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Session 2: Understanding the Importance of being Strategic, and the need to develop an Export Marketing Plan (EMP). RECAP. The Findings identified the following common challenges. Strategic Planning Marketing Capacity Market Knowledge Product Suitability for Market
Session 2:Understanding the Importance of being Strategic, and the need to develop an Export Marketing Plan(EMP)
RECAP The Findings identified the following common challenges Strategic Planning Marketing Capacity Market Knowledge Product Suitability for Market Costing and Pricing ‘Issues’
RECAP Being a successful Exporter means focusing on all the 7p’s of marketing: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Profit, People and Planet Being a successful Exporter means making strategic choices in each of those areas
RECAP What Strategic Choices? What Products What Style What Production What Markets What Segments What Channels What Price(s) What Promotions An action plan : What, How, Who, When A budget Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | May 27, 2010
The Strategic Choices need to be made through a number of Processes Being a successful Exporter means making strategic choices Being a successful exporter means going through a number of processes to inform the strategic decisions, and implement the action plan Developing an Export Marketing Plan is a Process
WHY DO AN EMP? Running a successful, creative, design, manufacturing or trading business from South Africa can be fun, rewarding, and profitable,……. but also challenging and complicated! Whether it concerns your infra-structure, raw material costs and availability, product design and quality assurance, your stakeholders, your production techniques/capacities, your human resource management, your marketing strategy, your promotional tools, your financial capacity, the list goes on….. there is a lot to work through, prioritise and get ‘right’! Trying to secure, or grow your domestic market as well as enter or expand into an export market can seem like a daunting task. Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | October 2012
Guiding your Strategic Choices Developing an Export Marketing Plan in a step-by-step manner will help you to manage this process, enabling you to make an on-going series of strategic choices. Making strategic choices and creating clear focus and direction will undoubtedly lead to increased chances of successful market entry. Because we live in a constantly and rapidly changing world, with changes in economic climate, legislation, consumer trends, approaches to product purchasing and distribution, not to mention the ever increasing competition internationally and the technical and digital advances; making strategic choices in a focused and informed way are more necessary than ever before. Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | May 27, 2010
What, How, When??? Developing and creating your EMP using this focussed, strategic and incremental approach, will enable you to make strategic and informed choices about: what products? what markets? what segments? what channels? what price(s)? what promotions? …and then to formulate an action plan, including a budget of; What, How, Who, Costs and When you are going to do it! Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | May 27, 2010
The 5 Step Plan: STEP 1: The Business Review/Internal Analysis STEP 2: Market Review/External Analysis Step 3: Confirming Marketing Mix: Product: Market Combinations Step 4: Confirming Sales and Marketing Strategy STEP 5: Budgeting, Sales Forecasting and Action Planning Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries | May 27, 2010
STEP 1: The Business Review/Internal Analysis 1.1: Defining your Mission 1.2: Defining Your Style 1.3: Defining the components of your Brand 1.4: Assessing your Current Business Position 1.5: Assessing Your ‘Sustainability’ 1.6: Identifying Your Strengths and Weaknesses from your Internal Analysis Today Workshop 2: Addressing Group Challenges identified: Costing and Pricing
STEP 2: Market Review/External Analysis 2.1: Considering Trade Structure: Distribution Channels and Segmentation 2.2: Researching and Analysing your current customer profile 2.3: Reviewing ‘Styles’ of different markets/countries and their suitability for your products 2.4: Researching and Identifying relevant Design Trends in the existing and potential Market to inform your product development/identify where opportunities exist 2.5 Assessing Promotional Opportunities for your business Today
STEP 2: Market Review/External Analysis Cont. 2.6: Researching the current Business environment and growth opportunities in different EU countries to identify appropriate target markets/countries 2.7: Researching Market Access Requirements (legislative/Non- legislative) in target markets to ensure that requirements can be met 2.8: Assessing your competition to ensure that you have a competitive advantage 2.9: Identifying Your Opportunities and Threats from your External Analysis Workshop 3
Step 3: Confirming Marketing Mix: Product Market Combinations PMC’s 3.1: Summarising the results of the Business Review (Internal Analysis) and Market Review (External Analysis) (Steps 1 and 2) 3.2: Making Conclusions from your SWOT and reviewing your Action Plan 3.3: Defining your Product/Markets Combinations 3.4: Developing Product Development Strategy for target markets (Defining Range Structure/Product Review) 3.5: Reviewing Sustainability Plan Workshop 4
Step 4: Confirming Sales and Marketing Strategy 4.1: Defining target Markets and Segments 4.2: Summarising planned Distribution strategy 4.3: Summarising your Branding strategy 4.4: Summarising your Product Development Strategy 4.5: Developing Sustainable Design strategy 4.6: Confirming your Pricing Strategy 4.7: Confirming your Promotional Strategy
STEP 5: Budgeting, Sales Forecasting and Action Planning 5.1: Defining overall export objectives for 1-3 years 5.2: Forecasting sales 5.3: Updating Action plans in relation to Business Review and Market Review/SWOT 5.4: Creating Product Development Plan for planned Promotions 5.5: Defining Budgets 5.6: Agreeing Management Responsibility for above 5.7: Creating Critical Path for Planned Promotions (timeline/action/budget/responsibility) Expro and beyond--- trade fair preparation
‘MY’ EMP LOG BOOK The purpose of CBI’s custom made log- book is to provide you with a creative and flexible format to compile your notes, plans, sketches, visuals, references, brilliant ideas and hand-outs from the various workshops, surgery sessions and activities which we will be working on during the CBI Export Coaching and Dovetail Programmes (ECP and DT) It aims to provide a structure for completing the activities recommended, taking an incremental approach to building your Export Marketing Plan (EMP) This will serve to create a permanent record of the strategic process which we will be working on, which can be continued to be referred to, and built upon during the on-going stages of the ECP
HOW TO USE THE LOG BOOK: The log book is designed to guide you through the steps of the EMP providing helpful questions, insights and prompts which are printed on the tabbed inserts representing each of the EMP steps/stages. Responses/related notes/visuals/’workings’ can be recorded on the plain and or lined paper provided under each corresponding step. Related hand-outs/reference materials/inspirational visuals can also be filed in the folders provided or stuck onto the plain pages. Text or image documents created digitally can also be inserted into each relevant section.
Cont. Your EMP will be discussed/reviewed with the consultants during the surgery sessions and or by e-guidance and finalised during the EXPRO ‘Exposure to Market’ Training in September in The Hague. A digital written summary of the EMP (with each of the Steps of the strategic process completed) will need to be submitted to CBI at the end of EXPRO
Finally… The EMP process and the Workbook tool are designed to create STRATEGIC FOCUS Answer to successful Exporting…. ‘Niche, focus, and excellence in areas of competitive advantage’ Guy Harris (CEO – South African Institute for Entrepreneurship)