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The LHC & Astroparticle Physics. James L. Pinfold University of Alberta. James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 0. The LHC Collider. The LHC Experiments. LHC ring ~26km in circ.
The LHC & Astroparticle Physics James L. Pinfold University of Alberta James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 0
The LHC Collider The LHC Experiments LHC ring ~26km in circ. 368 SC quads (B/L=223T/m L=3.1m) 1232 SC dipoles (B=8.33T, L=14.2m) Cryogenic system(1.8 K,super fluid He) 27 km of 8T magnets100 m below surface • SCHEDULE • March 2007: Last magnet installed & machine closed March 2007 • Nov. 2007: LHC commissioning run – 1st collisions at Eb =450 GeV) • 2008: First physics (starting in April) run 10 fb-1 L~ 1033 cm-2s-1 • 2009-10: Low luminosity run 20-70 fb-1 L ~10331034cm-2s-1 • 2011-17: High luminosity run at 100 fb-1/year L ~1034 cm-2s-1 James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 1
Ouch! • The pressure test of the inner triplet at 5-Left failed catastrophically at 20 bars, on Tuesday evening 27 March 2007. • “The cold mass moved about 20 cm toward the IP, and the M1 bellows, stretched and exploded with quite a loud bang. The shock wave propagated back and misaligned and possibly damaged other components.” • Repairs are being attempted in-situ • At present we haven’t received official news of a delay! James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 2
The LHC Experiments ATLAS • ATLAS & CMS Higgs physics, SUSY, EDs… QCD, Top Physics, Heavy-ions • LHCb CP Violation • ALICE Quark-Gluon Plasma • TOTEM Total pp x-section, forward physics • MoEDAL (LoI) Monopole search* • LHCF Forward physics, prod. x-sect measurement # ALICE CMS LHCb James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 3
The ATLAS Detector Mass –7000 tons Length – 46 m Diameter – 25m Cost ~ 500 MCHF X-sec thru the barrel reveals the typical onion structure of A collider detector Inner Tracker – pixel, silicon strip, TRT 2T solenoidal field, good e/g ID, e/p sep, t/b tag Coverage in |h| - tracker < 2.5, cal < 4.9 LAr EM Calorimeter -- good e/g ID, energy & ETmiss resolution Muon spectrometer – air core toroids B.dl = 2-6Tm (4-8 Tm) James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 4
SUPERCONDUCTING COIL Total weight : 12,500 t Overall diameter : 15 m Overall length : 21.6 m Magnetic field : 4 Tesla Silicon Microstrips Pixels The CMS Detector CALORIMETERS ECAL HCAL Scintillating PbWO4 crystals Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich IRON YOKE TRACKER MUON ENDCAPS MUON BARREL Drift Tube ResistivePlate Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Chambers ( ) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) DTChambers( ) RPC James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 5
Status: ATLAS & CMS Detectors • Surface infrastructure in place. • Both detectors on track for first data taking in 2007 • Mostly complete detectors deployed for start. ATLAS Detector Contruction WebCam February 16th 2007 CMS gantry crane tested to 2500T James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 6
LHC Collaborations - Does Size Matter? CMS • ALICE: 30 countries, ~1000 physicists • LHCb: 15 countries, ~600 physicists • LHCf: 3 countries, 3 countries, ~22 physicists • TOTEM Collaboration: 8 countries, 12 Institutions, ~80 physicists 35 nations, ~160 institutions, ~1800 scientists 38 nations, ~174 institutions, ~2030 scientists James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 7 James L. Pinfold IVECHRI 2006 6
Astro-Collider Physics– the Synergies Direct Detection of Cosmic Rays in Collider Detectors (CosmoLEPCosmoLHC – so far ACORDE) Forward Collider Physics Few particles with low pT but very high energy (90% of eventrelevant to the understanding of HECR, etc. High PT Collider Physics Involving ETmiss, jet production, lepton ID, etc Relevant to Dark Matter, Extra Dimensions, etc. Astroparticle Physics & Cosmology James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 8
