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SANG. “The Future of Senior Services: A Snapshot from Inside the Beltway” Williams S. Massey CEO Peninsula Agency on Aging August 10, 2011. Decisions. Huge decisions were made in the 1930s “New Deal” 1965-67 “Great Society” 1965 Medicare, Medicaid, OAA

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  1. SANG “The Future of Senior Services: A Snapshot from Inside the Beltway” Williams S. Massey CEO Peninsula Agency on Aging August 10, 2011

  2. Decisions • Huge decisions were made in the • 1930s “New Deal” • 1965-67 “Great Society” • 1965 Medicare, Medicaid, OAA • 2011 We are facing decisions of the same magnitude • Life Expectancy 1935 – 62 yrs 1965 – 69 yrs 2011 – 78 yrs

  3. Medicare and Medicaid Expected to Rise Rapidly, Other Programs (Except Social Security) to Shrink, As Share of GDP Spending and Revenues as a Share of GDP Source: CBPP projections based on CBO data.

  4. Economic Downturn and Legacy of Past Policies Drive Record Deficits in the Decade Ahead Source: CBPP analysis based on Congressional Budget Office estimates.

  5. Nearly Two-Thirds of Proposed Cuts in Ryan Plan Come From Low Income Programs Source: “The Path to Prosperity” FY2012 Budget Resolution

  6. What the RSC Budget DoesRepublican Study Committee • Eliminates 70% of non-defense discretionary funding — including older Americans’ Act programs — by 2021. Cuts these programs more than $3 trillion over 10 years, compared to the FY 2011 funding levels Congress approved in April. • Similar to Ryan budget in Medicare, except that its Medicare cuts are even deeper than Ryan’s. • Raises Social Security retirement age to 70. • Cuts Medicaid, SSI for the elderly and disabled poor, and food stamps in half. • Cuts Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) by over $2 trillion over 10 years.

  7. Deficit in 2021 Would Be Cut Nearly in Half Simply by Letting All of the Bush Tax Cuts Expire Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities based on data from the Congressional Budget Office.

  8. AOA Assistant Secretary Kathy Greenlee • Merger of Aging and Disability Services Challenge is how aging network will serve people with disabilities when they reach age 60 • Health Reform is mostly about The Medical Model • What does a community support services person do in a Medical Model World • Be Realistic • Value objectives of a Health Reform Medical Model

  9. Prevention • Prevention is the Bridge between the Medical Model and Community Services • “Prevention Across the Life Span” it is everyone’s issue regardless of age. • By 2020, 25% of Seniors will be people of color • CLASS Act • Staff has been hired but the solvency issue has not been adequately addressed • Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) • National • State • Local

  10. For more information N4a.org Training Events N4a Annual Conference and Trade Show 2011 Conference Presentations

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