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Hello Donnia Trent, Moderator/Instructor IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL
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Egypt People of Ancient Egypt
Topics for this Discussion • Why was ancient Egypt called “the gift of the Nile”? • How was ancient Egypt ruled? • Why did ancient Egyptians build pyramids and tombs?
Historical Overview -Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of one of the World’s greatest civilizations. It was far more advanced than European tribes of the same time period, who were still in the Stone Age. -Located in the northeast corner of Africa, Egypt grew to be an important civilization for over three hundred years because of the Nile River. -Egypt was originally divided into two kingdoms: Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
1. Why Was Ancient Egypt called “the Gift of the Nile”? • Egypt • Hot, dry, land in Africa • It gets little rain • The Nile Rile flows throw Egypt • More than 7000 years ago, people of Africa learned to use water from the Nile River to grow food • This developed the civilization of Ancient Egypt
Why Was Ancient Egypt called “the Gift of the Nile”? • So…Egypt called “the gift of the Nile” because the Nile River prevented Egypt from being a hugh desert • Without the Nile River • No crops • Civilization of ancient Egypt would not have survived for thousand of years
The Nile River Facts About the Nile River • Longest river in world • More than 4,150 miles long • Flows through Egypt • Flooded land every summer Nile River
Capitalizing on the Nile River • Floods keft fertile soil near river banks • Soil near river banks good for growing crops • About 5,000 years ago, farmers devised a method to use the water from the Nile River to irrigate corps • As a result, villages formed away from river banks
2. How was Ancient Egypt Ruled? • More villages, around 3,100 B.C., a king began to rule villages in Egypt • Those kings/rulers were called Pharaohs • Pharaohs made laws • All farmers had to give some of their foods or corps to the pharaohs
Pharaohs • Pharaoh was believed by the Egyptians to be the supreme ruler chosen by the gods to lead his people. • Usually men • They believed that when a man became a pharaoh, he also became a god. • To keep the bloodline of the gods pure, pharaohs often married their sisters, mothers, and cousins.
Pharaohs - Continued Hatshepsut • A great female pharaoh • She helped Egypt become very rich • She sent ships with items to trade to other countries • Many large buildings were built under her ruling
King Tut • Tutankhamen, or King Tut, for short was called “The Boy King”. • He became pharaoh when he was nine years old. During the year 1350 B.C. • He lived in a beautiful palace in the city of Thebes. He had servants who did everything for him. They believed him to be a god. • A typical day for him began in the audience chamber of his palace, where he sat on a throne of gold, silver, and jewels, and wore a heavy gold headpiece shaped like a flame. Ambassadors from foreign countries came to bow before him and bring him riches. Egyptians came to him to settle their disputes. He led his people in a three-hour a day worship ceremony. He had a formal dinner in the evening, then visited with his wife, Ankheshamen, who was two years younger than he. • King Tut died when he was only nineteen years old. No one really knows if he died from an accident, illness, or his enemies. His burial chamber was found by Britain's Howard Carter in 1922. The treasures of King Tut’s tomb can be seen today in Cairo, Egypt.
Living Arrangements • Few trees • Used mud bricks • Egyptians had strong metal tools to cut stone, so stone blocks were used in Egyptian homes
King Tut • King Tut made such an impression on history that many stories and songs have been written about him. • Comedian Steve Martin, in 1979, recorded a song by the name of King Tut. • Let’s listen to it. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP7AJiQM2RI
3. Why did Ancient Egyptians Build Pyramids and Tombs? • Lg. stone buildings called pyramids in the desert – today there’s are over 35 major pyramids • Built for paraohs • Inside the pyramids were TOMBS for the dead
Why did Ancient Egyptians Build Pyramids and Tombs? • Believed that people lived again after death • Believed the dead needed a good place to spend their next live • Place the body of dead inside tomb • Food, water, & clothing was left for dead to use in next life • Painted pictures on walls of tombs so the dead will have friends in next life
Achievements • Pyramids • There were about 80 along the banks of the Nile River. • The largest is the Great Pyramid, built by King Khufu in about 2600 B.C. • It stands about 481 feet high and covers 13 acres. • The pyramids functioned as huge burial tombs for the Egyptians’ dead pharaohs and queens. • Ship-building • They used the Nile River like a highway to transport people and goods to foreign lands. • The first ships were made out of bundles of papyrus reeds tied together to make a canoe-like vessel. • As the ship trade flourished, the hulls of the ships were made of cedar, and oars and sails were added for greater speed. • Hieroglyphics • These were pictures and symbols that served as one of the first written languages in the world. • Calendar • Calendars were developed in 4241 B.C. with 365 days in a year. • It was based on the flooding of the Nile River. • New Years was on June 1, not January 1!