Forward Coverage at the LHC • ATLAS+CMS experiments will cover the central rapidity region • TOTEM+ CMS will complement the coverage in the forward region • ALICE & LHCb have restricted eta coverage wrt to ATLAS & CMS CMS/TOTEM will be the largest acceptance detector ever built at a hadron collider CMS/ ATLAS +ZDC (ATLAS & CMS) James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 9
LHC Forward Physics & Cosmic Rays • Measurement of forward hadronic particle production at the LHC will play a key role in understanding HECR EAS • The NEEDS workshop (Karlsruhre 2002) listed the hadronic interaction data (pp/pA/ AA) required from collider measurements: • Precise measurement of stot& sinel. p-p x-sec • Energy distribution of leading FS nucleon • Measurement of sdiff/sinel • Inclusive p-spectra in the frag. region xF >0.1 • The phenomenological models describing non-perturbative QCD hadronic multi-particle production in HECR simulation,are: • Low/medium energy: GHEISHA, FLUKA, UrQMD, TARGET, HADRIN, etc • High energy: DPMJETII.5 &III, neXus 3.0, QGSjet 01, SIBYLL 2.1, etc • The models describe the Tevatron well - but LHC model predictions reveal large discrepancies in extrapolation ET (LHC) E(LHC) James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 10
LHC the Knee and the GZK Cutoff • Can hadron colliders can contribute to our understanding of the knee? Yes, if the knee is due to new physics: • Production of massive short lived (high spin) particles in PeV CR interactions (Petrukhin ) • A new threshold? EG: the Colour Sextet Quark Model (Alan White). • Both approaches predict multiple W/Z production (large leptonic component) • The Tevatron energy is just too low but the LHC could see a clear effect • Can the LHC contribute to our knowledge of events above the GZK cut-off (~1019eV)? • Yes, if UHECRs (LSP’s, n’s, g’s & p’s) result from the decay of a supermassive relic particle Mx • Studies of the cascade decays of sparticles at the LHC will be needed to model the inclusive spectra from Mx decay. Knee Ankle Mx≥ 1012 GeV Assume SUSY James L. Pinfold Aspen 2006 11
ATLAS, WMAP and Dark Matter Inclusive constraints on CDM candidates from ATLAS/CMS – in year one ATLAS constraints Direct Detection WMAP-results WIMP-N x-section (pb). jets+ETmiss+X channel in ATLAS M0 (GeV) M0 (GeV) Indirect detection M0 (GeV) The next direct DM searches (~1 ton) will probe cosmologically favoured regions (s~10-10 pb) not accessible to the LHC: 1) FP scenarios (large m0); 2) models with large tan(b). 5s reach of the inclusive SUSY searches at ATLAS for mSUGRA with large tanb probing regions inaccessible to the current DM expts James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 12
Black Holes – Exotic Evidence for LEDs When particles are close they feel the effect of the extra dimensions • Black Hole production at the LHC is possible in LED scenarios • When Ecm reaches the “Planck” scale, a BH is formed; x-section is given by the black disk: σ ~ πRS2~ 100 pb • BHs decay ( ~ 10-26s) by Hawking radiation: large multiplicity, small ETmiss, several jets/ leptons ATLAS MBH ~ 8 TeV • Gravity couples universally - new particles would be produced in BH decay democratically – BHs hadrons/ leptons/ /g,W,Z/Higgs ~ 75%/20%/3%/2% • BHs would be discovered by ATLAS/CMS with n=27 & MD≤ 6 TeV after one year at low luminosity • BHs would also be created deep in the atmosphere by UHE neutrinos - detect them (as horizontal air showers?) , e.g. in PAO, Ice3 or AGASSA OFO 100 BHs can be detected before the LHC turns on James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 13
From CosmoLEP to CosmoLHC ALEPH ATLAS/CMS could be used to measure CR events directly using unprecedented areas of precision m-tracking and calorimetry ~100m underground Physics motivation - underground CR muon physics. The only LEP result not consistent with the SM was the anomalous rate of high multiplicity muon bundle events observed by CosmoLEP (ALEPH) CR m-multiplicity in ALEPH’s TPC compared to CORSIKA simulations for p & Fe incident primaries. James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 14
1st ATLAS/CMS Data–Cosmic Rays! Cosmic muons observed byCMSat IP5 (recorded by hadron barrel calorimeter) Cosmic ray muons observed in the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 15
