsible for learning and following the programming standards. For some assignments in this course, some standards will be relaxed. As we learn the standards you will b expected to use them.
A Typical Class • Read the chapter • Attend, listen and participate in the lecture • Do the assigned Lab work • Do the review questions • Do the assignment
If you do not understand…. • Ask • Ask • Ask • Extra help tutorial • Check out all instructors office hours • Use the Learning Commons • Hire a tutor - Student Services • Attend all classes - be on time • Catch up on missed classes – readings, lecture notes, labs, assignments, review questions • Read the assigned chapters before class (see the course schedule) • Academic dishonesty is not acceptable - submit only your own work or the work of your group • Have fun !!!