Daily Life of Workers • The poor worked long hours for goods that they could exchange in the marketplace for the products they needed. • Agriculture was a major trade and many workers were farmers. • Boys learned a trade from their fathers, and girls were taught to care for the home and family by their mothers. • Women and girls wore straight, sheath-like dresses of rough, unbleached linen. • Men and boys wore short cloth kilts. • Their homes were usually one-story made out of sun-dried brick. There would be a basement and four rooms. They had little furniture. Stairs led to the flat rooftop so that the family could enjoy the cool night air after the sun went down.
Daily life of the Wealthy • Men were busy all day as merchants, trading along the Nile River. Others supervised the daily workings of gigantic farms. • Many of the wealthiest and most powerful men in Egypt were priests. • Boys were taught to read and write. • Women could own land, run businesses, testify in court, and bring charges against men. • Women oversaw the running of the households and gave the servants instructions for daily menus and child care. • Children were allowed much playtime. Girls practiced singing and dancing. Boys wrestled and played army. • Women and girls wore straight dresses of beautiful lined and a lot of jewelry. At parties, they wore cones of incense on their heads that melted slowly giving off a pleasant smell. • Men and boys wore linen kilts • Both men and women wore eye make-up made from black ashes. • Their homes were brick and wood containing many rooms, as well as walled garden and a shrine for a favorite god.
Life after Death • The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife of beauty, peace, and contentment. • Since most of their lives were filled with hard work, they looked forward to death as a release from this lifetime. • They believed their souls would need to use their bodies again, so the Egyptians invented a process to embalm their bodies called mummification. • Wealthy could afford better mummification than the poor
Steps in Mummification • After the body was washed and covered with scented oils, the liver and kidneys were removed and placed in jars that would be put in the coffin later. • The brains were removed carefully, but the heart was left in the body because they believed it was the mind and it would be needed immediately in the next life. • Then the body was wrapped in either linen or rough cotton strips and a sticky tar-like mixture was poured over the cloth strips forming a protective outer covering for the body. • When the mixture hardened, the mummy was placed in a wooden coffin, which was carved and painted to resemble a person. • Then the mummy was laid in its tomb, along with many objects the Egyptians thought it would need for daily use in the next lifetime, such as tools, jewelry, furniture, religious statues, and food.
Painting and Sculpture • Egyptians reached a highly advanced level of sculpture. Beautiful figures sculpted from wood, ivory, bronze, gold, and turquoise have been found in tombs. • One of the most famous sculptures in the world is the head of Queen Nefertiti. • Another famous work of art is the Great Sphinx, a huge statue of a man’s head on a lion’s body, which guards the pyramids near Giza.
Questions to Review • Egypt is located in which continent? • What is the famous river in Egypt? • What were the name of the three period of times into which Egypt was divided? • What happened to Egypt when Pharaoh wouldn’t obey God’s command? • Name the four most remembered accomplishments from the Egyptians. • Discuss at least three likenesses and differences between the workers and the wealthy. • Briefly name the steps of mummification. You may list them. • Name two famous works of art by the Egyptians. • How old was King Tut when he became Pharaoh? • Who discovered his tomb and where is it located?
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