Total weight : 12,500 t Overall diameter : 15 m Overall length : 21.6 m Magnetic field : 4 Tesla CMS ATLAS Mass –7000 tons Length – 46 m Diameter – 25m Cost ~ 500 MCHF James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 8
LHC Forward Physics Program • Soft & Hard diffraction • Total cross section and elastic scattering (TOTEM, precision of O(1)%) • Gap survival dynamics, multi-gap events, odderon, etc. • Diffractive structure: Production of jets, W, J/, b, t, hard photons • Double Pomeron Exchange events as a gluon factory (anomalous W,Z production?) • Diffractive Higgs production, SUSY & other exotics & exclusive processes • Low-x Dynamics • Parton saturation, proton structure, multi-parton scattering… • New Forward Physics phenomena • New phenomena such as DCCs, incoherent pion emission, Centauro’s • Strong interest from cosmic rays community • Forward energy and particle flows/minimum bias event structure • LHC as a photon collider - two-photon interactions & peripheral collisions • Use QED processes to determine the luminosity to ~1% (ppppee/) • Forward physics in pA and AA collisions James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 11
The Triggering & Data Challenge Trigger system - Real time multi-level trigger to filter out background and reduce data volume 40 MHz (40 TB/s) Level 1 – special hardware processors 75 KHz (75 GB/s) Level 2 – embedded processors + PC farms 1-KHz (1-GB/s) Level 3 – PC farms 100 Hz (100 MB/s) Data recording and offline analysis Data recording rate for ATLAS ~0.1 GB/s ~1 PetaByte / LHCyear James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 6
LHC Operation in a Normal Year LHC OPERATION • 140-180 days of running per year • 100-120 days of p-p collisions per year • 4 x 106s of proton luminosity running per year. • Around 40 days of heavy-ion (30 days) and TOTEM running per year HEAVY ION PROGRAM (at present) • LHC Phase I: Collisions with Pb ions “baseline programme” • LHC Phase II: Collisions with lighter ions (A-A collisions –Cand’s: He, O, Ar, Kr, In) • LHC Upgrade Programme: so-called hybrid collisions (e.g. p-A collisions - Pb, Ar, 0) James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 4
Physics with CosmoLHC L3+C • Topics to study: • Single/inclusive m’s (pt spectrum >20 GeV 2 TeV, angular dist. 0 < q < 50o, charge ratio, etc.) • Upward going m’s (E spectrum, angular distribution, etc.) • Multi muons (composition measurements, etc.) • Muon bundles (evidence for new physics?) • Isoburst events seen in LVD, KGF (an hyp. is that they are due to the decay of WIMPS (M > 10 GeV) – better measured at the LHC.) • These measurements will yield data on: • Forward physics of hadronic showers • Primary composition of cosmic rays • Time variation (sidereal anisotropies, bursts, point sources, GRBs) • New physics (eg anomalous muon bundles)? A muon “bundle” event ALEPH CR m-multiplicity in ALEPH’s TPC compared to CORSIKA simulations for p & Fe incident primaries. James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 20
Conclusions The LHC detectors are on track for operation at LHC startup in 2007 Collider results have only revealed the orthodoxy of the Standard Model but cosmic ray physics hints of something new - centauros, strangelets,oh-my-God events,etc The only physics at LEP at variance with the Standard Model was the anomalous rate of high multiplicity muon bundles observed by the CosmoLEP expts There is a considerable and growing synergy between collider & astroparticle physics that we are ready to exploit to maximize the potential for gaining insights into the fundamental nature of the universe James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 21
The FP420 Project TOTEM / ATLAS RPs FP420 CMS/ATLAS • Extend the acceptance for leading proton tagging • Combine information from central detector and RP @ 220m • Exclusive central Higgs prod. pp p H p: 3-10fb • Inclusive central Higgs prod. pp p+X+H+Y+p: 50-200 fb • Reconstruction of the central mass: FP420: R&D fully funded • TDR to ATLAS/CMS by 1st -half of ‘07 then to the LHCC. Installation ~’08-’09? M = O(1.0 - 2.0) GeV James L. Pinfold Aspen 2007 14
