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Pain..Purpose..Progress. V R Ferose Corporate Executive, Autism Evangelist. “People spend their entire lifetime searching for their purpose; you are lucky – the purpose found you “. With passion & compassion we can change the world!. SAP Autism at Work – The Journey. July 2011
Pain..Purpose..Progress.. V R Ferose Corporate Executive, Autism Evangelist
“People spend their entire lifetime searching for their purpose; you are lucky – the purpose found you “
SAP Autism at Work – The Journey July 2011 Project Prayaas launched Feb 2011 First Autism Workshop at Flexi Room in SAP May 2013 SAP makes announcement at SAPPHIRE Oct 2012 Forbes carries the Autism story Jan 2012 SAP Labs India hires 3 people with Autism End of 2018 130+ people with autism hired in 20 different positions and 10 countries April 2015 SAP invited to speak at United Nations
“I will change Vivaan for the world, while you change the world for Vivaan”
Celebrating the human spirit Collection of tales of unsung heroes, who are special in their own, unique way !
“The Gold Standard of Neurodiversity” HBS, attributed to Rob Austin From inception, Specialisterne USA relies on employees’ talents, not diagnoses, to attract clients. Our goal is to enable 100,000 jobs for neurodiverse people in the United States by 2025. Started the #AutismAdvantage and Autism at Work movements worldwide. SPECIALISTERNE HISTORY
THE COMPETENCE MODEL CONSISTS OF: Motivation (career ambition) Workability (readiness to thrive in a work place) Professional skills (skills needed for the job at hand) Specialist skills (skills that often comes with autism) Shared skills (skills shared with others, such as team work, project management) RESULTING IN Over 90% retention Better Management & more productive teams Employee Engagement Increases SPECIALISTERNE METHODOLOGY
SAMPLE ENGAGEMENT Planning Days: Facilitated review of current HR/TA/team practices over two days. Neurodiversity training and raising awareness about autism within organization Assessment: Facilitate 2-4 Week Assessment period for candidates; Elaboration of the Business Profile for each candidate and delivery to Procter & Gamble. Recruiting: Sourcing of utilizing Specialisterne’s database, network, and social media; Provide skills training for recruitment team. Pre Planning; Employment Support; liaise with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR); Community Agency appointed; Facilitation of Pre Planning call. Information Workshop: Facilitate 5-hour Workshop; Create profiles for all candidates; Review with hiring managers/ HR/ TA. Onboarding: Candidates chosen at end of assessment. Community Agency provides job coaching for 90 days. (FREE to all candidates with open VR cases) Onboarding: Process as per the Planning Days discovery. Planning Days: Active participation over two days of facilitated reviews and neurodiversity training; Work with Specialisterne to create new job descriptions and develop Corporate Week project (2 hours per manager). Pre Planning; Pre Planning call: Choose Pilot location, hiring managers, roles, and teams. Recruiting: Promote Neurodiversity at Work program through typical sources; Work with Specialisterne to evaluate the pool of up to 20 candidates for Workshop(s); Secure facility and laptops for Workshop (and 2-4 week assessment). Information Workshop: Open/close Information Workshop; Listen to reviews on best potential fits; Agree and approve candidates to move forward to Assessment. Assessment: Manager participation for approximately 2h/week and time during corporate week as agreed during Planning Days.
Coolabilities ’Coolabilities’ are the enhanced abilities and strengths that co-occur withdisabling conditions.
Vision Reframe Disabilities as a Resource • Individuals labeled as disabled are defined by what they cannot do • ‘coolabled’ people are defined by what they can do New Economic Opportunity • Coolabilities can be useful in any context that aims to increase the value of people - with a impact on the labor market and a direct economical impact • E.g. Penalties paid for non compliance of hiring people with disabilities in Latin America( Brazil, Chile, Columbia)
CODIC • Coolabilities - Disabilities • Correlation Database • (maps disabilities, coolabilities and potential careers )
Coolabities.ai • coolabilities.ai is a new community and ecosystem for innovating jobs for people with disabilities and “coolabilities”, typical strengths that co-occur with disabilities; • The project is completely crowd-sourced leveraging on Artificial Intelligence and power of the Internet. This makes it possible to introduce a vast untapped pool of special talent to the labor market. • Governments will be interested in offering support to corporations to join coolabilities.ai as a constructive alternative to penalties, replacing legal battles with collaboration for nurturing talent A new talent and job market for people with disabilities
Goals for Coolabilities.ai Main objective: A people-centered economy; innovation for jobs, disrupting unemployment; Coolabilities.ai long-term goals: • A digital talent economy for people with disabilities/coolabilities; • An entrepreneurial ecosystem for jobs-innovation. • Align government and industry, replace conflict with collaboration Coolabilities.ai short-term goals: • Repurpose negative incentives (like fines) for company-government collaboration • Build consortia of companies for coolabilities • Create ecosystems of different stakeholders, co-creating a digital labor market • A community of software developers (50% with disabilities) for a coolabilities-‘GitHub’ From Task-centric To People-centric Opportunities “We need people to do valuable things” vs. “We need things that make people valuable”
Coolabilities @ Software Ecosystem SAP real life example, software developer ecosystem 1. SAP needs 500 engineers with ASD 2. Incentive for entrepreneurs to satisfy demand 3. Ecosystem creates tech + business solutions
Behind the movement i4j Innovation for Jobs (IIIJ Foundation, 501c3) works to advance a people centered economy through innovation for jobs, disrupting unemployment; • I4j co-founders and chairs: Vint Cerf, co-inventor of the Internet, and David Nordfors; • Coolabilities team with IDB group Co-Chair: David Nordfors & V R Ferose Technical Leads: Ganapathy Subramaniam, Sudipto Dasgupta Research: ChallyGrundwag Project Management: BehrangZandi