Collider & Cosmics Energy Spectrum • Proton-(anti)Proton cross-sections – important for measuring extended air shower development (EAS), every primary particle produces an EAS Knee (~1015eV) I particle/ (m2 year) Ankle(~1018 eV 1 particle/ (km2 century) James L. Pinfold Aspen 2006 12
CMS Coverage in Forward Direction ZDC CASTOR 5.25<<6.5 Tungsten/quartz plates 1 TeV n shower in ZDC Tungsten/quartz fibres CASTOR Calorimeter ZDC Calorimeter (at 140 m) Common runs planned with TOTEM: Roman Pots and T1/T2 James L. Pinfold TAHOE 2007 13
ATLAS Coverage in Forward Direction Breaking news: LUCID and the ZDC recently approved for installation in 2007 ZDC Proposed James L. Pinfold TAHOE 2007 12
Diffraction & Forward Physics at LHC TOTEM: Approved July ‘04 • TOTEM stand alone • Elastic scattering, total pp cross section and soft diffraction. CMS: • EOI submitted in Jan. 2004 • Diffraction with TOTEM Roman Pots and/or rapidity gaps • TP in preparation for new forward detectors (CASTOR, ZDC,+…) • Diffractive and low-x physics part of CMS physics program (low + high ) CMS+TOTEM: • Prepared common LOI due in Summer 2006 • Full diffractive program with central activity with TOTEM as a CMS subdetector ATLAS: • LOI submitted (March 04). • RP detectors to measure elastic scattering/ total cross sections/luminosity. Diffraction will be looked at later • LUCID and the ATLAS ZDC approved for installation in 2007 LHCf: Approved by LHCC in 2006 FP420: Collaboration for R&D and feasibility study for detectors at 420 m James L. Pinfold TAHOE 2007 10
LOW X AT THE LHC LHC: due to the high energy can reach small values of Bjorken-x in structure of the proton F(x,Q2) Processes: Drell-Yan Prompt photon production Jet production W production If rapidities below 5 and masses below 10 GeV can be Covered--> x down to 10-6-10-7 Possible with T2 upgrade in TOTEM (calorimeter, tracker) 5<< 6.7 ! Proton structure at low-x !! Parton saturation effects?
The p-p Total Cross-section • The ATLAS approach is to measure elastic scattering down to such small t-values that the cross section becomes sensitive to the EM amp. via the Coulomb interference term. • In this case an additional valuable constraint is available from the well-known EM amplitude, as can be seen from: that describes elastic scattering at small t • sT, L and the slope parameter b can be determined by a fit to the above expression • At 7 TeV the strong amplitude is equal to the EM amplitude for |t| = 0.00065 GeV2. This corresponds to a scattering angle of 3.5 µrad – thus we need special beam optics • LHC measurement of sTOT expected to be at the 1% level – useful in the extrapolation up to HECR energies 10% difference in measurements of Tevatron Expts: (log s) James L. Pinfold IVECHRI 2006 14
The Experimental Challenge • High interaction rate • pp interaction rate 109 interactions/s • Only ~100 events chosen out of 40 MHz event rate • Level-1 trigger decision will take 2-3 ms Electronics needs to store data locally (pipelining) • Large particle multiplicity • <23> superposed events in each crossing • ~100 tracks stream into the detector each 25 ns Need highly granular detectors with good time resolution for low occupancy • Very good muon ID and momentum measurement trigger efficiently and measure the sign of a few TeV muons • Good energy resolution in the EM calorimetry (eg for Hgg) ~0.5% @ ET~50 GeV • Precise inner tracking for good mom. resolution & vertexing (b-decays ~10 better momentum resolution than at LEP • Hermetic calorimeter Good ETmiss resolution • High Radiation levels (10MRads/yr & 1014 n’s/cm2/yr in the Forward reg) Need radiation hard detectors and electronics James L. Pinfold TAHOE 2007 7
ATLAS Coverage in Forward Direction ) ZDC FP420 Inst-TAS Inst-TAS
CMS Coverage in Forward Direction CASTOR 1 TeV shower in CASTOR ZDC
LHCb & ALICE Coverage in Forward Direction ALICE: || < 0.9: charged & neutral E,p measurement and ID 2.4 < < 4: muon measurement -5.4< < 3: charged multiplicity 2.3 < < 3.5: photon multiplicity Zero Degree Calorimeters at ~ 100 m LHCb: 1.9 < < 4.9: charged & neutral E, p measure & ID to ~ 200 GeV James Pinfold ATLAS Physics tutorial June 2003 16
ZDC Tungsten/ quartz fibres